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7 hours ago, Sprivel said:

Giganti su onog mrgu mogli uzeti i sa 15 pozicije lol


tako je izgledalo po mock draftovima. Mada ja sam gledao neki FOX special, gde je bio Glazer koji obično ima jako dobre informacije. I on je pre nego što su Giantsi izabrali Thomasa, pričao da je od večine timova sa kojima je pričao, saznao da im je baš Thomas highest rated tackle na ovom draftu.


6 hours ago, Ikac said:

Koliko sreće je imao Dalas, pao im CeeDee Lamb pravo u krilo.


I ja mislim. Šta li su ovi moji razmišljali. Ono, siguran sam da če Gruden icrtati par akcija gde če Ruggs-ova brzina doči do izražaja i da če malo otvoriti čiav napad. Ali to možeš da uradiš i sa bilokim drugim što trči 4.35, nemora se trošiti 13. pick. Ja mislim da je Lamb-ov skillset vredniji, jer je sposoban da pobjeđuje 1 na 1, lovi teške lopte, može da se izbori za catch i kad je dobro pokrit. Odličan u RZ. Ono, pravi go to receiver kakav nam je trebao. Jbg, sad je kasno.


Arnette na 19 je dosta iznenađujuč pick. Čini se da ima talenta, ali undersized corner što trči 4.56 u diviziji gde moraš ustaviti Tyreek Hilla. Yikes.





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Arizona je fascinantna država, ako bi se mogli preskočiti periodi od juna do septembra kada se tope šahtovi

7 hours ago, Charlie Foxtrot said:

I njima je OL baš velika potreba ( ispravi me ako grešim ), ali su svejedno uzeli Simonsa kad su već mogli... :smiley26:


Jebeš GM koji draftuje poziciju a ne BPA. 


Nama je ustvari jedini "problem" RT, prošle godine Justin Murray je bio okej, i to je bilo to. Centar će nam sledeće sezone pretpostavljam biti problem jer će igrati Cole koji se skupio rookie sezonu pod Rosenom pa presjedio prošlu sezonu na klupi. Ukoliko Murray može da odradi isti posao ponovo, moći će proći. Zaista se pokazalo da pod Kliffom i guardovi i tacklovi izgledaju dosta bolje nego što su nekada ranije u karijeri izgledali, i na sve to prošle godine doveli Seana Kuglera, jednog od najboljih OL trenera (kako kažu). 


Uglavnom, ne vrišti nam OL koliko mediji pričaju

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2 hours ago, larry said:

Arizona je fascinantna država, ako bi se mogli preskočiti periodi od juna do septembra kada se tope šahtovi


Nama je ustvari jedini "problem" RT, prošle godine Justin Murray je bio okej, i to je bilo to. Centar će nam sledeće sezone pretpostavljam biti problem jer će igrati Cole koji se skupio rookie sezonu pod Rosenom pa presjedio prošlu sezonu na klupi. Ukoliko Murray može da odradi isti posao ponovo, moći će proći. Zaista se pokazalo da pod Kliffom i guardovi i tacklovi izgledaju dosta bolje nego što su nekada ranije u karijeri izgledali, i na sve to prošle godine doveli Seana Kuglera, jednog od najboljih OL trenera (kako kažu). 


Uglavnom, ne vrišti nam OL koliko mediji pričaju


Gardovi su dobri u principu (Pugh i Sweezy), centar šta znam, mislim da to može i Garcia da igra ako zagusti.


A na RT je ponovo potpisao Marcus Gilbert za kojeg ste trejdovali prošle godine, ali se povredio.


Na kraju krajeva ima Arizona pik treće runde pa ćemo videti večeras, ja mislim da će uzeti OL.

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9 hours ago, Charlie Foxtrot said:

Vidim Arizoni i odličan Tackle pao u treću rundu. 

Čitam da su ga neki mockovali u prvu rundu prije drafta, s toga je valjda win situacija. Ima neki stat da od 325 pass snapa ima 2 dozvoljena pressurea, i 0 sackova, doduše među lošom konkurencijom.


21 hours ago, Ikac said:


Gardovi su dobri u principu (Pugh i Sweezy), centar šta znam, mislim da to može i Garcia da igra ako zagusti.


