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Everything posted by Borko

  1. Ma bez spoilera. Ovo je 2019. Nocas otvaram temu za trku sa uvodom.
  2. Odlicno, to smo resili : D Radoje bi trebalo da radi Abu Dabi, voli tu stazu i redovno joj tepa 😄
  3. Moramo da ubedimo Askarija da radi uvod za Rusiju 😄
  4. Borko

    Latinska Amerika

    Samo kratko odgovaram sad, kasnije ili ujutro opsirno - lepo znanje, svaka cast - ali Kabedjo je glavni bez premca jer kontrolise granicu sa Kolumbijom.
  5. Borko

    Latinska Amerika

    Btw, Venecuela pod Cavesom je bila daleko "demokratskija" od Srbije pod vucicem.
  6. Borko

    Latinska Amerika

    Ljudi su izasli da protestuju protiv Madura ali je Maduro marioneta Diosdada Kabedja, zvanog Hobotnica, koji je iskoristio Cavesovu smrt, preuzeo kompletnu kontrolu nad Venecuelom od ovog pajaca vozaca autobusa i vodja je najveceg narko-kartela u Juznoj Americi. Zvanicna funkcija mu je "predsednik ustavotvorne skupstine."
  7. Fensi, draga EU je dala neuracunljivom coveku da radi sa Srbijom sta god hoce sve dok ispunjava njihvove naloge. Toliko o pacifikaciji.
  8. Romantice, onda su to radili ona dvojica, Zivkovic i Erceg, koji prenose trke. Samo oni mogu da tako strucno izbriljiraju
  9. Ako oni na vrhuncu vuciceve moci i u trenutku kada je njegova diktatura dostigla vrhunac predju iz sns-a kod Jeremica, to mozda govori pozitivno o njima. vesic. zeljko mitrovic. ono stvorenje koje je u maticnu knjigu rodjenih upisano pod imenom dragan vucicevic. krstic. O takvim preletacima ja govorim, najvise "klase", najvece bitange i zlikovci koji su sluzili svakom rezimu.
  10. Jacques Villeneuve says Ferrari promoted Charles Leclerc one year too early because it is not ready to manage the competition between the Formula 1 driver and his team-mate Sebastian Vettel. Leclerc came close to victory in the Bahrain Grand Prix and has been subjected to team orders in favour of Vettel three times this season. Ferrari's season has been made more challenging by the fact its pre-season promise, in which it looked the pick of the field, was then followed by four consecutive Mercedes one-twos. Villeneuve stressed that Leclerc was ready to graduate to Ferrari but that his form has unbalanced Ferrari. "Leclerc is quick, he personally is ready," Villeneuve told Autosport. "It's Ferrari that's not ready for this kind of situation. "If you take Leclerc's perspective, it's great to be there this year, for him it's amazing, and he's shown that he's super quick." Villeneuve added that Ferrari could have delayed Leclerc's arrival in the team in favour of an approach similar to Mercedes. "They [Ferrari] already had Leclerc, so they could have given him a contract for 2020 and '21, and kept Kimi for just one year because this was the year to fight," he said. "Then everybody's happy because you give them time in advance, it doesn't unbalance anything. "But the way Ferrari operates, the way Seb is, he needs this kind of love around him, and it was just not the right move. Look what they did at Mercedes, and look how strong it is this year. If they had put [Esteban] Ocon there, Lewis would have reacted the same way - he would have wanted to eat him alive straight away, and destroy him. "But there's respect with Bottas, and even if they both have two victories, Lewis doesn't seem to be upset about it. "That wasn't the case with Nico for example, and that really allows the team to perform at a level that it almost hasn't performed at before." Vettel's recent mistakes have been criticised and the four-time F1 world champion explained he is not fully comfortable with the 2019 Ferrari. Villeneuve says criticism of Vettel is having an impact on Ferrari. "If you listen to any fan or go on the forums, even the qualifying accident, Leclerc doesn't get criticised," he said. "If it had been Vettel, he would have been destroyed by the media and everyone, for the same mistake. "Ultimately I think that's having a negative effect for the team. "Seb's spin in Bahrain came because of that, then the team orders in China, it all comes from there. And Leclerc's accident in qualifying also, wanting to prove that he's the number one of the team. "Ultimately that's damaging the whole team. "I hope it rebalances out, because they should have been the one that's being chased by Mercedes, and instead they've got three podiums, and that's it."
