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Posts posted by zoran59

  1. Zanimljiva rasprava.


    Trajni ban je, po mojem misljenju, za stvarno ekstremne provokatere i teroriste. Koliki ograniceni ban je adekvatan za neki manji prestup, neka se dogovori moderacija. No mislim da Puzigaca nije zasluzio da ga se skroz odstrani.


    Na starom B92 forumu sam neko vreme bio moderator. Na krace vreme sam banovao forumske legende - Vladana i Kinika. Dobio sam za to i kritike i pohvale. Sa obojicom sam se slagao u principijelnim stavovima, ali su preterali sa "stilskim izrazavanjem." A onda sam i ja posandrcao i pretereo, pa sam ispao jedinstven slucaj moderatora kojega je banovao drugi mod. Sasvim zasluzeno, jer sam napisao nesto nekorektno. Ubrzo, vise nisam bio mod.

    Ispravno, jer sam uvredio ljude.


    Ovde, prateci raspravu poslednjih par dana,imam ideju za koju ne znam da li je provodljiva.


    Ukinuti trajni ban Puzigaci, ograniciti ga na X dana (moderacija neka se dogovori koliko) i poslati mu email da se vrati. ALI sa upozorenjem da kontrolise recnik.


    I ja ponekad napisem nesto nekorektno.

    Ipak, postoji neka siva zona, neka granica izmedju "ti gresis" i "ti si idiot" pa sve do "hebem ti mater." Tu granicu ponekad dodirnemo a ponekad predjemo. Puzigaca je cesto prelazio, vise ili manje. Ceste manje kazne je zasluzio, ali trajni ban nije.


    Apelujem da se Milenku omoguci da se vrati - ali da ga se privatnim emailom (a admini i modovi sigurno imaju adresu) upozori da da ne vredja i da razmisli, pre nego klikne, kako cemo mi razni to procitati i razumeti.



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  2. 2 hours ago, MetalHead said:

    Koji browser koristis? Da li si probao na nekom drugom? 


    Nije meni upuceno, samo se nadovezujem...


    I meni ponekad neke funkcije ne rade. Na forum (ili na net) navracam samo sa kompa, telefon koristim iskljucivo za telefoniranje. Korisrim Firefox ili Edge, kako kad.

    Izgleda (IT majstori ce valjda nekako objasniti) da se u backgroundu ili vec nekako vuku neke skrivene svinjarije. Jer, crkne mi sasvim normalna i bezazlena funkcija. Ne mogu da kvotujem, ubacim smajli ili mi ne radi "next page." Tada samo proteram CCleaner, taj valjda nesto ocisti/izbrise, vratim se na forum i sve proradi kao ranije.



    Koliko se tice samog foruma, imam nebitno pitanjce. Je li moguce nekako naci "notifications" starije od par meseci? Desi mi se da se setim da mi je neko nesto napisao pre pola godine i tek sad mi padne na pamet da imam nekakav odgovor, ali se vise ne secam tacno ko je to bio i na kojoj temi (posto svi povremeno skrecemo i trolujemo). Tada sam dobio "notification" ali vise nema. Ocigledno nije vazno, ali bi bilo zgodno da mogu da pogledam i ranije stvari.


    I jos nesto, sto nema veze sa forumom ali ne znam gde da pitam.

    Koji je djavo "dark web" i kako se moze naci? Ponekad nadjem u vestima da su se tamo druzili neki teroristi ili krijumcari. Nemam nameru da se bavim terorizmom ili svercujem, samo sam radoznao - moze li se tamo saznati nesto cega nema na "obicnom" webu?

  3. 11 hours ago, Dragan said:


    Kod Michelle mi se svidja (koliko sam mogao ispratiti), ne samo njen dobar, prirodan izgled i pod stare dane (mislim da nije vrsila nikakve kozmeticke intervencije) , vec mi se cini da zaista ima i dobar karakter.

    Ima jos nekoliko glumica, glumaca i drugih prominentnih, koji su i pored takvog izlozenog polozaja, uspeli ostati "normalni"

    i to veoma cenim.


    Eh, Dragane, ovo je lepo i zanimljivo.

    (bice podugacak uvod, lajem)


    Vise ne idem u bioskop, a u na internetu retko pogledam novi film. Video sam stotinjak njih gde dobri policajac lovi kriminalca, automobilske potere (a voznja me zanima) i slicno, necu videti nista novo i drugacije. Ne pratim ni novu muziku. vec do pocetka '80-ih sam napravio kolekciju od nekoliko stotina gramofonskih ploca (znam, danasnjoj omladini ta tehnika nije jasna). Sirok interes, pa tu ima od renesanse, Albinonija, preko Bethovena i Mozarta, pa do jazza, bluesa i rock'n'rolla. Imam originalni "Belafonte at Carnegie hall" dvostruki album, a to je navodno prva objavljena snimka koncerta uzivo. Nemam vremena da pre smrti ni ponovo preslusam sve sta imam, a pogotovo ta neka nova sranja.


    Ipak, ziv sam covek i pratim vesti. Ne mozes izbeci naslove o tim nekim "poznatima." Zainteresovala me ta neka Taylor Swift, pevaljka. Ne bih mogao da prepoznam neku njenu pesmu. Nemam vremena, ne slusam radio nego si pustim Three Dog Night ili Climax Blues Band album. No nakon malo cackanja po internetu, video sam da ona podrzava (donira pare!) iste socijalne programe i politicke opcije kao i ja.


    Pretrazujuci, naisao sam na njene gole slike. Slike drugih pevaljki, bilo kakve, nisam trazio.

    Tako, bez nekih objektivnih argumenata, kazem da je to najlepsa od tih novih zabavljaca.


    Mada i dalje nije lepsa od moje cerke  - koju sam poslednji put video skroz golu kad sam joj menjao pelene pre nekih 25+ godina.

  4. On 9/22/2023 at 10:48 PM, Radoye said:


    Da sam auto sad bih bio ili vec na otpadu ili u kakvom muzeju.
    (verovatno ono prvo, posto nisam neka egzotika :classic_tongue:)


    Obe varijante bi bile bezvezne.


    Ti si dovoljno dobar da bi trebalo uraditi generalnu opravku, pa da budes koristan i dalje! ❤️

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  5. 1 hour ago, Darko said:

    Ne razumem pitanje, nisam spomenuo komunizam. Spomenuo sam marksizam koji se krije iza equality of outcome, što ne znači da je Američko društvo komunističko, ali da postoji opasnost koja nije tako bezazlena. Ukratko, equality of outcome je jedino moguć ako smo svi isti - što očigledno nije slučaj, evolucija se za to pobrinula. A ideologija koja trubi da smo svi isti i jednaki se zove marksizam. Zato je i taj equality of outcomeequality of outcome tako insidious - zvuči lepo na papiru ali kada malo bolje razmisliš šta to ustvari znači, shvatiš da je ekstremna levica otišla u mainstream. 


    Anyway, Sam Harris je celu situaciju (opasnost ekstremne levice i Trampa) mnogo bolje objasnio nego ja, preporučujem da pogledaš/poslusaš video gore. 




    Ponekad se ne razumemo. Recimo, Bohumilo koji je (za moj ukus) maltene fasista, repostuje sta je pisao Andy Ngo. A za tog potonjeg Wiki pise:

    .... Ngo's coverage of antifa and Muslims has been controversial, and the accuracy and credibility of his reporting have been disputed by other journalists. He has been accused of sharing misleading or selective material and described as a provocateur.


    To treba odbaciti.


    Ja jesam "levicar" ali i "meritokrata." Nismo svi isti, ali smatram da je posteno da imamo iste startne pozicije. Tu ne pricam o sportu, gde neko visok 155 cm nema sanse da se bavi kosarkom, nego o drustvu.

    Ja sam sin lekara, odrastao u glavnom gradu bivse republike u Yu. Do fakulteta sam mogao peske. Jasno je da mi je bilo lakse nego nekom seoskom detetu na istom fakultetu koje je trebalo unajmiti sobu i hraniti se ko zna kako.  I zato (u tome se sastoji moje "levicarstvo,")  mislim da je sasvim u redu da je taj neko imao drzavnu ili neku stipendiju, a ja nisam. U konkursu za posao, ako ga dobije on a ne ja, sve OK dok je on pametniji i bolji od mene. Dok se ne uplete korupcija i nepotizam, cega na Balkanu ima previse. Kao i u USA.


    Zato mi nije jasno na sta mislis kad pises, citiram iz tvog posta, "equality of outcome."


    No, posto smo na temi o USA, nekako mi se cini da se ne javljaju neki koji su ranije "navijali" za Trumpa. Sve vise se pojavljuje svedocenja o njegovom kriminalu. Za one koji su ga podupirali zbog ekonomije, bez obzira na njegove seksualne i ostale skandale, cak i njegov bivsi saradnik, Chris Christie, kaze da je Trump povecao deficit za trilione dolara.


    Trump je americki ekvivalent u Srbiji Vucica a u Hrvatskoj Tudmana. Podrzavam sve koji glasaju protiv takvih. Cak i ako alternativa nije bog zna sta.




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  6. Dragane, izgleda da sam glup. Ili barem "neobican."


    Nikada nisam razumeo tu (uslovno receno) opsesiju lepotom tih nekih "poznatih," "slavnih" ili kako se to vec zove. To su naprosto ljudi koji su zbog prirode posla (uglavnom zabava, dakle gluma, sport ili pevanje i slicno) vidjeniji.

    No, tokom zivota, vidjao sam na poslu ili u trgovini zene lepse od najlepsih glumica. No nisu bile na naslovnim stranicama magazina.


