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Novi Ferari od Madjarske:




Ferrari has taken “a significant change of direction” in terms of the aerodynamic development of its 2020 car after problems in pre-season testing, but will not have upgrades ready for the first two races.


The Scuderia did not look competitive during pre-season testing in Barcelona and insisted it was not hiding pace ahead of the first scheduled race in Australia. Despite the significant delay to the new F1 season, the car that finished testing is the same one that will race in both events in Austria while rivals introduce major updates.



  • Tuzno 1

Ajde ruku na srce, u Italiji je bilo totalno zatvaranje, za razliku od Engleske. Sigurno ni fabrika nije radila, pa da kažeš da im je to olakšavajuća okolnost. Ali opet... Sezona traje 8 trka, a magarići će potrošiti četvrt sezone da konačno donesu neki updejt. Pa i nesrećni Vilijams će valjda doneti nešto novo na Celtveg. Farbu ako ništa drugo, a magarci nisu bili sposobni da za sve ovo vreme na kompjuteru isprojektuju bilo šta.



Isprojektovali jesu, nisu isfabrikovali.


Nemoj da zaboravis da isti ovi bolidi treba da voze i celu sledecu sezonu - nece se projektovati novi za 2021. Ovo je ipak prilicno brza promena u tako dugom ciklusu.


Nove lampe za stare:


Vettel: "It was a surprise for me when I got the call from Mattia when he told me there was no place for me in the team. So there was no sticking point."

9 minutes ago, Hertzog said:

Nove lampe za stare:


Vettel: "It was a surprise for me when I got the call from Mattia when he told me there was no place for me in the team. So there was no sticking point."


Da, bas sam sad hteo to da postujem. Ako je verovati Fetelu pregovora o produzetku ugovora nije ni bilo, naprosto su mu rekli da njegove usluge vise nisu potrebne.


Saward o Ferarijevim problemima:



The odd thing, I thought, was that the focus in the reporting of Ferrari’s troubles focussed on the chassis upgrades, rather than on the engine. It was clear from all three Ferrari-engined teams that the changes made with the engine as a result of the end-of-season kerfuffles in 2019 and the subsequent secret deal with the FIA, that the Ferrari motors have lost some horsepower. But the difference is more dramatic than one would expect and it is hard to understand why that would be. For me the answer probably lies in heat transfer. Fuel is used as a coolant as it flows through parts of the engine, absorbing waste heat, which helps to pre-heat it before combustion. If there is less fuel flow there can be more heat build-up and engines can overheat. This means that to avoid problems the engines must be turned down, or kept low. If one looks at the Q sessions from last weekend in Austria the changes between Q1 and Q3 suggested that overheating might be the problem for Ferrari. Charles Leclerc was the only Ferrari-engined driver with whom one can make a comparison with the Mercedes as Vettel didn’t make it to Q3. In Q1 Hamilton and Leclerc were less than four-tenths apart. In Q2 that gap went out to a second, which was repeated in Q3. In other words, Ferrari cannot turn up its engines and may even have to turn them down more often in a race if heat build-up becomes critical. And here is the problem. The engines are frozen for this year and next. One cannot change the architecture. So it is probably not a problem that can be fixed. Taking off aerodynamic downforce may help but it will make the cars more difficult to drive. Just a theory but it kinds of makes sense...




Mattia Binotto has admitted the basic "concept" of Ferrari's 2020 car may be flawed.


After the opening two races of 2020, the entire world of Formula 1 has apparently concluded that Ferrari is in deep crisis.


"The problem is the team," F1 legend and former Ferrari driver Gerhard Berger told Servus TV.


Tuttosport, one of Italy's top sports newspapers, is scathing.


"The two drivers destroyed all the work of the engineers," read an editorial, referring to the fact that Ferrari had wanted to assess whether new parts rushed to Austria last weekend were in the right direction.


"One thing is certain: since the death of Sergio Marchionne, the Scuderia has seemed disoriented," Tuttosport added.


Berger agrees: "The problem is very deep. I doubt they can find a solution in the short term."


