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Claude Brasseur 1936 -2020

Posted on December 22, 2020 by Joe Saward



I know I’m supposed to be on holiday, but I read today of the death of Claude Brasseur and felt the urge to write about him. Why? Well, because he was a fascinating man… And the winner of the Paris-Dakar Rally in 1983 – as co-driver of no less a figure than Jacky Ickx. Brasseur also raced and rallied with Simca.


Born into a famous acting family, his great grandfather Jules Brasseur having been a celebrated actor. Claude’s grandfather Albert was Jules’s son-in-law and Albert’s son Pierre was another thespian. Claude grew up surrounded by famous names, including his godfather Ernest Hemingway. His parents’ circles of friends included the poets Louis Aragon and Jean Cocteau, the philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, the singer Jacques Brel and actors Jean Gabin and Yves Montand.


He started out working as a photographer’s assistant for Paris-Match and briefly considered a career in journalism but he turned quickly to the theatre, taking to the stage in 1955 and making his first film the following year. He would go on to appear in 90 movies, winning two Césars and becoming a chevalier of the Legion d’Honneur for his services to the cinema. He would also become a TV star.


He paused his career in 1957 to do his National Service, as a paratrooper in Algeria, during the war of independence. When he returned from the war Brasseur turned his attention to bobsleighs and won two French championships. He married a model and stylist – Peggy Roche – but she would later leave him to become the lesbian partner of the author Françoise Sagan…


Brasseur’s ambition was to go to the Olympics in 1964 in Innsbruck and he represented France in the World Championships in 1963, but a training accident left him with serious head injuries and he decided to focus on the cinema. In the 1970s he raced and rallied Simcas, with the Stars Racing Team and then at New Year in 1979 he found himself in the company of a group of friends, skiing in the Alps, among them the celebrated F1 and Le Mans driver Jacky Ickx. They saw TV coverage of the Paris-Dakar and decided as a joke that they would take part in the race across the Sahara. In the days that followed, Ickx asked him if they might actually do it. And Brasseur agreed. Two years later the pair took a Texaco-sponsored Citroen on the event. It was not a success but a switch to a Mercedes 280 GE the following year was more successful and in 1983 the two took the Mercedes to victory. They then turned their attention to convincing Porsche and Rothmans to try the raid rally event. They didn’t win by their team-mate Rene Metge took victory in 1984…


Brasseur decided he had done enough and as he was approaching 50 decided to retire from competition. He remained a huge figure in the world of French film and TV.

His son Alexandre is now a star of French cinema…


Right, back to holidays.



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Dzim Klark u Lotusu 49 na VN Holandije na Zandvortu. Ovo je bio debi za legendarni i revolucionarni Lotusov bolid i Klark je odmah to i overio pobedom. Bolid je bio izuzetno brz ali i jako krhke konstrukcije pa je tako Klark uglavnom pobedjivao ili odustajao dok je njegov kolega Hil uglavnom samo odustajao. 1968. Klark je nastradao vozeci F2 na Hokenhajmu a Hil uz pomoc citavog niza rezervi u drugom bolidu (ukljucujuci tu i Marija Andretija za VN Meksika) donosi Lotusu duplu krunu. Bolid je konstantno razvijan i na njemu je Kolin Cepmen radio prve eksperimente sa krilima i aerodinamikom koji su na kraju rezultirali jos jednom legendom - Lotusom 72. Lotus 49 je vozen do 1970. (Rint uzima s njim pobedu u Monaku) da bi tokom te sezone bio zamenjen Lotusom 72 koji je doneo jos jednu duplu krunu, nazalost za Rinta posthumno. Lotus 49 se poslednji put pojavio u trkama 1971. godine na nekoliko trka van svetskog sampionata, naravno bez znacajnijeg rezultata sto bi se i ocekivalo s obzirom da je do tada to bio vec 5 godina star dizajn.

Koliko neverovatno deluje s ove discance slika s ovim fotografom koji 'ladno stoji na temenu krivine i radi svoj posao...

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11 hours ago, Radoye said:

..............   he decided to focus on the cinema. In the 1970s he raced and rallied Simcas  ............


Fasciniraju me ti likovi koji su drugde (estrada) zaradili puste pare, a onda se pokazali kao pravi entuzijasti i trkaci.

