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@Boxy sta je tacno konkretno uradio na tom mecu s Fedom? Znam da ovo sto sam prethodno napisala radi regularno protiv svih, ali sam nesto mislila da se nije usudio da to radi protiv Feda.
Tsitsipas ima istoriju slicnih izjava, Medvedev ga je onomad optuzio da ne zna da gubi. Plus sto zna da pokaze pogresan trag protivnikove loptice (onako samouvereno, pa ako prodje kod sudije - prodje) kad se buni da je bila u autu ili slicno, plus sto regularno "zaboravlja" da promeni reket kad treba, vec uzima jos malo vremena pred protivnicko serviranje da ga promeni itd. itd. Ima poprilicno tih sitnica koje nisu ni malo fine. "Filozofiranje" i "kradja tudjih reci" su najmanji problem, mada ga neki i za to prozivaju.
Vajda (Djokovic's coach) : "Rafa's match gave him a lot of confidence. In the first two sets he was maybe thinking too much." Vajda : "I appreciate this trophy more than 2016. He was more nervous." Vajda : "Novak knows he's ready to play five sets anyway, physically, mentally. On clay, the momentum is changing more often than on hard court. He learned a lot from his defeats at the beginning of his career and from Melzer in 2010. His mind is ready." Vajda on a possible calendar Grand Slam by Djokovic : "As much as Novak is healthy, and he is, he is in great shape, he has the ability to win Grand Slams."
ne znam ko tacno je napisao ovaj tvit, ali ispod su neki komentari koji insinuiraju doping.
https://www.eurosport.co.uk/tennis/roland-garros/2021/french-open-scary-good-novak-djokovic-looks-unbeatable-mats-wilander-backs-serb-to-win-wimbledon-too_sto8374086/story.shtml Djokovic: Very close first set, he was the better player in clutch moments. In the second I got fatigued a bit, both mentally and physically. I came back refreshed, I felt that I got into his head after the early break in the 3rd, momentum shifted and I never looked back Novak: There are always two voices: the one telling me that it's over was loud within myself being 0-2, so I tried to vocalize the other voice, the one telling me that I can do it. Novak on year Slam/golden Slam: Everything is possible. My journey has been terrific so far, I achieved a lot of things many people didn't think were possible. I was in this position in 2016, lost in W in 3R. We have only two weeks now, which is not ideal. Djokovic: I will celebrate this title and after a few days, I will turn my attention to Wimbledon. I have no problem saying that I want to win the title. Hopefully, I can use this confidence in Wimbledon as well. Novak: On the court, the thoughts come and go. I have been training my mental ability to be in the moment, not to be pulled left and right. It did happen to me in big matches a few times. I put a lot of time into mental training, and I am glad it paid off. Novak: I am still not there, Rafa and RF are still playing great, but I never felt that it was impossible (to catch up). I will keep on chasing, but at the same time, I will keep my authentic path.
Novak saying he’s not shying away from the fact that « I’m going for the title » in Wimbledon. Amazing. Says « he was in my ear the entire match » about the kid he gave the racquet to. « He was giving me tactics: hold your serve… ». That child is golden.
Vajda says he was very worried after two sets because Novak looked flat physically and Tsitsipas was amazing. Asked Marian if he was still getting surprised by Novak after all these years. He said it’s always impossible to predict what’s gonna happen with him so yes. But he felt Novak was very calm this year and he found his game right on time. Also says he enjoyed this final more than the 2016 final because Novak played at a better level. « He was much stronger mentally this year, even compared to last year. He now uses his experience very well » « We said with Goran that if he does the Grand Slam this year, we’re gonna quit », Vajda in a laugh
on ga je i na AO (izmedju redova) optuzio da folira povredu. 🤮
ko hoce da gleda reprizu Novak-Rafa SF: evo na TennnisCh sada: http://freestreams-live1.com/tennis-channel1/
... The full and complete quote with the official script : ", I don't know, he left the court after two sets to love down, I don't know what happened there, but he came back to me like a different player suddenly. I don't know. I have no idea. He played really well... ...He gave me no space. Felt physically, anticipation maybe, just movement on the court, everything felt much more fresh and much better than before. I don't know. I kind of felt like he could read my game a bit better suddenly. Good for him. He did well to get there."
nemacki ES daje skraceni snimak SF meca Tsitsipas-Zverev kao uvod u danasnje finale...
Braca Tsitsipas opet dobila WC za dubl.
meni se vise svidjala crvena varijanta.