    Privlace me lepe zene. No, ni zbog bilo koje ne bih zapostavio moju zenu koja je (naravno, subjektivno) najlepsa na svetu, svih vremena.  Kad je imala oko 20, okin'o sam je (foto-aparatom! :classic_biggrin: ) i fotka je ispala tako dobro da sam je dao uvecati (jos nije bilo digitalne tehnologije) i jos i dan-danas visi na zidu. Okruglo 40+ godina kasnije. Osim za moj uzitak, sluzi da cerka vidi kako je izgledala njena majka kad sam se zaljubio.

    Danas (subjektivno) zena vise nije najlepsa na svetu, tu poziciju je zauzela cerka.


    Imamo hormone i nagone, volimo razgolicene zene. No, uopste me ne zanimaju slike razgolicenih "poznatih" na internetu, samo me zanima moja razgolicena zena u spavacoj sobi.


    Ocigledno, vecina muskih i ja nismo "iz istog filma." No zadovoljan sam svojim stavom, a ostali neka nastave svojim putem ako ih to usrecuje.

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  7. Mitt Romney je desnicar, republikanac i Mormon.

    Ipak, izgleda, i posten i dosledan covek.

    Ako je tekst istinit.

    Kao ateista i levicar, nisam mislio da bih mogao ceniti nekog takvog.

    A onda se pojava sazetak dela knjige koja jos nije objavljena (bice za mesec dana). I ima veze sa trenutnim desavanjima.


    Ovde: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2023/11/mitt-romney-retiring-senate-trump-mcconnell/675306/


    Link, izgleda vodi na The Atlantic a ne na clanak pod naslovom WHAT MITT ROMNEY SAW IN THE SENATE

  8. 5 hours ago, tomas.hokenberi said:

    Ali nisu ni neka starudija koja se koristila pre rapidografa. Taj set je jednostavno druga vrsta alata za tehničko crtanje. Neznatno moderniji set bi imao u kompletu i standardni adapter (npr moj komplet iz 1980-ih je bio praktično identičan osim što je bilo moguće koristiti sa rapidografima "našrafljenim" na šestar) za povezivanje rapidografa na šestar (umesto grafitne olovke ili pera). Jedini umetnik koji bi takav set koristio je neko ko se bavi industrijskim dizajnom.


    Btw. tehničko crtanje koje sam imao u srednjoj elektrotehničkoj školi (srećom na ETF-u su ga ukinuli nekoliko godina pre nego što sam ga upisao 1990.) je bio ubedljivo najbeskorisniji predmet a koji mi je uzimao sate i sate preko vikenda. Bio je za red veličine beskorisniji i od predmeta tipa "Odbrana i Zaštita" ma koliko to delovalo neverovatno. U svojih 28 godina inženjerske karijere nikada nisam imao potrebu da kreiram tehnički crtež sa kotama, tehničkim pismom pod uglom od 75°, ni sa softverom za tehničko crtanje, a kamoli sa rapidografima. Crtaću tablu sam posle 1989 uživo video samo u magacinu starog, davno izbačenog, krša u firmi. 

    Nacrtao sam (uglavnom u Visio-u) stotine blok dijagrama, flowchartova itd, ali nikada "pravi tehnički crtež".


    Tehnicko crtanje u srednjoj nisam imao - zavrsio sam obicnu gimnaziju.

    Valjda '76. sam upisao FSB (Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje) u Zagrebu, zajeb'o prvu godinu i sledece upisao ETF. U to vreme i tamo je jos postojalo tehnicko crtanje, sa svim seleshamerima ili kako su se vec ti papiri zvali. No nikada nisam video da bilo ko koristi ista osim olovke i Rapidografa (za ostavljanje traga, druga pomagala ne pominjem).


    Ni ETF nisam zavrsio, dogurao sam do pola druge godine. Karijera mi je skrenula u zdravstvo, a tu sam zahvaljujuci tom inzenjerskom interesu bio jedan od pionira u MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) kad je to bila skroz nova tehnologija - a medicinski kolege nisu pojma imali kako to funkcionise, nisu znali fiziku.

    Uzgred, MRI nije toliko nova, postoji od '30-ih proslog veka - samo se do pocetka '80-ih niko nije setio da je koristi u medicinske svrhe.


    Tehnicke crteze sam pravio samo privatno. Preuredjivao sam motocikle i crtao kad su mi trebali specijalni delovi. Crtao flomasterima. Linije crteza nisu bile bitne, bile su bitne dimenzije opisane sa strane.

    To ima veze sa temom utoliko sto je u SFRJ sve zavisilo o "vezama" i "poznanstvima" (zvanicno se to zove "nepotizam"). Tako sam iz par velikih fabrika, bez da je iko od "nadleznih" znao, dobio sta mi treba - i od odgovarajuceg materijala.


    To ti je naslov teme - lopovluk. Platio sam par piva za ono sto vredi par hiljada necega.


    Koliko se tice nekoliko poslednjih postova - Jobs i Wozniak sigurno nisu polagali tehnicko crtanje, a vidi gde je Apple danas...

  9. What if Trump's conspiracy was way bigger than we know?


    Podugacko je, i za one koje znaju engleski, pa cu staviti u spoiler...



    There was, it increasingly appears, a conspiracy involving some in the most senior levels of the Trump administration to end American representative democracy and replace it with a strongman oligarchy along the lines of Putin’s Russia or Orbán’s Hungary.

    This would be followed, after the January 20th swearing-in of Trump for a second term, by a complete realignment of US foreign policy away from NATO and the EU and toward oligarchic, autocratic nations like Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, and Hungary.


    As the possibility of this traitorous plan becomes increasingly visible, the GOP, after a frantic two weeks of not knowing what to say or do, has finally settled on a response to Trump’s theft of classified information: “Hillary did the same thing, and she didn’t go to jail!”

    (For the record, Hillary did nothing whatsoever even remotely close to Trump’s theft of classified materials. Among the 50,000+ personal emails on her server, Republicans found three that had markings indicating they were at one time classified, none had to do with espionage or compromised national security in any way, and all three were clearly there because she had replied to somebody using the wrong account in error. But we can expect this to be the distraction line coming from Trump and the GOP.)

    So, what did Trump do, and why did he do it? And who helped him and why?


    There’s little dispute that on January 6th, 2021, an armed mob incited by Donald Trump and led by members of several white supremacist militias tried to murder the Vice President and Speaker of the House to prevent the certification of Joe Biden’s 7-million-vote victory in the November 2020 election.

    Evidence is growing, however, that the leadership of this conspiracy to end our form of government and replace it with a Putin-style strongman oligarchy wasn’t limited to Trump, Stone, Giuliani, and a few dozen militia members.

    While, at this moment, most of the evidence is circumstantial, collectively it paints a damning picture for which it’s hard to find any other possible explanation.

    This article’s opening sentence describes the worst-case scenario that the media seems to be going out of its way not to even get close to mentioning. Again, this is, at this moment, still speculation, in large part because the alleged conspirators have been so successful at destroying much of the evidence that might have implicated (or cleared) them.


    If Trump was truly planning not just to hang onto the presidency but to concurrently seize every lever of power in Washington — the way coups conducted from “inside of government” (like Putin and Orbán did) typically happen — he’d need some help, particularly from the military and the senior levels of federal law enforcement. So let’s start there.

    Over at the Department of Defense then-acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller and his Chief of Staff Kash Patel (formerly of Devin Nunes’ staff) were running the place.

    They controlled the Pentagon and our armed forces but, more importantly, they controlled the National Guard, whose troops had previously surrounded buildings in the Capitol area three-deep during the peaceful BLM protests in the summer of 2020.

    The prospect that violence was heading toward the Capitol on January 6th wasn’t a secret to anybody with a Twitter or Facebook account: the nation was awash with threats and planning for violence, much of it in the open.


    The prospect that violence was heading toward the Capitol on January 6th wasn’t a secret to anybody with a Twitter or Facebook account: the nation was awash with threats and planning for violence, much of it in the open.

    This apparently so alarmed Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy that, on January 4th, he reached out to his boss, Trump’s recently-appointed Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller, to get permission to send the National Guard to the Capitol building on January 6th to prevent the violence they were seeing being planned all over social media.

    Acting Defense Secretary Miller, in the effective role of commander of our entire military just one step below Commander-in-Chief Trump (on whose behalf he acted), then issued a memo (attached at the end of this article) on January 4th specifically directing McCarthy and the National Guard that they were:

    ・Not authorized to be issued weapons, ammunition, bayonets, batons, or ballistic protection equipment such as helmets and body armor.

    ・Not to interact physically with protestors, except when necessary in self-defense or defense of others.

    ・Not to employ any riot control agents.

    ・Not to share equipment with law enforcement agencies.

    ・Not authorized to use Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) assets or to conduct ISR or Incident, Awareness, and Assessment activities in assistance to Capitol Police.

    ・Not allowed to employ helicopters or any other air assets.

    ・Not to conduct searches, seizures, arrests, or other similar direct law enforcement activity.

    ・Not authorized to seek support from any non-DC National Guard units.


    If this isn’t bad enough, on January 6th itself — as armed traitors were attacking police and searching to “hang Mike Pence” — Chris Miller oversaw a mid-afternoon, mid-riot conference call in which Army Secretary McCarthy was again asking for authority to immediately bring in the National Guard.

    Then-Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations General Charles Flynn, the brother of convicted/pardoned foreign agent General Michael Flynn (who had been pushing Trump to declare martial law and seize voting machines nationwide) was on the call; both the Pentagon and the Army, it has been reported, lied to the press, Congress, and, apparently, to the Biden administration about his presence on that call for almost a year.

    It wasn’t until December that it was widely reported that the National Security Council’s Colonel Earl Matthews (who was also on the call) wrote a memo calling both Charles Flynn and Lt. Gen Walter Piatt, the Director of Army Staff, "absolute and unmitigated liars" for their testimony to Congress in which they both denied they’d argued to withhold the National Guard on January 6th.


    Last year, we discovered that the phones and text messages of most of the group, including Chris Miller, Walter Piatt, Kash Patel and Ryan McCarthy, were all wiped of all conversations they had on January 6th.