Prvo na pamet padaju Steve McQueen i Paul Newman.


I nije estrada, ali je dr. Wittner dosta zaradio kao uspesni zubar, pa konstruisao trkace motore i vozio ih.


Istorija ima dosta tih neopevanih junaka.





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24h Dejtone 1967

#23 Ferrari 333 P3/4 Spyder, L. Bandini / C. Amon (pobednici)
#24 Ferrari 333 P4 Coupe, M. Parkes, L. Scarfiotti
#26 NART Ferrari 412P, P. Rodriguez / J. Guichet

Lorenco Bandini poginuo samo tri meseca kasnije u udesu na VN Monaka.

Ludoviko Skarfioti nastradao 1968. na brdskoj trci u nemackim Alpima.
Pedro Rodrigez nastradao u trci sportskih prototipova na Norisringu 1971.

Majk Parks stradao 1977. u saobracajki blizu Torina.
Kris Ejmon je umro od raka 2016.
Zan Gis je jos uvek s nama, 93 godine mlad.

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VN Italije 1955 na kompletnoj Monci, Mos i Fandjo u vodjstvu kroz ovalnu sekciju staze. Poslednja trka za Mercedes u F1 pre povlacenja zbog tragedije na 24h Lemana.

Mos je na ovoj trci odustao zbog kvara a Fandjo u uzbudljivom finisu pobedio ispred Tarufija i time stavio tacku na dominantnu sezonu u kojoj je osvojio svoju trecu sampionsku titulu.

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Pred start 1000km Monce 1970.

1 hour ago, Hertzog said:

Ne mogu da se setim, ko je poslednji predstavnik Srbije na Dakar reliju, je li Gabor Sagmajster ili je bio jos neko posle njega?


Gabika je i ove godine vozio Dakar.

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1968, Tasman Serija, trka za Trofej Juznog Pacifika na stazi Longford na Tasmaniji. Ulicna staza jedinstvena u svetu po tome sto trasa prolazi kroz zeljeznicki podvoznjak i preko drvenog mosta (na slici).



Pobednik na ovoj trci je bio Pirs Kuridz u Meklarenu a sampion Tasman serije za tu sezonu Dzim Klark u Lotusu.

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Pred start 200 Milja Milvokija, 13. avgust 1972.



Na polu je Mario Andreti u Parneli-Ofenhauzeru #9 (vodio prvih 107 krugova, odustao, blokiran tocak), do njega Dzo Leonard u Parneli-Ofenhauzeru #1 (pobednik trke, vodio preostalih 93 kruga).


Drugi red Al Anser u #4 Parneli-Ofenhauzeru (odustao, ogibljenje) i Rodzer Meklaski u #14 Kuzma-Ofenhauzeru (odustao, udes).

Treci red Stiv Krisilof u #15 King-Ofenhauzeru (odustao, ventil) i Svid Sevidz u #42 Igl-Ofenhauzeru (odustao, guma)


Cetvrti red Gordon Dzonkok u #7 Meklaren-Ofenhauzeru (odustao, menjac) i Bili Vukovic u #3 Igl-Ofenhauzeru (drugo mesto)


Peti red Dzoni Raterford u #16 Gerhart-Ofenhauzeru (trece mesto) i Dzordz Snajder u #29 Kojot-Fojtu (odustao, ventil).

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Grid za VN Monaka 1957.

Na polu Huanmanuel Fandjo u Maseratiju 250F1 #32, do njega Piter Kolins u novom Ferariju 801 #26 i Sterling Mos u Vonvolu VW5 #18. Drugi red Toni Bruks u Vonvolu VW5 #20 i Majk Hotorn u Ferarijevoj Lanci D50A #28. Treci red Moris Trintinjan (ne vidi se) u jos jednoj Ferarijevoj Lanci #30, Karlos Menditegaj u Maseratiju 250F1 #36 i Hari Sel u jos jednom Maseratiju #38.