Veteran journalist Roger Benoit wrote in Blick newspaper: "This Ferrari crisis has a name - Mattia Binotto."


Berger thinks Binotto is overloaded with his dual role as team principal and technical director.


"I said at the beginning that this structure can never work. I don't blame Mattia at all, as he is a good engineer and a good guy who worked on my own car," he said.


"But when you look at Red Bull, they have Helmut Marko, Christian Horner, Adrian Newey. The same with Mercedes."


Former F1 driver Ralf Schumacher agrees that Ferrari is facing a structural-level problem, but he doubts that Binotto should be immediately ousted.


"In the middle of a season it makes no sense," he told Sky Deutschland. "But they have to look for the answer. The problem isn't just the engine or the drivers.


"Sergio Marchionne said that more Italians should be running the team, which is a nice, romantic thought. But in reality it doesn't work. F1 is international," Schumacher added.


"The crucial question is whether Mattia Binotto is ready to poach people from the outside to get in control of the situation. If he isn't, he's the wrong one for that position.


"One example of Binotto's poor management is the contract with Sebastian. They still spend a lot of money on him, but then they deal with him so awkwardly. That's just burning potential," said the German.


Ferrari now faces the question of what to do next.


Jean Alesi, another former Ferrari driver, told Radio Anch'io: "More than the pressure on the drivers, the fact is that the car was born badly and the solutions brought by the engineers did not work."


Team boss Binotto is quoted by La Gazzetta dello Sport: "How to get out of this is not trivial. We must understand the origin of the problem in order to progress.


"It could be a (car) concept problem that underlies the project, so the most important thing at the moment is to be open and to analyse everything from every point of view."




Ferrari team principal Mattia Binotto has admitted this year’s lack of competitiveness is in part due to the FIA clarifying power unit regulations.


A number of technical directives (TDs) were issued during 2019 and in the early part of this year to close loopholes in the power unit regulations, with Ferrari’s advantage from the early part of last season rapidly diminishing. This year the Scuderia has been comfortably off the pace of the front-runners while customers Haas and Alfa Romeo have also shown straight-line speed deficits, and Binotto has confirmed the clarifications have hurt the Ferrari power unit.


“The regulations are very difficult and complex,” Binotto said. “I think there are areas of the regulations of the power unit where maybe clarifications are still required. It’s an ongoing process which has always existed in the past and will exist in the future. Since last year a lot of TDs have been released eventually clarifying some areas of the regulations.


“I think that through these TDs we had to adapt ourselves. I don’t think it’s only the case of Ferrari, because looking at the power outputs this season I think most of the manufacturers somehow had to adapt themselves; but certainly as Ferrari we had to adapt and as a simple output of that we lost some of the performance we had.


“Now we’ve got a clearer situation in some areas of the regulations and hopefully that will continue in some areas if required for the future.”


While updates relating to the performance of a power unit are not allowed this season as part of new cost-cutting measures, Binotto says plenty of development is ongoing for the future but he wants further clarity on certain aspects of the regulations.


“Engine or power unit development is an ongoing process that we never stopped, probably since 2012 when we started developing those engines. We were doing developments also for this season that we will not be able to introduce during the season itself because we had that long shutdown period before the start of the season — which has not been the case for all the power unit manufacturers, by the way.


“But then obviously we will still develop and we somehow try to develop as much as we can by the start of next season. There are still areas of the regulations that need to be clarified and hopefully that may be done so that in the future at least there is sufficient clarity in the regulations to make sure that we’ve all got the same understanding.”




Evo Feraristima klovn na poklon, cak ima i cvikere k'o Binoto 😛


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  • Ha-ha 2

Iskren da sam ja ne znam zašto nisu kao i Mercedes išli sa evolucijama i išli u korak s time. Onaj bolid iz 2017 je nešto prelepo, Seb se osećao konforno u njemu i odlučili su izmenuti taj bolid za 2018 pa onda opet neš drukčije 2019 pa promašili su čak dizajn evolucije onog bolida iz 2019 ove godine. Kad su već imali dobar bolid 2017 mogli su to malo samo poboljšati za dalje a onda malo povećati razvoj PJ.