    ICE, whose plainclothes agents were sent by Trump to Portland to beat up and kidnap protesters off the street and used, essentially, as his private militia was also instructed by the Trump Administration to wipe all their phones after January 6th.

    If they were involved in a plan to help Trump take over and run the government — as usually happens when coups involve senior levels of the military — it’s going to take a lot of digging to find out, since this coverup of their activities and conversations on January 6th was apparently in place for almost a full year before it was discovered.


    Similarly, if Trump was planning to install himself in power in a way that echoed and aligned him with Putin, he’d need the active help and support of his palace guard, the Secret Service.

    Here, again, we discover that the evidence is not only missing but that Trump appointees — still in government — knew about it for over a year and concealed that information from the January 6th Committee, Congress, and the media.

    This was at the same time that Trump was maintaining possession of documents for which foreign governments would be willing to spend billions. In fact, Russia, Saudi Arabia, China and others have spent billions of dollars on acquiring secrets and documents of that sort, via their annual intelligence budgets.

    Trump would also have needed the support of several foreign governments if he was planning to end American democracy and re-align our nation with oligarchies run along the lines he and Putin were possibly envisioning.


    Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia would logically be at the top of that list because of their military, oil, and financial power, followed by Turkey, Hungary, and Egypt because of their strategic locations.

    And lest you think that even Trump wouldn’t be so audacious as to solicit help from a foreign government to hold power, please remember that he was impeached for exactly that: his attempted extortion of Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy to smear Joe Biden.

    A couple of events from last year might highlight the echoes of those plans to end American democracy and re-align our government with Russia/China/Saudi Arabia. If Trump was coordinating with foreign governments, suddenly a lot of seemingly disparate and inchoate events make sense.

    First, throughout 2020 and in January of 2021, Trump removed from the White House to Mar-a-Lago hundreds of Top Secret (and above) documents that, according to multiple news reports, contained information that could reveal the identities and locations of America’s spies and agents.


    Trump and Kushner already had a history of illegally sharing Top Secret “human intelligence” information with Saudi dictator Mohammed Bin Salman dating back to when MBS staged his own coup/takeover of the Saudi government.


    As The Jerusalem Post reported on March 23, 2018:

    “Kushner, who is the son-in-law of President Donald Trump, and the crown prince had a late October meeting in Riyadh.

    “A week later, Mohammed began what he called an ‘anti-corruption crackdown.’ The Saudi government arrested and jailed dozens of members of the Saudi royal family in a Riyadh hotel – among them Saudi figures named in a daily classified brief read by the president and his closest advisers that Kushner read avidly….

    “According to the report, Mohammed told confidants that he and Kushner discussed Saudis identified in the classified brief as disloyal to Mohammed.”

    The day before, CBS and The Intercept quoted MBS as gloating that Kushner was “in his pocket.”


    The Washington Post noted that:

    “Recently ousted Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and national security adviser H.R. McMaster expressed early concern that Kushner was freelancing U.S. foreign policy and might make naive mistakes, according to ­people familiar with their ­reactions.

    “… [National Security Advisor] McMaster was concerned there were no official records kept of what was said on the calls.

    “Tillerson was even more aggrieved, they said, once remarking to staff: ‘Who is secretary of state here?’”

    Meanwhile, throughout his presidency, Donald Trump was having secret phone conversations with Russia’s President Putin (over 20 have been identified, including one just days before the 2020 election).


    The Moscow Project from the American Progress Action Fund documents more than 270 known contacts between Russia-linked operatives and members of the Trump Campaign and transition team, as well as at least 38 known meetings just leading up to the 2016 election.

    The manager of his 2016 campaign, Paul Manafort, who previously worked on behalf of Vladimir Putin, has recently admitted that he was regularly feeding inside campaign information to Russian intelligence. There is no known parallel to this behavior by any president in American history.

    The Washington Post, just yesterday,reported that Trump had a habit of carrying top-secret information that could damage our national security, intentionally leaving it in hotel rooms in hostile nations:

    “Boxes of documents even came with Trump on foreign travel, following him to hotel rooms around the world — including countries considered foreign adversaries of the United States.”


    The Mueller Report identifies ten specific instances of Trump trying to obstruct the investigation, including offering the bribe of a pardon to Paul Manafort, asking FBI Director Comey to “go easy” on General Flynn, and directing Attorney General Jeff Sessions to limit Mueller’s ability to investigate Trump’s connections to Russia.

    As the Mueller Report noted:

    “The President launched public attacks on the investigation and individuals involved in it who would could possess evidence adverse to the President, while in private the President engaged in a series of targeted efforts to control the investigation.


    “For instance, the President attempted to remove the Attorney General; he sought to have Attorney General Sessions un-recuse himself and limit the investigation; he sought to prevent public disclosure of information about the June 9, 2016 meeting between Russians and campaign officials; and he used public forums to attack potential witnesses who might offer adverse information and to praise witnesses who declined to cooperate with the government.”

    It adds, detailing Trump’s specific obstruction of justice crimes:

    “These actions ranged from efforts to remove the Special Counsel and to reverse the effect of the Attorney General’s recusal; to the attempted use of official power to limit the scope of the investigation; to direct and indirect contacts with witnesses with the potential to influence their testimony.


    “Viewing the acts collectively can help to illuminate their significance. For example, the President’s direction to McGahn to have the Special Counsel removed was followed almost immediately by his direction to Lewandowski to tell the Attorney General to limit the scope of the Russia investigation to prospective election-interference only—a temporal connection that suggests that both acts were taken with a related purpose with respect to the investigation.”

    There are, after all,credible assertions that when Trump was elected, members of Russian intelligence and Putin’s inner circle were literally partying in Moscow, explicitly celebrating a victory they truly believed they helped make happen.

    In his first months in office, Trump outed an Israeli spy to the Russian Ambassador, resulting in MOSAD having to “burn” (relocate, change identity of) that spy. That, in turn, prompted the CIA to worry that a longtime US spy buried deep in the Kremlin was similarly vulnerable to Trump handing him over to Putin.


    As CNN noted when the story leaked two years later:

    “The source was considered the highest level source for the US inside the Kremlin, high up in the national security infrastructure, according to the source familiar with the matter and a former senior intelligence official.

    “According to CNN’s sources, the spy had access to Putin and could even provide images of documents on the Russian leader’s desk.”

    The CIA concluded that the risk Trump had burned the spy was so great that, at massive loss to US intelligence abilities that may have helped forestall the invasion of Ukraine, we pulled the spy out of Russia in 2017.

    Similarly, when they met in Helsinki, Trump and Putin talked in private for several hours and Trump ordered his translators’ notes destroyed; there is also concern that much of their conversation was done out of the hearing of the US’s translator (Putin is also fluent in English and German) who may have been relegated to a distant part of the rather large room in which they met.

    Things were picking up in 2019, as Putin was planning his invasion of Ukraine while Trump was preparing for the 2020 election.


    ・On July 31, Trump had another private conversation with Putin. The White Housetold Congress and the press that they discussed “wildfires” and “trade between the nations.” No droids in this car…

    ・The following week, on August 2nd, The Daily Beast’s Betsy Swan reported that Trump had just asked the Office of the Director of National Intelligence for a list of all its employees (including all our “spies”) who had worked there more than 90 days, and the request had intelligence officials experiencing “disquiet.”

    ・Within a year, The New York Times ran a story with the headline: “Captured, Killed or Compromised: C.I.A. Admits to Losing Dozens of Informants.” The CIA then alerted spies around the world that their identities had probably been compromised, apparently by Donald Trump himself.

    Also in 2019, when the international press verified that Putin was paying the Taliban a bounty to kill American service members in Afghanistan (and 4 had died as a result), Trump refused to demand the practice stop, a possible sign that Putin ran him, not the other way around.


    As The New York Times noted at the time:

    “Mr. Trump defended himself by denying the Times report that he had been briefed on the intelligence... But leading congressional Democrats and some Republicans demanded a response to Russia that, according to officials, the administration has yet to authorize.”

    Instead of stopping Putin, Trump shut down every US airbase in Afghanistan except one (there were about a dozen),crippling incoming President Biden’s ability to extract US assets from the country in an orderly fashion.

    In July 2019, Trump had conversations with five foreign leaders during and just before a visit to Mar-a-Lago; they included Putin and the Emir of Qatar.


    n one of those conversations, according to a high-level US Intelligence source, Trump made “promises” to a “world leader” that were so alarming it provoked a national security scramble across multiple agencies.

    As The Washington Post noted in an article titled “Trump’s communications with foreign leader are part of whistleblower complaint that spurred standoff between spy chief and Congress”:

    “Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson determined that the complaint [against Trump] was credible and troubling enough to be considered a matter of ‘urgent concern,’ a legal threshold that requires notification of congressional oversight committees.”

    Along his journey toward converting America into a full-blown oligarchy (as I detail in The Hidden History of American Oligarchy: Reclaiming Our Democracy from the Ruling Class), Trump has picked up quite a few democracy-skeptical allies.


    As early as 2018, for example, Senator Rand Paulmade a solo trip to Moscow to personally hand-deliver a private note from Trump to Putin. Its contents are still unknown.

    Senator Paul has also consistently taken Trump’s side with regard to the 2020 election and, when the FBI searched Mar-a-Lago this month, responded with a call for the repeal of the Espionage Act. Perhaps he had ambitious plans for a role in the Trump administration after the planned end of American democracy?

    With that backstory, consider more contemporary events to see if they fit together.

    In January of last year Trump stole and moved to Florida information that, multiple sources assert, would reveal the identities of many of our spies, as well as our nuclear plans and capabilities.


    There was, it increasingly appears, a conspiracy involving some in the most senior levels of the Trump administration to end American representative democracy and replace it with a strongman oligarchy along the lines of Putin’s Russia or Orbán’s Hungary.