Trku je obelezio udes na izlasku iz tunela u cetvrtom krugu kad su se u borbi za vodecu poziciju pocukali Mos, Kolins i Hotorn. Odmah iza njih trojice bili su Bruks i Fandjo, Bruks ne uspeva da izbegne ostatke Hotornovog bolida rasute po stazi i ostecuje bolid. Fandjo ga ubrzo prestize i zadrzava vodecu poziciju do cilja, dok je Bruks zavrsio na drugom mestu. Dalja drama je vidjena u samom finisu gde fon Trips par krugova pre kraja gubi podijum zbog kvara motora, trece mesto nakratko nasledjuje Brabam da bi i njemu motor stao. Na kraju trece mesto uzima Masten Gregori u Maseratiju a Brabam je svoj bolid dogurao do cilja i tako zabelezio 6. mesto.

4. krug, Bruks nalece na Hotornov tocak:


Fandjo u #32 prolazi mesto udesa kasnije u trci - vide se napusteni bolidi Hotorna i Kolinsa:


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Aldo Andretti 1940 – 2020



By Robin Miller | December 31, 2020 1:19 PM



They began life in America as identical twins with wide eyes, big dreams and race cars as their daily bread. One made it to the top of his profession, and the other spent much of his 80 years in that long, famous shadow.


But make no mistake, Aldo Andretti was always proud to be in Mario’s corner and never, ever moaned about the cruel hand life dealt him.


“That’s my takeaway. He’s my brother and I love him, and he had so many things happen to him that he had to overcome, and never once said, ‘Why me?”’ said Mario on Thursday afternoon after Aldo passed away Wednesday night from COVID-19. “He was always so supportive of me, always so positive. He always made the best of what he had. I never heard him say, ‘that could have been me.'”


Of course it could have been him, since they started racing jalopies together and seemed to have equal ability until Aldo’s debilitating crash in 1959 that put him in a coma and considerably slowed his on-track progress. He bounced around in sprint cars during the 1960s before a violent 1969 flip at Des Moines destroyed his right eye socket, smashed his jaw and broke 14 bones.


That came a week after he’d sat for his brother in the front row qualifying photo at Indianapolis since Mario had been burned earlier in the month.


“Imagine those emotions,” said the 1969 Indy 500 winner. “He’s sitting in my Indy car and a week later he’s lying in an Iowa hospital with all that trauma. You know, as a racer he was dealt some tough cards, but never lost his spirit. That’s what I loved about his spirit, he was always trying to keep our spirits up.



Injury got in the way of Andretti achieving his own racing goals, but he lived that part of his life vicariously – and uncomplainingly – through brother Mario and son John (above). Streck/Motorsport Images


“Obviously he never got to do all the things he wanted in racing but he was able to live and breathe racing through his kids (John, Adam and Mark), but we had the same capabilities. He wanted it as much as I did, so how do you figure that I had so much good luck and he didn’t?”


The only time he ever gave a glimpse of his emotions came in a story with Tom Keating of The Indianapolis Star.


“I’m extremely proud of Mario but sometimes I feel something like envy mixed with pride,” he said. “Not envy exactly, but something close, like my life isn’t quite fulfilled.”

The fulfilling part of his life was the great family he raised with wife Corky – three sons and two daughters – all successful adults like their father had been in business, including the Firestone store in Speedway he shared with Mario. He was as proud of Carolyn and Mary Jo as his boys, but got to live his racing life vicariously through middle son John, who became a winner in USAC, IndyCar and NASCAR. Dad never missed a race in person when physically possible and glowed in the limelight that had always evaded him.


It was a year ago that cancer claimed John Andretti at age 56, and Aldo was battling for own his life up until the end.


“It looked like he was turning the corner, and all of the sudden he was gone,” said Mario. “He fought the only way he knew.”



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Drugo izdanje VN Japana, 1964. na Suzuki - prakticno sami poceci ozbiljnijeg auto-trkanja u Japanu. Glavna trka je bila u kategoriji Formula Junior (prvo izdanje iz 1963. je bila GT trka, isto na Suzuki) a na slici vidimo grid za jednu od trka iz prateceg programa, tadasnju japansku "nacionalnu klasu" - u pitanju je Mazda P360 Carol, prvi Mazdin cetvorosed, 360 obelezava kubikazu cetvorocilindricnog motora na vodeno hladjenje postavljenog pozadi.

Nakon ove trke VN Japana prelazi na Fudji gde se vozi u raznim kategorijama od sportskih prototipova do Formule 2 sve do 1977. Poslednje dve godine trka je bila uvrstena na kalendar svetskog sampionata F1, da bi usledila pauza do 1986. kada se ponovo vraca na Suzuku...

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