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Član foruma
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Everything posted by ters

  1. 4 od tih 700 ploca su tri brata i jedna sestra moje bake - najstarijem je bilo 24 godine kada je poginuo. Ovo jeste planirana akcija na nekom visem nivou - polomiti 700 kamenih ploca debljine 10-tak centimetara je zahtjevan posao koji je morao biti brizljivo planiran.
  2. Madam se da niko iz Srbije nece ici - ali ide Milorad Dodik iz Bosne.
  3. ters

    Crna Gora

    I opet Crna Gora predvodi zapadni Balkan - Abazovic u posjeti solidarnosti Ukrajini koja je pod zvjerskim napadom Putinoida. Pridruzio mu se i Rama. https://www.b92.net/info/vesti/index.php?yyyy=2022&mm=06&dd=14&nav_category=167&nav_id=2171076 Svasta se moze prigovoriti Abazovicu, ali ipak postoje barem neke situacije u kojima postupa ispravno.
  4. Ma nemoguce da se Rogozin sretao sa Mladicem i Karadzicem 1994...
  5. ters

    Crna Gora

    Ja nisam tvrdio da su to uradili oni koji su navijali na utakmici, tako da se mozes obratiti onome ko je to napisao za spisak. Sve sredjeno, Avda je vec "telefaksirao" spisak policiji.
  6. A da ti malo sam sa sobom pepas lopticom o zid k'o ruski teniser, dok ne skontas da te nigdje nisam pomenuo, pogotovo ne kao neutralnog i da si upao podpitanjem u pricu u kojoj je drugi sagovornik okarakterisao neke sukobe kao intervencije. Pomenuo samo i jedino Jemen i to u kontekstu tvoje lazne brige za narod u Jemenu. Postoji li jos koje pominjanje Jemena, Iraka i Libije sa moje strane? Postavi javno izvinjenje, pa da se polako razilazimo i uzajamno blokiramo...
  7. Pa mozda jer nisam bio na forumu, niti je bilo foruma u vrijeme kada su te intervencije bile aktuelne. u vrijeme Sumeraca, nije bilo ni interneta...
  8. Ne pamtim da sam se po bilo kom osnovu izjasnio o Jemenu, Iraku, Libiji, ratu Sumeraca i Elemita 2600PNE i "ostalim" intervencijama...
  9. ters

    Crna Gora

    Dobio si ordencic... Ne moze bez ordena kada pricamo o Crnoj Gori.
  10. ters

    Crna Gora

    Pohvalno - spremnost na saradnju sa organima reda u suzbijanju kriminala je takodje pokazatelj viseg stepena civilizacije (koliko god ja licno ne volim policiju)...
  11. ters

    Crna Gora

    To niko nije rekao, ali ako ti imas saznanja o tome, mozes ih poslati policiji.
  12. Nesto ne vjerujem da ces docekati odgovor na prosto pitanje... Nece ljudi da naruse neutralnost u ovoj situaciji. Mada ni neutralni nisu neutralni kada je Jemen u pitanju.
  13. ters

    Crna Gora

    Ne pravdam se nikome - jednostavno pozdravljam navijanje kakvo bi trebalo biti u nekim normalnim drzavama i drustvima, i to takvo koje jeste potpuno drugacije od onog kakvo vidimo na nekim drugim utakmicama. I nije ovo prvi put - i na utakmici protiv Srbije su navijaci Crne Gore odlucili da "take the high road" i nakon zvizdanja crnogorskoj himni u Beogradu, pljeskom pozdravili himnu Srbije. Ali nema veze, naci ce se neko da kaze da su ti navijaci pokidali sjedista i tukli se na stadionu u Tuzima - bez ikakvog dokaza da je rijec o istim ljudima. Valjda ti koji to tvrde imaju spisak navijaca na obje utakmice... Isto je kao sa paljenjem kombija - opet ni jednog dokaza da je rijec o istim ljudima koji su kasnije bili na stadionu. Sama akcija prikupljanja novca za nadoknadu stete organizovana od strane navijaca crnogorske reprezentacije mi kaze da je kombi zapalio neko drugi ("nije student zapalio zito")...
  14. ters

    Crna Gora

    Bio je i 1876 boj na Vucjem Dolu. Pa proslo. Pisem o ponasanju crnogorskih navijaca juce - i svaka im cast.
  15. Nezombificirani elementi - slobodnomisleca omladina takoreci: They are all individuals:
  16. Mazda da se uvede da se uz kvalifikaciju navodi procenat podrske koji navodi zvanicna ruska drzava. Recimo - Rusi su Zombiji68
  17. ters