    This would be followed, after the January 20th swearing-in of Trump for a second term, by a complete realignment of US foreign policy away from NATO and the EU and toward oligarchic, autocratic nations like Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, and Hungary.


    As the possibility of this traitorous plan becomes increasingly visible, the GOP, after a frantic two weeks of not knowing what to say or do, has finally settled on a response to Trump’s theft of classified information: “Hillary did the same thing, and she didn’t go to jail!”

    (For the record, Hillary did nothing whatsoever even remotely close to Trump’s theft of classified materials. Among the 50,000+ personal emails on her server, Republicans found three that had markings indicating they were at one time classified, none had to do with espionage or compromised national security in any way, and all three were clearly there because she had replied to somebody using the wrong account in error. But we can expect this to be the distraction line coming from Trump and the GOP.)

    So, what did Trump do, and why did he do it? And who helped him and why?

    There’s little dispute that on January 6th, 2021, an armed mob incited by Donald Trump and led by members of several white supremacist militias tried to murder the Vice President and Speaker of the House to prevent the certification of Joe Biden’s 7-million-vote victory in the November 2020 election.

    Evidence is growing, however, that the leadership of this conspiracy to end our form of government and replace it with a Putin-style strongman oligarchy wasn’t limited to Trump, Stone, Giuliani, and a few dozen militia members.

    While, at this moment, most of the evidence is circumstantial, collectively it paints a damning picture for which it’s hard to find any other possible explanation.

    This article’s opening sentence describes the worst-case scenario that the media seems to be going out of its way not to even get close to mentioning. Again, this is, at this moment, still speculation, in large part because the alleged conspirators have been so successful at destroying much of the evidence that might have implicated (or cleared) them.

    If Trump was truly planning not just to hang onto the presidency but to concurrently seize every lever of power in Washington — the way coups conducted from “inside of government” (like Putin and Orbán did) typically happen — he’d need some help, particularly from the military and the senior levels of federal law enforcement. So let’s start there.

    Over at the Department of Defense then-acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller and his Chief of Staff Kash Patel (formerly of Devin Nunes’ staff) were running the place.

    They controlled the Pentagon and our armed forces but, more importantly, they controlled the National Guard, whose troops hadpreviously surrounded buildings in the Capitol area three-deep during the peaceful BLM protests in the summer of 2020.

    The prospect that violence was heading toward the Capitol on January 6th wasn’t a secret to anybody with a Twitter or Facebook account: the nation was awash with threats and planning for violence, much of it in the open.

    This apparently so alarmed Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy that, on January 4th, he reached out to his boss, Trump’s recently-appointed Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller, to get permission to send the National Guard to the Capitol building on January 6th to prevent the violence they were seeing being planned all over social media.

    Acting Defense Secretary Miller, in the effective role of commander of our entire military just one step below Commander-in-Chief Trump (on whose behalf he acted), then issued a memo (attached at the end of this article) on January 4th specifically directing McCarthy and the National Guard that they were:

    ・Not authorized to be issued weapons, ammunition, bayonets, batons, or ballistic protection equipment such as helmets and body armor.

    ・Not to interact physically with protestors, except when necessary in self-defense or defense of others.

    ・Not to employ any riot control agents.

    ・Not to share equipment with law enforcement agencies.

    ・Not authorized to use Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) assets or to conduct ISR or Incident, Awareness, and Assessment activities in assistance to Capitol Police.

    ・Not allowed to employ helicopters or any other air assets.

    ・Not to conduct searches, seizures, arrests, or other similar direct law enforcement activity.

    ・Not authorized to seek support from any non-DC National Guard units.

    If this isn’t bad enough, on January 6th itself — as armed traitors were attacking police and searching to “hang Mike Pence” — Chris Miller oversaw a mid-afternoon, mid-riot conference call in which Army Secretary McCarthy was again asking for authority to immediately bring in the National Guard.

    Then-Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations General Charles Flynn, the brother of convicted/pardoned foreign agent General Michael Flynn (who had been pushing Trump to declare martial law and seize voting machines nationwide) was on the call; both the Pentagon and the Army, it has beenreported, lied to the press, Congress, and, apparently, to the Biden administration about his presence on that call for almost a year.

    It wasn’t until December that it was widely reported that the National Security Council’s Colonel Earl Matthews (who was also on the call) wrote a memo calling both Charles Flynn and Lt. Gen Walter Piatt, the Director of Army Staff, "absolute and unmitigated liars" for their testimony to Congress in which they both denied they’d argued to withhold the National Guard on January 6th.

    Last year, we discovered that the phones and text messages of most of the group, including Chris Miller, Walter Piatt, Kash Patel and Ryan McCarthy, were all wiped of all conversations they had on January 6th.

    ICE, whose plainclothes agents were sent by Trump to Portland to beat up and kidnap protesters off the street and used, essentially, as his private militia was also instructed by the Trump Administration to wipe all their phones after January 6th.

    If they were involved in a plan to help Trump take over and run the government — as usually happens when coups involve senior levels of the military — it’s going to take a lot of digging to find out, since this coverup of their activities and conversations on January 6th was apparently in place for almost a full year before it was discovered.

    Similarly, if Trump was planning to install himself in power in a way that echoed and aligned him with Putin, he’d need the active help and support of his palace guard, the Secret Service.

    Here, again, we discover that the evidence is not only missing but that Trump appointees — still in government — knew about it for over a year and concealed that information from the January 6th Committee, Congress, and the media.

    This was at the same time that Trump was maintaining possession of documents for which foreign governments would be willing to spend billions. In fact, Russia, Saudi Arabia, China and others have spent billions of dollars on acquiring secrets and documents of that sort, via their annual intelligence budgets.

    Trump would also have needed the support of several foreign governments if he was planning to end American democracy and re-align our nation with oligarchies run along the lines he and Putin were possibly envisioning.

    Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia would logically be at the top of that list because of their military, oil, and financial power, followed by Turkey, Hungary, and Egypt because of their strategic locations.

    And lest you think that even Trump wouldn’t be so audacious as to solicit help from a foreign government to hold power, please remember that he was impeached for exactly that: his attempted extortion of Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy to smear Joe Biden.

    A couple of events from last year might highlight the echoes of those plans to end American democracy and re-align our government with Russia/China/Saudi Arabia. If Trump was coordinating with foreign governments, suddenly a lot of seemingly disparate and inchoate events make sense.

    First, throughout 2020 and in January of 2021, Trump removed from the White House to Mar-a-Lago hundreds of Top Secret (and above) documents that, according to multiple news reports, contained information that could reveal the identities and locations of America’s spies and agents.

    Trump and Kushner already had a history of illegally sharing Top Secret “human intelligence” information with Saudi dictator Mohammed Bin Salman dating back to when MBS staged his own coup/takeover of the Saudi government.

    As The Jerusalem Post reported on March 23, 2018:

    “Kushner, who is the son-in-law of President Donald Trump, and the crown prince had a late October meeting in Riyadh.

    “A week later, Mohammed began what he called an ‘anti-corruption crackdown.’ The Saudi government arrested and jailed dozens of members of the Saudi royal family in a Riyadh hotel – among them Saudi figures named in a daily classified brief read by the president and his closest advisers that Kushner read avidly….

    “According to the report, Mohammed told confidants that he and Kushner discussed Saudis identified in the classified brief as disloyal to Mohammed.”

    The day before, CBS and The Intercept quoted MBS as gloating that Kushner was “in his pocket.”

    The Washington Post noted that:

    “Recently ousted Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and national security adviser H.R. McMaster expressed early concern that Kushner was freelancing U.S. foreign policy and might make naive mistakes, according to ­people familiar with their ­reactions.

    “… [National Security Advisor] McMaster was concerned there were no official records kept of what was said on the calls.

    “Tillerson was even more aggrieved, they said, once remarking to staff: ‘Who is secretary of state here?’”

    Meanwhile, throughout his presidency, Donald Trump was having secret phone conversations with Russia’s President Putin (over 20 have been identified, including one just days before the 2020 election).

    The Moscow Project from the American Progress Action Fund documents more than 270 known contacts between Russia-linked operatives and members of the Trump Campaign and transition team, as well as at least 38 known meetings just leading up to the 2016 election.

    The manager of his 2016 campaign, Paul Manafort, who previously worked on behalf of Vladimir Putin, has recently admitted that he was regularly feeding inside campaign information to Russian intelligence. There is no known parallel to this behavior by any president in American history.

    The Washington Post, just yesterday,reported that Trump had a habit of carrying top-secret information that could damage our national security, intentionally leaving it in hotel rooms in hostile nations:

    “Boxes of documents even came with Trump on foreign travel, following him to hotel rooms around the world — including countries considered foreign adversaries of the United States.”

    The Mueller Report identifies ten specific instances of Trump trying to obstruct the investigation, including offering the bribe of a pardon to Paul Manafort, asking FBI Director Comey to “go easy” on General Flynn, and directing Attorney General Jeff Sessions to limit Mueller’s ability to investigate Trump’s connections to Russia.

    As the Mueller Report noted:

    “The President launched public attacks on the investigation and individuals involved in it who would could possess evidence adverse to the President, while in private the President engaged in a series of targeted efforts to control the investigation.

    “For instance, the President attempted to remove the Attorney General; he sought to have Attorney General Sessions un-recuse himself and limit the investigation; he sought to prevent public disclosure of information about the June 9, 2016 meeting between Russians and campaign officials; and he used public forums to attack potential witnesses who might offer adverse information and to praise witnesses who declined to cooperate with the government.”

    It adds, detailing Trump’s specific obstruction of justice crimes:

    “These actions ranged from efforts to remove the Special Counsel and to reverse the effect of the Attorney General’s recusal; to the attempted use of official power to limit the scope of the investigation; to direct and indirect contacts with witnesses with the potential to influence their testimony.

