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Everything posted by nonick

  1. Covek beba place opet, spasava Ketamin Kerena: pa nastavlja plac: Kakav je ovaj loser, khm, khm... Kinoruski strateg.
  2. ima ih nekoliko - 2%, ali vecina viri iz Trampove bulje, strah ih je.
  3. "and it's time this administration gets this in their brain" 🙂 Republikanac iz Nebraske tells it how it is.
  4. "Njegov body language je bio agresivan" Holy-moly, Isuse, ako se sad slogirao nisam, nikad necu! Covek je bio je toliko ladan i umeren, malo izgledao i depresivan - kako ne bi, sto je morao da iskaze sa svojim humorom, da ne bi zaplakao ili isamarao ove budale koji su ga napali kao copor hijena sa glupim pitanjima i zahtevima. To ti je bio skolski primer bullying-a, matretiranja, jbt, pokazi ovaj video nekoj deci koja nemaju pojma sta je politika i dobices jasan odgovor.
  5. Jel ce JD Vance biti voditelj konferencije?
  6. Jbt, ovo tek sad video, mislio da se ObiW zajebava. Koja su ova govna, trojica na jednog. Olos najveci, ni zivoti je nisu.
  7. covek laze kad zine, Pam Bondi sad now, Kash Patel thinks he got the wrong job.
  8. Ja te nisam napadao. Cak vise, slozio sam sam se da je Desantis bio iznenadjen. Ona dva posta ispod toga je upuceno temi, ne tebi licno.
  9. Uz velika ocekivanja istine iz Epstein fajlova dobili smo Tate brothers, isti dan, malo li je?
  10. This diplomatic effort gained further attention when Grenell, President Donald Trump's U.S. envoy for special missions, met with Hurezeanu at the Munich Security Conference to discuss the case Richard Grenell, the U.S. presidential envoy for special missions, told the Financial Times: "I support the Tate brothers, as evident from my publicly available tweets." Link ----- Izgleda nema dosta kriminalaca pa treba da ih importuju.
  11. Da, cudio se zasto idu tamo, i voleo bi da federalci nekako sprece ovo.
  12. 😬, ovaj i Mask da se udruze i evo to scenario za Tersov post iznad.
  13. Elon Musk says upgrade of FAA’s air traffic control system is failing and SpaceX needs to take over Verizon’s contract. link Ovo vec prelazi od smesno do bolesno. Svaki sukob interesa, nepotizam, sibicarenje, grifting, ponzi seme i vasarske mucke MAGA Nacija proguta koa najukusniju cokoladnu sladoled tortu sa jagodama 🙂 mmm... mnjac
  14. Anti-Trump Podcaster Who Dethroned Joe Rogan Wants to Beat Fox News The MeidasTouch Podcast, a progressive, anti-Trump show hosted by three brothers—Brett, Ben and Jordan Meiselas—became America's most popular podcast this month, knocking off Joe Rogan after a prolonged period of domination by conservative or pro-Trump voices. MeidasTouch is an American progressive media company and describes itself as a "pro-democracy news network." They officially ranked as the number one podcast in the U.S. in February, according to Podscribe data, with 57.7 million downloads and views per month, an increase of 120 percent. ... Playboard YouTube chart, which tracks the popularity of YouTube channels, the MeidasTouch Network was in first place as of February 23 with 9.3 million views and likes, surpassing Fox News. Ben Meiselas is an attorney who represented former NFL player Colin Kaepernick, Brett Meiselas is an Emmy-winning video director who previously worked for The Ellen DeGeneres Show, and Jordan Meiselas is a marketing supervisor. Newsweek spoke with Brett Meiselas about the podcast's rise, the shifting political landscape and their mission to beat Fox News. A month into the second Trump administration, the rise of the left-leaning MeidasTouch podcast may be signaling a shift in tone among Americans. It comes as Trump's approval rating fell by 13 points, 33 days into his term, according to a recent IPSOS poll. "People want unapologetic, pro-democracy media that isn't afraid to call things as they are," he said. "They're looking for voices that fight for truth and meet them where they are. That's why MeidasTouch is thriving." The youth vote broke big toward Trump, with the president gaining 11 percentage points from 2020 among voters 18-29, according to AP analysis. President Joe Biden received 61 percent from that age group in 2020, while Vice President Kamala Harris was able to only get 51 percent of the demographic in 2024. The gains among young and first-time voters were cited as a potential ideological shift for the youth vote. But support among the age group has dropped since the election, with a survey from The Economist/YouGov released on February 12 revealing that the president's net favorability rating among ages 18-29 is minus-18 points. ---- Znaci ljudi ce se zasititi,vec im izgleda dosta iz dana u dan, da im uporno pricaju da je 2+2=5, jednostavno naivne doskocice i lazi od strane Rogana i MAGA kultista su samo doskocice i laz, nista vise.
  15. Pa ima istine da hoce da promene mnogo da bi vladali na drugaciji nacin i duze. Ali ovaj deo sam treabao da procitam tri puta jer zvuci kao da je pisala nova Trampova tumacica za stampu Keroline 🙂 :
  16. ??? Pa bas zato ga cini uber licemerom i otpadom ljudske vrste jos vise.
  17. evo ja cu: Svima je prpa od Trampa jer je covek lud i ne usturcava se od mafijakih poduhvata - ni on ni MAGA bagra oko njega, pokazalo se vec 1000 puta. Ni senatori ne smeju da glasaju protiv njega iako znaju da nisu u pravu. evo i konkluzije clanka: da, al' da sacekamo rezultate najesen.
  18. ovo mora da je fake.
  19. Prvo americki predsednik da vrati svoju auto kompnaiju iz Kine, Nemacke, kao dobar primer drugima. Jebote, koliko hovana ovaj Fantom napise, melje covek sigurno preko nekog AI generatora- verbal diarrhea joj nije ravna.
  20. rekao sam vec gore, most deadbeat dad of the century, ljiga. I on hoce da ide na Mars, more idi begaj sto dalje... Ali nemojmo sad meriti sta radi u privatnom zivotu 🙂
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