Sad bi gledali drugu sliku.


Jbg isli su na "foru" sa motorom pa su provaljeni, i sad kad su to morali da skinu sad im dzaba sva aerodinamika sveta. Kada fali konja tu leka nema.


Jeste, upravo to. Skoro pa isto je Meklaren radio od kad je došla revolucija 2009. Svake godine neš drugo i radikalno a upalilo je samo 2010, 2011, 2012 i zašto nisu 2012 bolid evoluirali nego išli s onom glupošću u 2013 nije mi ni sad jasno. Pa 2014 promašaj veka, pa 2015 promašaj milenijuma s PJ i tako.


Ferrari isto to radi od recimo revolucije 2014. Uvek nešto različito svake godine, upalilo je samo 2015 i 2017 recimo.


Dobro je rekao Njuji u onoj knjizi "Meklaren nije imao dobre rezultate jer su svake godine išli s novinama i nikad nisu stali uz jedan dizajn".



3 hours ago, 033zero330 said:

Nisu provaljeni, sama FIA je sopstvenim rečima rekla, da nema pojma.


Ne ulazeći u nekakav naknadni dogovor.


Jesu provaljeni jer im je naredjeno da promene senzore za protok goriva u kojima je bio trik. Jedino sto FIA nije mogla konkretno da dokaze da su u trkama vozili sa vecim protokom od dozvoljenog jer ti podaci zbog trik senzora jednostavno ne postoje / oni nisu registrovali nista preko maksimuma. Da je bilo moguce to dokazati, Ferari bi bio diskvalifikovan iz kompletne sezone oba sampionata, ovako im je "samo" naredjeno da vrate motor u regularno stanje.


Cim su stavili regularne senzore izgubili su maksimalnu brzinu, sto je samo po sebi dokaz da su provaljeni.


Naleteo sam na neki tekst koji objasnjava 2 mogucnosti, naravno teorijski. Sad da me ubijes ne znam gde sam ga nasao. Ali ne radi se o tome da je Ferrari imao nikakve trik senzore. To bi bio automatski ban. Svi ti senzori su isti i kalibirsani nezavisno. To ne moze da se menja. 


Prva ideja je sa strujom viskog napona ispod senzora. To je ono sto manje vise svi znamo i to je ono sto je odmah RB poceo da tupi i naravno to nikada nisu nasli kod Ferrarija jer bi to bilo neregularno. Tu bi ih kelpili pa bio to Ferrari 1000 puta.


E druga mogucnost je nesto zanimljivija. Naime radi se o sampling rate senzora za protok goriva. Ne secam se tacne brojke ali valjda je 22Khz. Sto znaci da senzor "osvezava" svoja merenja nekoliko hiljada puta u sekundi. To na osciloskopu izgleda kao kao "talas". Tim ima te podatke. Tim ih i koristi za telemetriju i ujedno i FIA. E sada pumpa za gorivo takodje na daje konstantan pritisak. I on ima pulseve. To isto izgleda kao talas,  ali ako znate kada senzor meri tacno tj kada osvezava, i sihronizujete rad pumpe za gorivo tako da je puls onda gada senzor ne meri: TA DA! Imate nesto "vise" protoka. E sada argument je da li je to visi protok? Ili ste vi samo lepo optimizovali rad sistema. To je izgleda ono sto je radio Ferrari i FIA tu apsolutno nista nije mogla. Ali su onda uradili prostu stvar, jos jedan senzor i podatke iz tog senzora su enkriptoivali i kroz posebnu instalaciju povezali na FIA controlnu jedinicu. Tim nema te podatke. Problem resen, jer tim ne zna kada sekundarni senzor meri tj ne moze da sinhronizuje rad pumpe. Ako i tome dodamo da su smanjili i kolicinu akumuliranog goriva iza senzora na 250cc, jasno je sta pokusavaju. Da zatvore i tu rupu. 

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