    “Viewing the acts collectively can help to illuminate their significance. For example, the President’s direction to McGahn to have the Special Counsel removed was followed almost immediately by his direction to Lewandowski to tell the Attorney General to limit the scope of the Russia investigation to prospective election-interference only—a temporal connection that suggests that both acts were taken with a related purpose with respect to the investigation.”

    There are, after all,credible assertions that when Trump was elected, members of Russian intelligence and Putin’s inner circle were literally partying in Moscow, explicitly celebrating a victory they truly believed they helped make happen.

    In his first months in office, Trump outed an Israeli spy to the Russian Ambassador, resulting in MOSAD having to “burn” (relocate, change identity of) that spy. That, in turn, prompted the CIA to worry that a longtime US spy buried deep in the Kremlin was similarly vulnerable to Trump handing him over to Putin.

    As CNN noted when the story leaked two years later:

    “The source was considered the highest level source for the US inside the Kremlin, high up in the national security infrastructure, according to the source familiar with the matter and a former senior intelligence official.

    “According to CNN’s sources, the spy had access to Putin and could even provide images of documents on the Russian leader’s desk.”

    The CIA concluded that the risk Trump had burned the spy was so great that, at massive loss to US intelligence abilities that may have helped forestall the invasion of Ukraine, we pulled the spy out of Russia in 2017.

    Similarly, when they met in Helsinki, Trump and Putin talked in private for several hours and Trump ordered his translators’ notes destroyed; there is also concern that much of their conversation was done out of the hearing of the US’s translator (Putin is alsofluent in English and German) who may have been relegated to a distant part of the rather large room in which they met.

    Things were picking up in 2019, as Putin was planning his invasion of Ukraine while Trump was preparing for the 2020 election.

    ・On July 31, Trump had another private conversation with Putin. The White House told Congress and the press that they discussed “wildfires” and “trade between the nations.” No droids in this car…

    ・The following week, on August 2nd, The Daily Beast’s Betsy Swan reported that Trump had just asked the Office of the Director of National Intelligence for a list of all its employees (including all our “spies”) who had worked there more than 90 days, and the request had intelligence officials experiencing “disquiet.”

    ・Within a year, The New York Times ran a story with the headline: “Captured, Killed or Compromised: C.I.A. Admits to Losing Dozens of Informants.” The CIA then alerted spies around the world that their identities had probably been compromised, apparently by Donald Trump himself.

    Also in 2019, when the international press verified that Putin was paying the Taliban a bounty to kill American service members in Afghanistan (and 4 had died as a result), Trump refused to demand the practice stop, a possible sign that Putin ran him, not the other way around.

    As The New York Times noted at the time:

    “Mr. Trump defended himself by denying the Times report that he had been briefed on the intelligence... But leading congressional Democrats and some Republicans demanded a response to Russia that, according to officials, the administration has yet to authorize.”

    Instead of stopping Putin, Trump shut down every US airbase in Afghanistan except one (there were about a dozen),crippling incoming President Biden’s ability to extract US assets from the country in an orderly fashion.

    In July 2019, Trump had conversations with five foreign leaders during and just before a visit to Mar-a-Lago; they included Putin and the Emir of Qatar.

    In one of those conversations, according to a high-level US Intelligence source, Trump made “promises” to a “world leader” that were so alarming it provoked a national security scramble across multiple agencies.

    As The Washington Post noted in an article titled “Trump’s communications with foreign leader are part of whistleblower complaint that spurred standoff between spy chief and Congress”:

    “Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson determined that the complaint [against Trump] was credible and troubling enough to be considered a matter of ‘urgent concern,’ a legal threshold that requires notification of congressional oversight committees.”

    Along his journey toward converting America into a full-blown oligarchy (as I detail in The Hidden History of American Oligarchy: Reclaiming Our Democracy from the Ruling Class), Trump has picked up quite a few democracy-skeptical allies.

    As early as 2018, for example, Senator Rand Paul made a solo trip to Moscow to personally hand-deliver a private note from Trump to Putin. Its contents are still unknown.

    Senator Paul has also consistently taken Trump’s side with regard to the 2020 election and, when the FBI searched Mar-a-Lago this month, responded with a call for the repeal of the Espionage Act. Perhaps he had ambitious plans for a role in the Trump administration after the planned end of American democracy?

    With that backstory, consider more contemporary events to see if they fit together.

    In January of last year Trump stole and moved to Florida information that, multiple sources assert, would reveal the identities of many of our spies, as well as our nuclear plans and capabilities.

    Three months later, in March of 2021, Jared Kushner filed papers showing that his brand new investment company —against the advice of the Saudi government but at MBS’s order — had received over $2 billion from the Kingdom.

    It’s still unknown if or how much money the Kingdom gave to Trump himself, presumably through the dark offshore accounts common among billionaires like Trump.

    This was not the first time Kushner had apparently altered US foreign policy or shared valuable US secrets with Middle East players in exchange for large quantities of cash that flowed directly to him or other members of the Trump family.

    As investigative reporter Vicky Ward notes in the most recent post on Vicky Ward Investigates on Substack:

    Kushner was struggling with the “ticking time bomb of a $1.8 billion mortgage on 666 Fifth Avenue that would come due in February of 2019—a debt no domestic buyer was interested in. Not even the Chinese or Qataris wanted it. … Kushner desperately needed a bail-out for his troubled building…and the clock was ticking.


    “Then, in the spring of 2018, two things happened within weeks. First, the U.S. withdrew their support of the blockade of Qatar, leading the Saudis and Emiratis to lift it.

    “Then, Brookfield, a Canadian real estate investment trust whose largest outside shareholder is the Qatari government, bailed out the Kushners in a deal that has real estate moguls rolling their eyes to this day: A 99-year lease paid upfront on a building that was bleeding money.”

    Which brings us back, again, to last year, just after Trump’s failed January 6th attempt to overthrow the US government.

    About six months after the Saudis gave Kushner that second batch of billions, we learned that for several months “dozens” of American spies and agents had been “captured or killed” around the world. As The Washington Post reported on October 5, 2021:


    There was, it increasingly appears, a conspiracy involving some in the most senior levels of the Trump administration to end American representative democracy and replace it with a strongman oligarchy along the lines of Putin’s Russia or Orbán’s Hungary.

    This would be followed, after the January 20th swearing-in of Trump for a second term, by a complete realignment of US foreign policy away from NATO and the EU and toward oligarchic, autocratic nations like Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, and Hungary.


    As the possibility of this traitorous plan becomes increasingly visible, the GOP, after a frantic two weeks of not knowing what to say or do, has finally settled on a response to Trump’s theft of classified information: “Hillary did the same thing, and she didn’t go to jail!”

    (For the record, Hillary did nothing whatsoever even remotely close to Trump’s theft of classified materials. Among the 50,000+ personal emails on her server, Republicans found three that had markings indicating they were at one time classified, none had to do with espionage or compromised national security in any way, and all three were clearly there because she had replied to somebody using the wrong account in error. But we can expect this to be the distraction line coming from Trump and the GOP.)

    So, what did Trump do, and why did he do it? And who helped him and why?

    There’s little dispute that on January 6th, 2021, an armed mob incited by Donald Trump and led by members of several white supremacist militias tried to murder the Vice President and Speaker of the House to prevent the certification of Joe Biden’s 7-million-vote victory in the November 2020 election.

    Evidence is growing, however, that the leadership of this conspiracy to end our form of government and replace it with a Putin-style strongman oligarchy wasn’t limited to Trump, Stone, Giuliani, and a few dozen militia members.

    While, at this moment, most of the evidence is circumstantial, collectively it paints a damning picture for which it’s hard to find any other possible explanation.

    This article’s opening sentence describes the worst-case scenario that the media seems to be going out of its way not to even get close to mentioning. Again, this is, at this moment, still speculation, in large part because the alleged conspirators have been so successful at destroying much of the evidence that might have implicated (or cleared) them.

    If Trump was truly planning not just to hang onto the presidency but to concurrently seize every lever of power in Washington — the way coups conducted from “inside of government” (like Putin and Orbán did) typically happen — he’d need some help, particularly from the military and the senior levels of federal law enforcement. So let’s start there.

    Over at the Department of Defense then-acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller and his Chief of Staff Kash Patel (formerly of Devin Nunes’ staff) were running the place.

    They controlled the Pentagon and our armed forces but, more importantly, they controlled the National Guard, whose troops hadpreviously surrounded buildings in the Capitol area three-deep during the peaceful BLM protests in the summer of 2020.

    The prospect that violence was heading toward the Capitol on January 6th wasn’t a secret to anybody with a Twitter or Facebook account: the nation was awash with threats and planning for violence, much of it in the open.

    This apparently so alarmed Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy that, on January 4th, he reached out to his boss, Trump’s recently-appointed Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller, to get permission to send the National Guard to the Capitol building on January 6th to prevent the violence they were seeing being planned all over social media.

    Acting Defense Secretary Miller, in the effective role of commander of our entire military just one step below Commander-in-Chief Trump (on whose behalf he acted), then issued a memo (attached at the end of this article) on January 4th specifically directing McCarthy and the National Guard that they were:

    ・Not authorized to be issued weapons, ammunition, bayonets, batons, or ballistic protection equipment such as helmets and body armor.

    ・Not to interact physically with protestors, except when necessary in self-defense or defense of others.

    ・Not to employ any riot control agents.

    ・Not to share equipment with law enforcement agencies.

    ・Not authorized to use Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) assets or to conduct ISR or Incident, Awareness, and Assessment activities in assistance to Capitol Police.

    ・Not allowed to employ helicopters or any other air assets.

    ・Not to conduct searches, seizures, arrests, or other similar direct law enforcement activity.

    ・Not authorized to seek support from any non-DC National Guard units.

    If this isn’t bad enough, on January 6th itself — as armed traitors were attacking police and searching to “hang Mike Pence” — Chris Miller oversaw a mid-afternoon, mid-riot conference call in which Army Secretary McCarthy was again asking for authority to immediately bring in the National Guard.

