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Besni lala

Član foruma
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Posts posted by Besni lala

  1. 5 hours ago, Drug Crni said:

    :da pitam cenjeno forumastvo - koja je vasa omiljena scena iz Kuma I deo?



    “But let me say this. I am a superstitious man, a ridiculous failing but I must confess it here. And so if some unlucky accident should befall my youngest son, if some police officer should accidentally shoot him, if he should hang himself while in his jail cell, if new witnesses appear to testify to his guilt, my superstition will make me feel that it was the result of the ill will still borne me by some people here. Let me go further. If my son is struck by a bolt of lightning I will blame some of the people here. If his plane show fall into the sea or his ship sink beneath the waves of the ocean, if he should catch a mortal fever, if his automobile should be struck by a train, such is my superstition that I would blame the ill will felt by people here. Gentlemen, that ill will, that bad luck, I could never forgive. But aside from that let me swear by the souls of my grandchildren that I will never break the peace we have made. After all, are we or are we not better men than those pezzonovanti who have killed countless millions of men in our lifetimes?”

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  2. Just now, Don Juan said:

    Koji će nam Plovdiv. Linija treba da ide Sofija - Velliko Tarnovo - Burgas.


    Mislim da je i krajnje vreme da vratimo i Temišvar od Rumuna, koji su serbski neimari zidali od serbskih cigli.


    I izgubljen zbog švalerke :default_coffee:

  3. 1 hour ago, Atreid said:

    BTW, Rusija i Bjelorusija zadovoljavaju 90% evropskih potreba ili za komponentama potrebnih za proizvodnju umjetnog gnojiva, ili za umjetno gnojivo kao gotov proizvod. Tako, da kad budete skupo placali hranu u narednom periodu a placat cete je sve skuplje ili kad vidite protest poljoprivrednika mozete da se zalite Bajdenu i NATO stabu u Briselu.




    Zato je Kina prosle godine kupovala sve viskove hrane na svjetskom trzistu i zato Vucic nedavno prica o pasulju, ulju, psenici, kukuruzu... itd.



    Yup, ovo je već bilo primetno i prošle godine - ove će da bude ludilo ....

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  4. Pa znate kako ,woke kultura, koja zabranjuje Petra Pana i Toma Sojera je našla novu žrtvu....

    Prvo dekonstrukcija pa relativizacija i konačno ukalupljavanje .

    Nisu crni vilenjaci problem, problem je sve ono što oni mogu da znače u budućem narativu....

    Ja i dalje držim palčeve da do toga neće doći.


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