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Roger Federer


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Posto Rodzi vise nije GOAT sad je Dio :roflmao: e ovde ga Novak nece smeniti nikad!


Kako je osecaj biti otac od Boga? 

Nemam neki poseban osecaj... 


Tata mu je kao mister Bin, da im nije Linet cuvali bi on i Rodzi krave po Alpima i svirali u rog. 

Matori ne zna dal je poso il je doso :lol_2: bolje da su Linet intervjuisali.

Edited by Milica
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Ako hoces da kazes da sam ga ja vredjala - nista nisi shvatila, ja mislim da ti nisi shvatila naslov itv-a koji je jako lep, ali nije vazno. Tramvaj u Bazelu mislim da nema veze ali lepa knjiga i film da - mozda se varam ali nista uvredljivo sasvim sigurno

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2 minutes ago, ciao said:

Ako hoces da kazes da sam ga ja vredjala - nista nisi shvatila, ja mislim da ti nisi shvatila naslov itv-a koji je jako lep, ali nije vazno. Tramvaj u Bazelu mislim da nema veze ali lepa knjiga i film da - mozda se varam ali nista uvredljivo sasvim sigurno


Ne, nisam na tebe mislila niti sam komentarisala tvoj post.

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Jos jedan intervju




Roger Federer on ...

... defeats at a young age
«I was always extremely sad after a loss. Sometimes I howled all the way home to Basel. (...) No matter how hard my parents talked into me, none of that would have helped. So they made me cry. Looking back, I was a bit crazy back then. "

... his outbursts of anger
«I was a spirited boy and liked to show emotions. But the outbursts of anger only took place on the tennis court. My family, my friends have told me that I am acting impossible. 'Don't be so stupid!' They said. And: ‹There are also others who can play well.› »

... his change when he became a professional at the age of 16
«I knew: I cannot and will no longer behave like before. I am speaking of my basic negative attitude. This constant wailing, this lamenting, that had to stop. This way you don't win games and certainly not a tournament! I knew I had to make a change. An inner change. "


... his towel trick
«How can I just ignore a bad point? One trick that helped me a lot was the one with the towel. A baby has a cozy blanket or a cuddly bear. My coach said I needed something like that. Something that helps me to withdraw into my world for a brief moment. (...) From now on it was said: You can get excited for three seconds. Then you run to the Tüechli. Then this is the moment all for you. (...) Very easy. But very effective. For me it has become a ritual. Lost point, first reflex - towel. But later it was also because of all the sweating (laughs). "


... Mirka's early retirement
“She had this injury on her foot. At that time I said to her: 'just stop! Why the stress? ›Really cool. As if it were the easiest decision in the world (laughs). Today I think: Am I crazy? I still play tournaments myself at 40 and find it difficult to quit. "

... the forgotten game
«It has even happened before that Mirka - and she may not be happy that I am telling you this - called me during a match. She had completely forgotten that I was playing (laughs). That's exactly what I like about her, that's Mirka's charm: If she's in tennis, then she's in. And when she is outside, she can break away from it very well. "

... the tour life with children
“Traveling with the whole family is not ideal in many ways. And then the girls were born. Twins! That gave us an unbelievable horror. I really thought we weren't going to get that straight. (...) I am really proud that we made it. But it is a Herculean task! "

... the good fortune to be Swiss
“That is perhaps a bit exaggerated, but it took three Wimbledon victories for the people here to realize: 'Hey, it's really good!' Sometimes it's a shame when the euphoria is greater abroad than at home. (...) I am very lucky that I grew up in Switzerland and that I can still live this normality here today. That made me who I am today. "

... his legacy
«I hope I will be remembered as a casual, cool, good tennis player. And as a person, I hope that I was able to set an example that, even if you are successful, you can treat people with decency, attitude and fairness. "

... the best possible end to a career
«That doesn't exist for me! But I wish that I can choose the moment myself. I am sure I will know when that moment comes. I am not afraid of the time after my professional career. It will be a smooth transition. Mirka and I managed the life balance between tennis, family and friends incredibly well. That is what almost makes me most proud. Because what is ultimately really important in life? "

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Jos jedan intervju, doduse mislim da su sve ovo delovi velikog intervjua koji je dao za neki casopis, pa ostali preuzimaju.