    Then-Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations General Charles Flynn, the brother of convicted/pardoned foreign agent General Michael Flynn (who had been pushing Trump to declare martial law and seize voting machines nationwide) was on the call; both the Pentagon and the Army, it has beenreported, lied to the press, Congress, and, apparently, to the Biden administration about his presence on that call for almost a year.

    It wasn’t until December that it was widelyreported that the National Security Council’s Colonel Earl Matthews (who was also on the call) wrote a memo calling both Charles Flynn and Lt. Gen Walter Piatt, the Director of Army Staff, "absolute and unmitigated liars" for their testimony to Congress in which they both denied they’d argued to withhold the National Guard on January 6th.

    Last year, wediscovered that the phones and text messages of most of the group, including Chris Miller, Walter Piatt, Kash Patel and Ryan McCarthy, were all wiped of all conversations they had on January 6th.

    ICE, whose plainclothes agents were sent by Trump to Portland to beat up andkidnap protesters off the street and used, essentially, as his private militia was also instructed by the Trump Administration to wipe all their phones after January 6th.

    If they were involved in a plan to help Trump take over and run the government — as usually happens when coups involve senior levels of the military — it’s going to take a lot of digging to find out, since this coverup of their activities and conversations on January 6th was apparently in place for almost a full year before it was discovered.

    Similarly, if Trump was planning to install himself in power in a way that echoed and aligned him with Putin, he’d need the active help and support of his palace guard, the Secret Service.

    Here, again, we discover that the evidence is not only missing but that Trump appointees — still in government — knew about it for over a year and concealed that information from the January 6th Committee, Congress, and the media.

    This was at the same time that Trump was maintaining possession of documents for which foreign governments would be willing to spend billions. In fact, Russia, Saudi Arabia, China and others have spent billions of dollars on acquiring secrets and documents of that sort, via their annual intelligence budgets.

    Trump would also have needed the support of several foreign governments if he was planning to end American democracy and re-align our nation with oligarchies run along the lines he and Putin were possibly envisioning.

    Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia would logically be at the top of that list because of their military, oil, and financial power, followed by Turkey, Hungary, and Egypt because of their strategic locations.

    And lest you think that even Trump wouldn’t be so audacious as to solicit help from a foreign government to hold power, please remember that he was impeached for exactly that: his attempted extortion of Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy to smear Joe Biden.

    A couple of events from last year might highlight the echoes of those plans to end American democracy and re-align our government with Russia/China/Saudi Arabia. If Trump was coordinating with foreign governments, suddenly a lot of seemingly disparate and inchoate events make sense.

    First, throughout 2020 and in January of 2021, Trump removed from the White House to Mar-a-Lago hundreds of Top Secret (and above) documents that, according to multiple news reports, contained information that could reveal the identities and locations of America’s spies and agents.

    Trump and Kushner already had a history of illegally sharing Top Secret “human intelligence” information with Saudi dictator Mohammed Bin Salman dating back to when MBS staged his own coup/takeover of the Saudi government.

    AsThe Jerusalem Post reported on March 23, 2018:

    “Kushner, who is the son-in-law of President Donald Trump, and the crown prince had a late October meeting in Riyadh.

    “A week later, Mohammed began what he called an ‘anti-corruption crackdown.’ The Saudi government arrested and jailed dozens of members of the Saudi royal family in a Riyadh hotel – among them Saudi figures named in a daily classified brief read by the president and his closest advisers that Kushner read avidly….

    “According to the report, Mohammed told confidants that he and Kushner discussed Saudis identified in the classified brief as disloyal to Mohammed.”

    The day before, CBS and The Intercept quoted MBS as gloating that Kushner was “in his pocket.”

    The Washington Post noted that:

    “Recently ousted Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and national security adviser H.R. McMaster expressed early concern that Kushner was freelancing U.S. foreign policy and might make naive mistakes, according to ­people familiar with their ­reactions.

    “… [National Security Advisor] McMaster was concerned there were no official records kept of what was said on the calls.

    “Tillerson was even more aggrieved, they said, once remarking to staff: ‘Who is secretary of state here?’”

    Meanwhile, throughout his presidency, Donald Trump was having secret phone conversations with Russia’s President Putin (over 20 have been identified, including one just days before the 2020 election).

    The Moscow Project from the American Progress Action Funddocuments more than 270 known contacts between Russia-linked operatives and members of the Trump Campaign and transition team, as well as at least 38 known meetings just leading up to the 2016 election.

    The manager of his 2016 campaign, Paul Manafort, who previously worked on behalf of Vladimir Putin, has recentlyadmitted that he was regularly feeding inside campaign information to Russian intelligence. There is no known parallel to this behavior by any president in American history.

    The Washington Post, just yesterday,reported that Trump had a habit of carrying top-secret information that could damage our national security, intentionally leaving it in hotel rooms in hostile nations:

    “Boxes of documents even came with Trump on foreign travel, following him to hotel rooms around the world — including countries considered foreign adversaries of the United States.”

    The Mueller Report identifies ten specific instances of Trump trying to obstruct the investigation, including offering the bribe of a pardon to Paul Manafort, asking FBI Director Comey to “go easy” on General Flynn, and directing Attorney General Jeff Sessions to limit Mueller’s ability to investigate Trump’s connections to Russia.

    As the Mueller Report noted:

    “The President launched public attacks on the investigation and individuals involved in it who would could possess evidence adverse to the President, while in private the President engaged in a series of targeted efforts to control the investigation.

    “For instance, the President attempted to remove the Attorney General; he sought to have Attorney General Sessions un-recuse himself and limit the investigation; he sought to prevent public disclosure of information about the June 9, 2016 meeting between Russians and campaign officials; and he used public forums to attack potential witnesses who might offer adverse information and to praise witnesses who declined to cooperate with the government.”

    It adds, detailing Trump’s specific obstruction of justice crimes:

    “These actions ranged from efforts to remove the Special Counsel and to reverse the effect of the Attorney General’s recusal; to the attempted use of official power to limit the scope of the investigation; to direct and indirect contacts with witnesses with the potential to influence their testimony.

    “Viewing the acts collectively can help to illuminate their significance. For example, the President’s direction to McGahn to have the Special Counsel removed was followed almost immediately by his direction to Lewandowski to tell the Attorney General to limit the scope of the Russia investigation to prospective election-interference only—a temporal connection that suggests that both acts were taken with a related purpose with respect to the investigation.”

    There are, after all,credible assertions that when Trump was elected, members of Russian intelligence and Putin’s inner circle were literally partying in Moscow, explicitly celebrating a victory they truly believed they helped make happen.

    In his first months in office, Trump outed an Israeli spy to the Russian Ambassador, resulting in MOSAD having to “burn” (relocate, change identity of) that spy. That, in turn, prompted the CIA to worry that a longtime US spy buried deep in the Kremlin was similarly vulnerable to Trump handing him over to Putin.

    As CNN noted when the story leaked two years later:

    “The source was considered the highest level source for the US inside the Kremlin, high up in the national security infrastructure, according to the source familiar with the matter and a former senior intelligence official.

    “According to CNN’s sources, the spy had access to Putin and could even provide images of documents on the Russian leader’s desk.”

    The CIA concluded that the risk Trump had burned the spy was so great that, at massive loss to US intelligence abilities that may have helped forestall the invasion of Ukraine, we pulled the spy out of Russia in 2017.

    Similarly, when they met in Helsinki, Trump and Putin talked in private for several hours and Trump ordered his translators’ notes destroyed; there is also concern that much of their conversation was done out of the hearing of the US’s translator (Putin is alsofluent in English and German) who may have been relegated to a distant part of the rather large room in which they met.

    Things were picking up in 2019, as Putin was planning his invasion of Ukraine while Trump was preparing for the 2020 election.

    ・On July 31, Trump had another private conversation with Putin. The White Housetold Congress and the press that they discussed “wildfires” and “trade between the nations.” No droids in this car…

    ・The following week, on August 2nd, The Daily Beast’s Betsy Swan reported that Trump had just asked the Office of the Director of National Intelligence for a list of all its employees (including all our “spies”) who had worked there more than 90 days, and the request had intelligence officials experiencing “disquiet.”

    ・Within a year, The New York Times ran a story with the headline: “Captured, Killed or Compromised: C.I.A. Admits to Losing Dozens of Informants.” The CIA then alerted spies around the world that their identities had probably been compromised, apparently by Donald Trump himself.

    Also in 2019, when the international press verified that Putin was paying the Taliban a bounty to kill American service members in Afghanistan (and 4 had died as a result), Trump refused to demand the practice stop, a possible sign that Putin ran him, not the other way around.

    As The New York Times noted at the time:

    “Mr. Trump defended himself by denying the Times report that he had been briefed on the intelligence... But leading congressional Democrats and some Republicans demanded a response to Russia that, according to officials, the administration has yet to authorize.”

    Instead of stopping Putin, Trump shut down every US airbase in Afghanistan except one (there were about a dozen),crippling incoming President Biden’s ability to extract US assets from the country in an orderly fashion.

    In July 2019, Trump had conversations with five foreign leaders during and just before a visit to Mar-a-Lago; they included Putin and the Emir of Qatar.

    In one of those conversations, according to a high-level US Intelligence source, Trump made “promises” to a “world leader” that were so alarming it provoked a national security scramble across multiple agencies.

    As The Washington Post noted in an article titled “Trump’s communications with foreign leader are part of whistleblower complaint that spurred standoff between spy chief and Congress”:

    “Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson determined that the complaint [against Trump] was credible and troubling enough to be considered a matter of ‘urgent concern,’ a legal threshold that requires notification of congressional oversight committees.”

    Along his journey toward converting America into a full-blown oligarchy (as I detail inThe Hidden History of American Oligarchy: Reclaiming Our Democracy from the Ruling Class), Trump has picked up quite a few democracy-skeptical allies.