A na RT je ponovo potpisao Marcus Gilbert za kojeg ste trejdovali prošle godine, ali se povredio.


Na kraju krajeva ima Arizona pik treće runde pa ćemo videti večeras, ja mislim da će uzeti OL.

Kladiti se na zdravlje Gilberta, Sweezya i Pugha je loš stvar, s toga nam fali depth, ali kvalitet je tu.

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Joe Staley odlazi u penziju i legendu. Šteta samo što nije osvojio nijedan Super Bowl za vreme provedeno sa Ninersima. 




Joe Staley Announces Retirement


The San Francisco 49ers announced on Saturday that T Joe Staley, a three-time All-Pro and six-time Pro Bowl selection, has retired from the National Football League.

"For the last 13 years, Joe Staley conducted himself in a manner that epitomizes the 49ers way and set a tremendous example for his teammates and our community," said 49ers CEO Jed York. "A consummate professional, one of the best players in the game and a great human being, Joe has left an indelible mark on this franchise and everyone he has come into contact with throughout his career. His passion, sense of humor and heart are just a few of the many traits that allowed him not only to be a team leader but also an ambassador for our game and the Bay Area.


"One of the most respected and well-liked players in the NFL, Joe was integral to the success our organization has experienced over the last decade. I know Joe wrestled for some time with this decision because of his love for the 49ers and the game of football. As he walks away, my hope is that he does so knowing how greatly appreciated he is by the 49ers organization, my family, and our Faithful fans.


"Forever a member of the 49ers family, Joe holds a special place in our hearts and will go down as one of the true greats in the storied history of our franchise. I look forward to supporting him, his wife, Carrie, and his daughters, Grace and Audrey, as they embark on the next chapter of life."

Staley (6-5, 315) was originally selected in the first round (28th overall) of the 2007 NFL Draft by San Francisco. Throughout his 13-year career, he started all 181 regular season games in which he appeared, as well as all 11 postseason contests, including two Super Bowls. Recently named to the 2011-2019 Pro Football Hall of Fame All Decade Team, Staley earned All-Pro honors in 2011, 2012 and 2013, in addition to being selected to six Pro Bowls (2012-2016 & 2018). Last season, he started seven regular season games and three postseason contests at left tackle.


Staley finished his career ranked fifth in franchise history for the most games played by an offensive lineman (181), trailing only T Len Rohde (208), T Keith Fahnhorst (193), G/C Randy Cross (185) and C/G Jesse Sapolu (182). A member of San Francisco's 10-Year Club, which recognizes 49ers players whose tenures reached the 10-year mark, Staley was also a two-time recipient of the Bobb McKittrick Award (2014-15), given annually to the 49ers offensive lineman who best exemplifies the dedication, excellence and commitment of former offensive line coach Bobb McKittrick. In 2019, Staley was selected as one of eight finalists for the annual Art Rooney Sportsmanship Award for the fifth-consecutive season.

A 35-year-old native of Rockford, MI, Staley played at Central Michigan University, where he earned consecutive First-Team All-MAC honors in both his junior and senior seasons. He played in 46 games (39 starts) for the Chippewas and helped the team produce a 1,000-yard rusher in three of his four seasons (2003-05). He and his wife, Carrie, have two daughters, Grace and Audrey.


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Kljucni deo sampionske ekipe iz 18/19 sezone, FB Dzejms Develin, ode u penziju zbog problema sa povredom vrata. Nama je sa mladim QB jos vaznija igra po zemlji, pa moramo resiti pitanje FB. Mozda ce BB nekog od draftovanih TE koristiti tu...



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3 hours ago, karipesic said:

Kljucni deo sampionske ekipe iz 18/19 sezone, FB Dzejms Develin, ode u penziju zbog problema sa povredom vrata. Nama je sa mladim QB jos vaznija igra po zemlji, pa moramo resiti pitanje FB. Mozda ce BB nekog od draftovanih TE koristiti tu...




Pa imate dvojicu, Jakoba Johnsona i Dana VItalea. A onaj Lacosse što je tajtend, deluje mi da bi mogao da se prebaci tu. Generalno, ako hoćeš da igraš sa FB naćićeš solidnog igrača.


On 4/25/2020 at 10:45 PM, Skyglider said:


Check your PM 


Može i ka mom isto 🙂

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