Ovde je uglavnom pricao o deci :classic_smile:


He describes it as a “Herculean task” to combine his tennis career with the role of a family man - while constantly traveling from one place to the next. The well-being of the four offspring, however, always comes first. “No matter where we are: it is important to us to create a 'home away from home feeling' for the children,” says Federer. “They always have their play area and we practice rituals. We try to do as much as possible as we did last time. Same great playground in Australia, same tree in Central Park. Children love that! "

But it would have been difficult on its own. Mirka is a great mother, says Federer enthusiastically about his wife. And as a wife, she also receives the best grades from her husband. “Sometimes I would read the bedtime story from the massage table. But when it really gets too much for me, Mirka keeps my back free and says: ‹You just lie down now.› »

The Federers are very familiar with being in a small space as a family. After the legendary Wimbledon final in 2019 against Novak Djokovic, they went camping together. On the morning after the final that was lost in the end, a trip through Appenzell should start. But that was a little too late for the children. “The kids were so excited and wanted to sleep in it the night before they left. I just thought, 'Oh, no. Please do not! I just want to go to my bed! '"No question who got the upper hand. Even after the historic 5-hour crime thriller, the children had no mercy on Dad. "Of course there were six of us spent the night in the camper."

"I've never subordinated everything to tennis," he says. The children notice that too: for a long time they “had no idea how I was classified. At some point they found out from their friends that their daddy was once number one in the world. They were pretty amazed, ”says Roger with a laugh. «We always tried to shield the children as much as possible. We have never made my success a big topic. "

«The children never really noticed that I was also here to play tennis. They had the feeling that we were just for fun in New York. "




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Simon Graf, svajcarski novinar, ovo je sa njegovog tvitera


There has been wild speculation about @rogerfederer  recently. To put these to rest, he called my dear colleague

@maeschmann  and spoke openly for the first time about his recovery after his third knee operation and his goals. Some quotes by Roger follow (a thread) (1/12):

About his return: «I would be incredibly surprised if I were to play again already at Wimbledon (2022). Australia is not an option at all. But that's no surprise for me. Even before the operation, we knew that a break of many months would be necessary afterwards.»

«I wanted to wait for the first major check-up before making a public statement, and the check-up was very encouraging. I have started a long rehabilitation process in which I put all my heart and soul. But the situation is not the same as in 2016. I have to be patient.»

About his injury: «The examinations after the grass season revealed that my right inner meniscus was injured again. It had to be stitched, which required a certain period of immobilisation. And the doctors took the opportunity to treat my cartilage as well.»

His timetable: «The doctors say that I will be able to jog lightly in January and gradually return to the court. Gently. They don't know, but I've already been playing a bit of tennis with the kids. Then in March or April, I can start training again in a tennis-like way.»

«I had this operation done so that I could ski with my children or play football or tennis in the future. My primary motivation was to get back in shape for my normal life. But I wanted to approach this rehabilitation with the mentality and body of a top athlete.»

«As far as my sporting ambitions are concerned: I want to see once again what I can achieve as a tennis pro. I'm fighting for it and I'm very motivated. I feel the support of my team and my family. We all wish that I can say goodbye on my own terms and on a court.»

«I have experienced similar challenges many times in my career. Sometimes without the public being aware of it. And even though I know that the end is near, I want to try to play some big matches again. It won't be easy, but I will try.»

About retirement: «I think that every athlete should decide for himself. There is no right time to retire. There is only the time that suits each individual athlete. It is a very personal decision.»

«What kind of image will people remember of me? My last set at Wimbledon last July? Or my Grand Slam titles and what it triggered in them when they watched me play? My money is on the latter. For a few years now, I've been pretty relaxed about that.»

«But I understand the fans' feelings. It would be easy for me to say, "I've given a lot and received a lot. Let's stop here." But me investing everything to come back is also my way of saying thank you. My fans deserve better than the image of my last grass season.»

My world will not collapse if I never play in another Grand Slam final. But it is my ultimate dream to return once again. And in fact, I still believe in it. I believe in these kinds of miracles. I have already experienced them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Roger Federer: My kids were astonished about my achievements wheir friends told them

Tresnuo ga Rodzi i ostao ziv :lol_2:

Deca non stop putuju sa njim sede na tribinama, gledaju meceve i pojma nisu imali o tatinim dostignucims:roflmao:



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