  11. Lose namere?! Upoznao sam coveka, kao sto je i sam rekao, cak sam imao i njegov broj telefona. Nema potrebe za paranojom. Oslovio sam ga licnim imenom jer mi je tako u tom trenutku bilo normalno. BTW, svi znaju ovde npr da se ja zovem Borko.
  12. Desavaju se. Ali to zelimo mi, koji idemo na proteste. Mozda trenutno zele iskreno i neki lideri opozicije. Ali sta ako se ponovi situacija iz 2000, pa jednostavno promene dres i sutradan postanu deo SzS i to im bude dozvoljeno?
  13. Dravote, ti znas moje stavove, ali ovaj pretposlednji post mu ima smisla. Nazalost.
  14. Da li je bilo ciji stav o EU zaista bitan u trenutku kada se ova drzava, u bukvalnom smislu te reci, raspada?
  15. To bi bilo to. Nakok katastrofe koja je nastala odlaskom Pedija Loua u Mercedes u januaru 2013, Sajmon Roberts je bio poslednji od grobara tima koji je ostao u timu. Tim Gos, Met Moris, Erik Bulije i sada napokon Sajmon Roberts. Cetvorka koja je unistila Meklaren. Dzejms Ki, Andrea Stela, Pet Fraj i Piter Prodromou su sada vodeci tehnicki ljudi Meklarena. Zadovoljan sam, stvarno. Bravo za Zeka.
  16. Ovo je fenomenalna vest. 🙂Dovidjenja Sajmone, hvala ni na cemu.
  17. Jolyon Palmer column: How McLaren are showing Renault the way in Formula 1's midfield fight By Jolyon PalmerFormer Renault driver & BBC Radio 5 Live commentator Former F1 driver Jolyon Palmer, who left Renault during the 2017 season, is part of the BBC team and offers insight and analysis from the point of view of the competitor. Behind the fight at the front between the big three teams, McLaren are arguably the story of the new Formula 1 season. They had a torrid time last year, and faced a lot of criticism for underperforming woefully despite having a star driver in Fernando Alonso and a budget bigger than many of their midfield rivals. Aside from poor performance, what hurt McLaren the most was that they had gone into the season making bold claims about what they could achieve after dumping Honda engines and switching to Renault. In 2019, that has all changed - the expectation and the performance. Alonso exited F1 at the end of last season , leaving McLaren with Carlos Sainz and rookie Lando Norris. And for the first time since I can remember, McLaren came into the season playing down expectations. But after four races, they lead the best of the rest 'Class B' fight - sitting behind only Mercedes, Ferrari and Red Bull - having picked up a strong double-points finish in Baku last weekend. Norris has hit the ground running, showing strong pace and, as yet, few rookie errors, while Sainz has had more misfortune but is showing well as the inherent lead driver in the team. And it could have been better still. Contact with Toro Rosso's Daniil Kvyat effectively ruled both drivers out of the Chinese Grand Prix on lap one. Sainz's Renault engine let go in Melbourne to rule him out of a result there and he lost out on a good haul of points in Bahrain after contact while trying to pass the Red Bull of Max Verstappen. There is room for improvement and refinement for the team yet, but they have made a big step in the right direction and there's all the groundwork for a very strong year. What's up with Renault The baton of 'most disappointing midfield runner' has been passed by McLaren to the factory Renault team. And nobody will be more disappointed than their star driver Daniel Ricciardo. The big-money winter signing from Red Bullcame into the season with huge hopes and a lot of attention. At race one in Melbourne, the city was pretty much solidly yellow