    Crna Gora

    Naravno - svako gleda i vidi ono sto zeli -neko vidi pozitivno navijanje, bez vrba, nozeva, zica i ekbera, neko paljenje kombija.
  18. ters

    Crna Gora

    Kao sto napisah - potpuno drugi civilizacijski nivo na utakmici Crna Gora - Bosna i Hercegovina. I jedan incident nepoznatih izvrsilaca, negdje van utakmice, kojima je ocito stalo da bace sjenu na fenomenalno ponasanje navijaca. Tesko je pomisliti da postoji neko kome nije stalo da se njeguju dobri crnogorsko-bosanskohercoegovacki odnosi. Bice da je NATO taj koji muti jer Bosna i Hercegovina nije clanica.\
  19. ters

    Crna Gora

    Crnogorci su se podigli na jedan visi civilizacijski nivo u odnosu na ostale narode Balkana: juce, na utakmici Crna Gora - Bosna i Hercegovina, "provocirali" gostujuce navijace skandiranjem "Burek sa sirom"!!! OPET nam svima drze lekciju kakvi trebamo biti jedni prema drugima. GENIJALCI!!!
  20. Danasnja slike iz Pristine - tradicionalno, nacionalno drustvo. Moze se razumjeti i podrzati drugacije kada se hoce.
  21. Drzavni servis bira stolicu na koju ce sjesti...
  22. Ne mislim ja na "doprinos" dijaspore u bilo kojem drugom smislu osim u smislu da prihvate i prosire naviku da druge ljude treba putiti da zive svoj zivot na miru, onako kako oni to zele - dok god nikoga ne ugrozavaju.
  23. Kada vidis ovu livadu koju su Z-likovci zasuli sa par stotina granata postaje jasnije kakvom vatrenom moci rasolazu u odnosu na Ukrajinu ... A nema nekih tragova prisustva ni ukopavanja ukrajinske vojske...
  24. A mozda je ipak samo Putinizam. Koji na istorijskoj skali zla gradi svoje ime.
  25. Vilhelmina, moram te korigovati - ove studije ipak postoje, i radjene su iz razlicitih razloga - samo sa jednog sajta sam kopirao sazetak 10 relevantnih studija: 1) Golombok, S., Perry, B., Burston, A., Murray, C., Mooney-Somers, J., Stevens, M., Golding, J. (2003). Children with lesbian parents: A community study. Developmental Psychology, 39(1), 20-33. Existing research on children with lesbian parents is limited by reliance on volunteer or convenience samples. The present study examined the quality of parent-child relationships and the socioemotional and gender development of a community sample of 7-year-old children with lesbian parents. Families were recruited through the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, a geographic population study of 14,000 mothers and their children. Thirty-nine lesbian-mother families, 74 two-parent heterosexual families, and 60 families headed by single heterosexual mothers were compared on standardized interview and questionnaire measures administered to mothers, co-mothers/fathers, children, and teachers. Findings are in line with those of earlier investigations showing positive mother-child relationships and well-adjusted children. 2) Golombok, S., Spencer, A., & Rutter, M. (1983). Children in lesbian and single-parent households: psychosexual and psychiatric appraisal. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 24(4), 551-572. Thirty-seven school-age children reared in 27 lesbian households were compared with 38 school-age children reared in 27 heterosexual single-parent households, with respect to their psychosexual development and their emotions, behaviour and relationships. Systematic standardized interviews with the mothers and with the children, together with parent and teacher questionnaires, were used to make the psychosexual and psychiatric appraisal. The two groups did not differ in terms of their gender identity, sex role behaviour or sexual orientation. Also, they did not differ on most measures of emotions, behaviour and relationships–although there was some indication of more frequent psychiatric problems in the single-parent group. It was concluded that rearing in a lesbian household per se did not lead to atypical psychosexual development or constitute a psychiatric risk factor. 3) Wainright, J. L., Russell, S. T., & Patterson, C. J. (2004). Psychosocial adjustment, school outcomes, and romantic relationships of adolescents with same-sex parents. Child Development, 75(6), 1886-1898. This study examined associations among family type (same-sex vs. opposite-sex parents); family and relationship variables; and the psychosocial adjustment, school outcomes, and romantic attractions and behaviors of adolescents. Participants included 44 12- to 18-year-old adolescents parented by same-sex couples and 44 same-aged adolescents parented by opposite-sex couples, matched on demographic characteristics and drawn from a national sample. Normative analyses indicated that, on measures of psychosocial adjustment and school outcomes, adolescents were functioning well, and their adjustment was not generally associated with family type. Assessments of romantic relationships and sexual behavior were not associated with family type. Regardless of family type, adolescents whose parents described closer relationships with them reported better school adjustment. 4) Rosenfeld, M. J. (2010).Nontraditional families and childhood progress through school. Demography, 47(3), 755-775. I use U.S. census data to perform the first large-sample, nationally representative tests of outcomes for children raised by same-sex couples. The results show that children of same-sex couples are as likely to make normal progress through school as the children of most other family structures. Heterosexual married couples are the family type whose children have the lowest rates of grade retention, but the advantage of heterosexual married couples is mostly due to their higher socioeconomic status. Children of all family types (including children of same-sex couples) are far more likely to make normal progress through school than are children living in group quarters (such as orphanages and shelters). 