    As early as 2018, for example, Senator Rand Paul made a solo trip to Moscow to personally hand-deliver a private note from Trump to Putin. Its contents are still unknown.

    Senator Paul has also consistently taken Trump’s side with regard to the 2020 election and, when the FBI searched Mar-a-Lago this month, responded with a call for the repeal of the Espionage Act. Perhaps he had ambitious plans for a role in the Trump administration after the planned end of American democracy?

    With that backstory, consider more contemporary events to see if they fit together.

    In January of last year Trump stole and moved to Florida information that, multiple sources assert, would reveal the identities of many of our spies, as well as our nuclear plans and capabilities.

    Three months later, in March of 2021, Jared Kushner filed papers showing that his brand new investment company —against the advice of the Saudi government but at MBS’s order — had received over $2 billion from the Kingdom.

    It’s still unknown if or how much money the Kingdom gave to Trump himself, presumably through the dark offshore accounts common among billionaires like Trump.

    This was not the first time Kushner had apparently altered US foreign policy or shared valuable US secrets with Middle East players in exchange for large quantities of cash that flowed directly to him or other members of the Trump family.

    As investigative reporter Vicky Ward notes in the most recent post on Vicky Ward Investigates on Substack:

    Kushner was struggling with the “ticking time bomb of a $1.8 billion mortgage on 666 Fifth Avenue that would come due in February of 2019—a debt no domestic buyer was interested in. Not even the Chinese or Qataris wanted it. … Kushner desperately needed a bail-out for his troubled building…and the clock was ticking.

    “Then, in the spring of 2018, two things happened within weeks. First, the U.S. withdrew their support of the blockade of Qatar, leading the Saudis and Emiratis to lift it.

    “Then, Brookfield, a Canadian real estate investment trust whose largest outside shareholder is the Qatari government, bailed out the Kushners in a deal that has real estate moguls rolling their eyes to this day: A 99-year lease paid upfront on a building that was bleeding money.”

    Which brings us back, again, to last year, just after Trump’s failed January 6th attempt to overthrow the US government.

    About six months after the Saudis gave Kushner that second batch of billions, we learned that for several months “dozens” of American spies and agents had been “captured or killed” around the world. As The Washington Post reported on October 5, 2021:

    “Top American counterintelligence officials warned every C.I.A. station and base around the world last week about troubling numbers of informants recruited from other countries to spy for the United States being captured or killed, people familiar with the matter said.”

    Is it possible that all these different data points are part of one whole?

    ・That Trump had a plan, worked out with Putin, MBS, a few dozen high administration officials, and a large handful of Republicans in the House and Senate, to overthrow our government and establish an oligarchic system like what is currently in place in Russia and that Fox “News”showcased in Hungary?

    ・That once that overthrow was completed under the gimmick of six Republican-controlled states “discovering voter fraud” and changing their Electoral College votes, the plan was that Trump and his GOP allies (including the 11 Republican senators who, this May,voted against aid to Ukraine) would quickly move to re-align America away from NATO/EU and toward Russia/Saudi Arabia?


    ・That, as soon as he was sworn in for a second term, he’d invoke his October 21, 2020Executive Order 13957 that would instantly fire 50,000 senior Civil Service employees encompassing the management of every federal agency including the FBI, CIA, NSA, and DHS, and allow Trump to replace all of them with nakedly political loyalist appointees?

    ・That as soon as that transformation of America and our alliances was complete, Trump would use a national state of emergency to suppress dissent and seize control of voting systems across the nation to insure he and the Republicans loyal to him would continue in power for the long run?

    ・And that the deaths of our spies, the Saudi-driven explosion in oil prices when Biden came into office, Putin’s decision to attack Ukraine, and even Xi’s cranking up his aggression against Taiwan were all just the echoes of Trump’s failed plan?

    After all, it’s not like we’ve never had a coup attempt before in this country: wealthy industrialists tried to kidnap or kill President Franklin Roosevelt 91 years ago and turn America into an Italian/German-style fascist state “friendly to capitalism.” Not a single one of those conspirators were ever arrested or tried; why not try again?

    While, as noted, some of this is just speculation right now, every day we get more information that seems to validate it. After all, if you’re going to try to overthrow your nation’s government and anoint yourself dictator for life, wouldn’t you want to do everything possible to guarantee your success? Why just do half-measures?

    The only “innocent” explanation I can come up with for Trump stealing spy-level documents and squirreling them away in Florida:

    “Trump is simply mentally ill with a condition common among billionaires: hoarding syndrome. If he hadn’t been born rich, he’d be living in an apartment filled with newspapers and old tin cans from floor to ceiling; instead, he hoards money and anything else he thinks has value that gets close enough to grab.


    “This is ‘normal’ among kleptocrats like Idi Amin or Baby Doc Duvalier: they think that they are the state, so everything the state owns is their property. Supporting this premise are over 3,000 former contractors and employees (including attorneys) who’ve sued Trump because he’s refused to pay them over the years.”

    Even if that’s the extent of it — which I believe is extremely unlikely — we appear to have dodged a huge bullet here.

    Was there a high-level conspiracy in the Trump administration, done in concert with one or more foreign countries, to end democracy in America?

    Did they intend to seize control of our government on January 6 and never let go?

    Was their next plan to realign us with autocratic nations like Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Hungary?


    Given how effectively it appears much of the evidence including emails, phone calls, and text messages (that could exonerate as well as convict) has been destroyed, much of that destruction apparently done by Trump himself while in office (toilets, papers being burned, etc.) and, more recently, by Trump appointees still in our government, we may never know.

    But even the possibility — that the question can be credibly raised given the evidence laid out here (which only scratches the surface) — should give every American pause.

    The challenge going forward is now to repair the damage — both foreign and domestic — that this traitor and his colleagues in the GOP did to our nation, and then to make sure no Trump wannabee can ever repeat his attempt.


    izvor: What if Trump's conspiracy was way bigger than we know? | Opinion (msn.com)


    Zanimljivo, ne javljaju se Bohumilo i Angelia (i jos neki) da brane Trumpa k'o nekad.



  10. On 9/10/2023 at 12:11 AM, mladenvzz said:

    ...zorane,svojevremeno si pisao da si bio student,i da si krenuo na ETF.Ako je tako onda te prof Baldani sigurno naučio što je na slici,koju si stavio i kako se to koristi


    Mladene, nije. Ja sam nesto mladji od tebe, a uz to sam prije ETF-a proveo godinu dana na FSB-u (ne sjecam se tko je drzao tehnicko crtanje tamo). Dok sam stigao na ETF, ovih starudija nije bilo, svi su koristili Rapidografe.


    On 9/10/2023 at 10:36 AM, tomas.hokenberi said:

    Koliko ja vidim to nisu rapidografi. ..............


    Naravno, nisu. Zato sam i napisao kako sam, nesvesno, obmanuo tu neku devojku da dodje i pozajmi komplet - misleci da je to isto. A godinu kasnije razumeo da nije, nema veze.

  11. Nasao sam na netu sliku. Bas ovakav komplet je bio:




    Jasno, barem par decenija pre Rapidografa. Nisam znao sta bih s tim ni kako se to koristi. No, bilo mi je lepo i zanimljivo.

    I, kad vec nisam umeo da time crtam, neka je barem posluzilo za druzenje s devojkom. Nije ni ona znala kako se TO koristi, ali je iskoristila mene mladog i blesavog...

    Jos uvek sam blesav, samo vise nisam mlad.





    • Like 1
  12. On 9/2/2023 at 8:50 PM, Radoye said:

    Nije ni ovaj lo

    Za razliku od Grand Prix gde su koristili F3 bolide maskirane u F1 ovde je sva masinerija real deal. Isto kao Grand Prix snimano tokom pravih trkackih vikenda. Pol Njumen nije koristio dublere i nakon ovog se na nagovor profesionalnih trkaca koji su prepoznali talenat poceo i zapravo takmiciti.


    Jebote, al' sam mator.


    Zar se niko osim mene ne seca ovog:




    edit: ovo je link za citav film, ali nisam umeo da ga "embedujem" pa ce vama trebati klik vise...

  13. 3 hours ago, Janne240 said:

    Parkerica sa strelicom arrow, moje je bila srebrno crna ili potpuno metalik. Odavno ne koristim, koristio ih u srednjoj skoli. Imam primerak.


    Eh, neko od predaka je bio umetnik ili inzenjer i ja sam nasao komplet nekih pera koja su se umakala u tus pa se njima crtalo.


    I par godina kasnije, upoznam curu godinu dana stariju koja je upisala ETF. I ona me nazove, valjda joj je trebalo za tehnicko crtanje, i pita imam li Rapidografe. A ja nemam pojma o cemu prica, zakljucim da je to nesto za tehnicko crtanje i kazem da imam. Ona dodje i popizdi. Od crtanja nista, ali je zapao neki seks.


    Danas se vise ne secam kako se zvala, seks je nebitan jer sam star, bolestan i nesposoban, samo mi je zao sto ne znam gde je taj komplet jer bi to sad bio antikvitet i vredeo neke pare.


    • Ha-ha 1
  14. 3 hours ago, Constantin said:

    Imao ovakav....samo je bio sa maskom oko fara, malo drugačiji rezervoar u drugi, rezonatorski auspuh...a bio je puno lepši nego izvorni model. Trampio sam,  kacigu Nava 2...


    Koco, brate, ako se ikada upoznamo, izljubicu te da se rastopis od slina.


    Moj MZ je bio '76. godiste. I uredjivan i preuredjivan do besvesti. I isto plavi! - a dva drugara su imali jedan crveni a drugi onaj blesavo zeleni. Mozda ces se smejati - jos uvek negde na tavanu imam servisni fabricki prirucnik. Na nemackom, koji slabo ali donekle adekvatno znam.

    Fotke su negde tamo na tavanu, moracu ih pronaci i skenirati.