with Renault merchandise in support of the Aussie. The backing he had was enormous, but the fans saw their man fail to make the top 10 qualifying shootout and effectively retire from the race within metres of the start. Four races later, it feels as though Ricciardo is almost a forgotten man in Formula 1 now. Renault's 29-year-old driver is such a likeable, larger-than-life character, but he is pretty anonymous in the ultra-tight midfield. In Baku, he was most notable for an overzealous move on Kvyat, which turned into a clumsy episode as he reversed into his rival in the run-off area of Turn Three to take them both out of the race. But the criticism doesn't lie with Ricciardo. In fact, after a slightly underwhelming start, he has been driving pretty well. He outperformed Renault team-mate Nico Hulkenberg solidly through the Baku weekend and scored a very good seventh place in China, despite lacking race pace compared with his rivals behind. Hulkenberg is still grossly underrated. He takes an easy jab because of the fact that he's never stood on an F1 podium, but he's been performing at the highest level in midfield cars for years. I was his team-mate in 2017 and I know exactly how good he is. If he got himself into a top car, he would certainly be good enough to fight for a title. Drivers are not Renault's problem. It's the car, which is lacking in both pace and reliability. Unbelievably, they have the second slowest average qualifying pace in the field so far, ahead of only Williams, who have all sorts of problems of their own. Admittedly, it is very close, with just over 0.3 seconds separating their car - the ninth-fastest - from Haas, the fourth-quickest, and there are some extenuating circumstances. But Renault have made third qualifying in only one race out of the four so far - in China, where both cars edged to the front of the midfield. In Baku, Ricciardo picked up a big slipstream at the end of first qualifying to just nudge himself out of the drop zone by 0.1secs. Meanwhile, Hulkenberg spent the entire weekend way off the pace, ahead of only the Williams, saying he was missing "love and harmony" with his car. Qualifying pace isn't Renault's only concern, though. Reliability has been very weak as well in the opening stages of the season. Both cars retired with engine failures in Bahrain when in positions to score points. Hulkenberg lost a chance of points in China as well with another engine issue. Further problems with both cars in qualifying in Bahrain, and for Hulkenberg in Australia, have hampered progress as well and left them with a lot of work to do on race day. Renault lie seventh in the standings and still have every possibility of ending up fourth in the constructors' championship if they can find some pace and reliability in their car. But for a team who began the season hoping to close the gap to the top teams it has been a dismal start. McLaren, running the same engine as Renault, are showing them the way at the moment, but are also demonstrating that it isn't just the Renault engine that is holding the works team back. The chassis is clearly seriously underdeveloped.
  18. Fotografije iz proslosti pred trku, bravo... Uzecu ja i Ferari, nije nikakav problem 🙂
  19. Borko


    I evo poslednje Senine pobede, VN Australije 1993, 2h 12 min, Eurosport, Dzon Votson, nakon toga cela konferencija za stampu i ukljucenje u program BBC-a: https://mega.nz/#!5ThmESxK!pkr_DS39JDWj1nCTqXAEye9ESDTAJHjum6XXYGUidZk
  20. Borko


    Suzuka 1989, BBC, sudar Sene i Prosta na 57. minutu, BBC, Voker i Hant, posle trke reakcija na Seninu diskvalifikaciju: https://mega.nz/#!0LhW3AwK!sWgaRpsjapYxmuVodWRpd5ALBfEOGIb9GoIpJFO7Ufg
  21. Borko


    Okacih, Senina prva pobeda, VN Portugala 1985, kisa, 2 sata i 33 minuta, BBC, Marej Voker i Dzejms Hant, podijum + intervju sa Senom posle trke: https://mega.nz/#!0fYwnaYI!6d7-5iQKZWaB2Rx9cMmVNE3wAy-M9UG7G8ohrV-zj1s
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