5) Perrin, E. C. (2002). Technical report: coparent or second-parent adoption by same-sex parents. Pediatrics, 109(2), 341-344. A growing body of scientific literature demonstrates that children who grow up with 1 or 2 gay and/or lesbian parents fare as well in emotional, cognitive, social, and sexual functioning as do children whose parents are heterosexual. Children’s optimal development seems to be influenced more by the nature of the relationships and interactions within the family unit than by the particular structural form it takes. 6) Tasker, F. (2005). Lesbian mothers, gay fathers, and their children: a review. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 26(3), 224-40. There is a variety of families headed by a lesbian or gay male parent or same-sex couple. Findings from research suggest that children with lesbian or gay parents are comparable with children with heterosexual parents on key psychosocial developmental outcomes. In many ways, children of lesbian or gay parents have similar experiences of family life compared with children in heterosexual families. 7) Lick, D. J., Patterson, C. J., & Schmidt, K. M. (2013). Recalled social experiences and current psychological adjustment among adults reared by gay and lesbian parents. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 9(3), 230-253. Children of gay and lesbian parents are a diverse group, but existing studies offer limited information about individual differences in their social experiences and subsequent psychological outcomes. In this study, 91 adults reared by gay and lesbian parents responded to measures of recalled social experiences as well as current depressive symptoms, positive and negative affect, and life satisfaction. Participants reported differing social experiences (e.g., stigma) as a function of their sex, family type, gay/lesbian parent’s sex, and age at which they learned that a parent was gay or lesbian. Despite such diverse experiences, participants reported no significant differences in long-term psychological adjustment. It could be the case that children of gay and lesbian parents learn to cope with difficult social experiences, leading to positive adjustment overall. Indeed, the current sample perceived their social experiences as becoming significantly more positive over the life course, with less stigma and more benefits related to their family situation during adulthood than during earlier developmental periods. Future studies of adaptive coping processes and longitudinal changes in social experiences among offspring of gay and lesbian parents are warranted. 8 ) Gartrell, N. K., Deck, A., Rodas, C., Peyser, H., & Banks, A. (2005). The national lesbian family study: 4. Interviews with the 10-year-old children. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 75(4), 518-524. This 4th report from a longitudinal study of U.S. lesbian families presents data from 78 families in which the children were conceived by donor insemination. Results indicate that the prevalence of physical and sexual abuse in these children was lower than national norms. In social and psychological development, the children were comparable to children raised in heterosexual families. 9) Vanfraussen, K., Ponjaert-Kristoffersen, I., & Brewaeys, A. (2003). Family functioning in lesbian families created by donor insemination. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 73(1), 78-90. The quantitative and qualitative data of this study on family functioning in lesbian donor insemination families reveal that according to both parents and children, the quality of children’s relationship with the social mother is comparable to that with the biological mother. Unlike fathers in heterosexual families, the lesbian social mother is as much involved in child activities as is the biological mother. Furthermore, the lesbian social mother has as much authority as does the father in heterosexual families. 10) Vanfraussen, K., Ponjaert-Kristoffersen, I., & Brewaeys, A. (2002). What does it mean for youngsters to grow up in a lesbian family created by means of donor insemination? Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 20(4), 237-252. In many countries fertility services still refuse to inseminate lesbian couples because they believe the child’s welfare would be at stake. One of their concerns is that these children will be stigmatized because of their non-traditional family structure. In this follow-up study, we interviewed children from lesbian donor insemination (DI) families about how they present their ‘non-traditional’ family to people in their immediate social environment. We also explored whether or not children were teased or harassed about their lesbian family and whether or not coping with a non-traditional family constellation was reflected in their psychological well-being. According to this study, almost all children from lesbian DI families share the fact that they live in a two-mother unit spontaneously with close friends who react positively. Others are only informed about the non-traditional family structure when they ask questions about it. From the children’s answers, we can conclude that for some peers it is hard to understand that someone can have two mothers without having a father somewhere. Compared with children from heterosexual families, these DI children are not more likely to be teased but they are more prone to family-related teasing incidents. However, introducing their non-traditional family into their peer group does not seem to interfere with their psychological well-being.
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