    Zahvaljujuci dedi parizanu iz ww2, imao sam neke diplomatske veze u istocnoj Nemackoj, pa nabavljao delove, savete i literaturu. MZ je prodavao TS 250 nama, a takmicio se u enduro sampionatu Evrope sa 370 (u klasi 500). I nas drumski TS 250 je imao 4 brzina, TS 250/1 5, a njihov enduro 6. Pa sam nabavio njihovu "piramidu" i sjebao menjac.


    Ne samo to.


    Prva kaciga, jos onako otvorena, dok sam vozio Tomose, je bila neka nepoznata marka.

    Sledeca, "integralka." je bila Nava 1. A nakon nje sam kupio Navu 2. Onaj fazon kad krenes sa otvorenim vizirom a kod  neke brzine ti aerodinamika sama sklopi vizir. Vrh tehnologije!


    Ako me zdravlje posluzi, kad opet dodjem u domaju ima da uradimo genocid nad teladi i prasicima.


    Forum je qrtz, sluzi da se svadjamo, ali je meni vremeplov i podmladjuje me. Procitam ovu temu i bolje se osecam.



    • Like 4
    • Ha-ha 1
  15. 1 hour ago, ters said:

    @zoran59 Prije nekog vremena sam pominjao Seju Alihodzica, autmobilsku legendu iz Sarajeva. Nazalost, danas sam na klix vidio da je preminuo




    Ters, poznavao sam ga - tj. ja njega kao posmatrac, on mene nije.  I na drugoj temi sam okacio i fotku. Ovde:



    Majko mila, kako vreme ide.


    Ja sam vec 4 decenije emigrant. A u mladosti sam se takmicio motorima i autima. Ima tamo nizvodno tema o tome.


    Bio sam proletos u domaji (moracu napisati nesto o tome). Damir Stimac je jos ziv, osim Abartha iz '70-ih ima i Chrysler iz '50-ih. Goran Strok je vec davno iselio u Englesku, pojma nemam je li jos ziv.  Mladen Gluhak, moj komsija, se pre 15 ili 20 godina ubio.


    I sad mi ti javis ovo za Alihodzica. Mogu samo da placem i familiji izrazim saucesce.





    • Tuzno 1
  16. On 8/22/2023 at 11:53 PM, vilhelmina said:

    Amigo nikad nije bio nikakav cetnik vec je tu etiketu dobio od ekipice s prethodnog foruma koja ga je proganjala i ucitavala mu svasta. 

    On samo nikad nije prezalio svoju Bosnu i verujem da mu dusa sad tamo negde luta. 
    I da ostane zabelezeno, prvi nick mu je bio Alek33, zatim David Gillmour, pa tek onda Amigo.



    On 8/30/2023 at 1:28 AM, sreta-steta said:

    Ovo me je bas potreslo... znam da je pratio topic o mom poseljacivanju i nekako je covek zracio nekom nostalgijom, ali onom neizlecivom. Neverovatno mi je ovo sta je zoran napisao ....


    On 8/30/2023 at 4:56 AM, Selina said:

    Amigo je bio na neki nacin i bolesno lud za nestalom Jugoslavijom, ubio ga je karcinom, ne i nostalgija.

    I mene je nekako neprijatno pogodio Zoranov upis. ........


    Ovo je trebalo da bude tema posvecena Amigu, dobrom i pristojnom coveku. I ostavio sam mu, u ranijem postu, ❤️ jer mi je bio drag.


    Mozda i neko meni ostavi slicno, jer sam i sam star i bolestan - no, ne dam se jos.


    Nekako sam relikt proslosti. omatoreli "hippie" i ne prihvatam "o mrtvima  nista lose."


    Upoznali smo se na forumu,starom, pre okruglo 15-ak godina. Odmah se posvadjali oko BiH i politike. A onda uvideli da su nam zajednicki interesi muzika (gitare, i on je svirao puno bolje od mene), sah (tu sam ja bio bolji).  bastovanstvo i jugonostalgija. Svadja je bila oko ovog poslednjeg. Ja sam navijao za demokratiju, a on je hteo Veliku Srbiju. Nikako nisam  prihvatao njegovu obranu RS i Dodika.


    Ta nekakva veza/poznanstvo  se, pocevsi od foruma, razvilo i produbilo na privatni email. Slozili smo se da se politicki ne slazemo. Ipak, sprijateljili se oko muzike. bastovanstva i nekih sitnica.


    Obojica emigranti na severnoamerickom kontinentu, nesto smo teoretisali da me poseti. On iz hladne Kanade meni na jug USA.

    Nije uspelo.

    Kad se razboleo, prestao je da se javlja.


    Razumem, i ja sve manje pisem i privatno i forumski.


    Da li ce mi neko napisati eulogiju - boli me proverbijalni "organ."


    Za Amiga (verovatno je protiv forumskih pravila da napisem ptavo ime iprezime), samo tuga i ❤️ .





    • Like 6
    • Love 1
  17. On 8/12/2023 at 1:17 PM, Dzoni_m said:

    Jedini film o traknju koji ima smisla. To na mestu jedan, mesto 2. Le Mans sa Mekvinom, 3. Mesto Rush. Sve ostalo blaga jeza.


     Pa, ima vise od jednog.




  18. 3 hours ago, Helena said:

    Fiona Kroli, studentkinja (nekog) univerziteta u Severnoj Karolini je osvojila 81.000 dolara učešćem na USO, novac ne sme da uzme jer gubi NCAA-to valjda neka stipendija?

    Koja glupost.


    Helena, ovo verovatno zasluzuje posebnu temu. No interes bi bio mali pa cu odgovoriti ovde. Nadam se da ces imati vremena i strpljenja da procitas citav odgovor.

    NCAA je "National College Athletic Association"


    Postoji neka granica izmedju djackog/univerzitetskog sporta -ili uopste amaterskog - i onog profesionalnog. Kako je to uredjeno legalno  i drugacije, razlikuje se izmedju drzava i organizacija.


    Krenucu iz davnina. Kad sam bio jos dete (ali vec pismen i citao vesti), priblizno 1970. Jackie Stewart je, uspesan, hteo da sudeluje na Olimpijadi puskom, u gadjanju glinenih golubova. Diskvalifikovan je, nisu mu dozvolili jer je bio svetski sampion Formule 1, automobilista, a to ga je svrstalo medju profesionalne sportiste dok je Olimpijada bila samo za amatere. Kakve veze imaju formula 1 i puska, ne razumem.


    Skoro 20 godina kasnije, u Zagrebu je 1987. bila Univerzijada - takmicenje studentskih sportista iz citavog sveta. Mi Balkanci smo jebivetri i mutikase kao i vecina zemalja tzv. "treceg sveta" pa su mnogi sportski profesionalci odjednom "upisali fakultet" da se kvalifikuju. Tada sam vec bio u emigraciji ali sam uzeo slobodno vreme da pogledam neke sportove i takmicenja.

    Gledao sam meceve Gorana Prpica. Jebote, ne samo da se ja ne secam nego ni Prpic ne zna sta je upisao da se takmici. Mozda ekonomiju? Inace, Prpic i Monika Seles su tih nekih godina za Jugoslaviju osvojili Hopman Kup u mesanim parovima...


    Aj'mo jos 20 (skoro 30) godina dalje. Zivim vec preko 40 u USA Imam 65. Ovde su ludi za srednjoskolskim i fakultetskim sportovima, ali ih strogo dele od profesionalnih. Za nas na ovom forumu je najpoznatiji John Isner. Pametan momak, koristio je stipendiju da se takmici za fakultet _pa je tek nakon toga presao u profesionalce. I Jebiga, sad se penzionise - ali barem ima fakultet.


    Imam obrnuti primer u porodici.

    Cerka je bila dobra. Ima gomilu trofeja sa decijih i juniorskih turnircica. Sigurno je mogla i vise, ali mama i ja naprosto nismo imali para za putovanja i hotele. I ovako nam je tenis odneo barem jednu kucu (tokom 10+ godina).

    Nakon mature, imala je nekoliko ponuda za "athlethic scholarship" (u prevodu: sportsku stipendiju).

    Ej, ovde se studiranje placa iz dzepa - a njoj nude da stanuje i studira badava, samo da igra tenis za univerzitetsku ekipu!


    No, budalasta, nije htela neke jednostavne studije uz koje bi imala vremena za svakodnevne treninge i takmicenja. Opredelila se za medicinu.

    Jebote, to u USA kosta izmedju 50 i 100 000 godisnje! Mi te pare nemamo.  Dete ima, po nama, uz americko, i srpsko i hrvatsko drzavljanstvo. Nakon proracunavanja, ispalo je da je najpovoljnije da studira u Zagrebu.


    Kako se to povezuje sa temom?


    Jebiga, tako sto je tri godine za redom teniska univerzitetska sampionka drzave.  Mada znam da je to proverbijalni qrtz  jer je drzava mala kao opstina i takmici se manje od 100 devojki. Bice lepo, ako jednom ima decu i unucad, da im pokaze neku plaketu na zidu.


    Da se vratim na citirani post i povezem moja laprdanja sa temom.


    Dete igra dovoljno dobro za, recimo, 2. kolo nekog ITF turnira. Ali bi je ucestvovanje tamo klasifikovalo u profesionalce i izbacilo sa univerzitetskog takmicenja.


    I zato je lepse da za nekih 20 godina kaze deci "ja sam bila prva na univerzitetu" nego "usla sam u drugo kolo na nekom nebitnom turniru."


    Tako, @Helena , odlicno razumem situaciju Fione Crawley. I skidam joj kapu, klanjam se.








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  19. 1 hour ago, alcesta said:

    Kakve projektile ispaljuje Monfis :Hail:





    Upravo gledam vec 4. set. Meni je Monfils silno simpatican.  Bas mu zeli da dobije ovo, da ga gledam opet i jos...

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