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Povreatak Indikara u Japan bice ujedno i prvi start Sato Takuma-sana u virtuelnom sampionatu.


I opet Pazeno uzeo. Bila velika borba izmedju Mekloklina i Pauera, Pazeno par sekundi iza, i onda se ova dvojica pocukaju kad su preticali za krug zaostalog Eskjua - Mekloklin se bas razbio, Pauer nastavio sa polomljenim prednjim krilom. U finisu Dikson prestize Pauera za drugo i opasno ugrozava Pazenoa ali Francuz ipak odnosi pobedu. Verovatno najuzbudljivija virtuelna trka do sada!




Rezultati sa COTA: https://racerdigital.files.wordpress.com/2020/04/indycar-boxscore-3.pdf


A sledeceg vikenda 175 milja virtuelnog Indijanapolisa:



IndyCar has announced that rather than the “non-IndyCar dream track” originally scheduled for next week’s series finale, it will instead be an appropriately high-profile sendoff at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, with former Indy 500 winners invited to join the sim series regulars.





MILLER: Is this how IndyCar might get its season started?

1017547740-lat-20190608-abbott_texas_061 Image by

Abbott/Motorsport Images


By Robin Miller | 3 hours ago



As April heads down the short chute into May, the beginning and the fate of the 2020 IndyCar series hangs with the pandemic, which states may allow spectators to sporting events, and how soon life could return to semi-normal. Or, how many tracks will bite the bullet and run a race in front of empty grandstands?


IndyCar’s options are much more limited than NASCAR’s because of the latter’s monstrous television package, and it’s safe to say that without paying customers, it’s difficult to see two of the three races set for June (Road America and Richmond) running in their current slots.


To be honest, the lifeblood of IndyCar promoters is the gate, title sponsor, pit passes, camping and suites, because there is no television money.


Only Texas and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway appear equipped to face the music and run with no fans. And that’s because the FOX/NBC pot of gold could cover, or least support, the IndyCar events if they run on the same weekend.


It’s believed The Brickyard 400 receives $15 million along with another $5 million for the Xfinity show, so that’s why the paltry attendance of the past few years really is not that important, and wouldn’t have much effect on July 4th when IndyCar shares IMS with Xfinity on the road course.


I’m not sure what Eddie Gossage and Texas Motor Speedway receive for their NASCAR weekends, but he went from being adamant about not hosting an IndyCar race in a vacuum to re-considering reopening to racing “very soon” after getting the blessing of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, NASCAR’s Steve Phelps and Marcus Smith of Speedway Motorsports.


In a recent story by RACER’s Kelly Crandall, Gossage admitted the track could still barely make a profit because the TV money is a significant portion of the revenue, and while nothing is official, there is still an outside chance that NASCAR is willing to move its postponed March date at Texas to June to make it into an IndyCar/NASCAR doubleheader and at least reap the benefits of TV bucks.


It’s also possible that IndyCar could just waive the sanction fee for Texas to make it less damaging financially.


Roger Penske knows the longer things are idle, the worse it is for the competitors and sponsors, so he’ll probably do whatever is necessary to get things started at Texas. But the next stop for IndyCar would be Road America on June 21, and that’s when things could get tricky.


The scenic, spacious, 4-mile road course is one of IndyCar’s best draws with an estimated 30,000 in attendance last year, all 1,600 camp sites sold out and between 700-800 golf carts already rented for this year.


“Obviously flesh and blood makes Road America special,” said Mike Kertscher, president and general manager of the Elkhart Lake track. “We rely on our fans, great partners, 60 corporate sponsors and longtime supporters.




Road America has a lot of space. Enough to accommodate a socially-distanced crowd? Image by LePage/Motorsport Images


“We want to get going again and we’re in constant discussions with county and state government so we’ll look forward to whatever the new normal is, but nobody has the answers right now.”


Kertscher says RA’s 640 acres might make it easier to allow spectators.


“I’ve been thinking about one of the best places on the planet for social distancing and it’s Road America with our wide open spaces, camping and exterior gates so we could check people,” he said. “Obviously we don’t like to practice social distancing, but if that’s what it takes, I’m on board.”


As for moving the date back if fans still aren’t allowed by mid-June, Kertscher said:


“As far as a contingency date, the calendar is such flux, it’s a moving target. But right now I’m confident our June date is still intact. IndyCar is only one piece of puzzle, we’ve got a Superbike race, and our August NASCAR show got bumped up because of Olympics. It’s our 65th year at RA and we pride ourselves in making good decisions, but it’s got to work for everybody. It’s a driver’s track, the fans love it and it’s America’s national park of speed. We want to survive and prosper, but we also want to do the right thing.”


Road America has the REV Group presented by American Medical Response as the title sponsor, but unfortunately Richmond doesn’t have one for IndyCar’s scheduled return to the short oval on June 27. That would seem to make ticket sales imperative, so there’s a lot riding on the state or national decision to allow fans to attend.


Other than the Indianapolis 500, no IndyCar promoters get television money from NBC, so beyond a title sponsor or a reduced/canceled sanction fee, the paying customers determine your fate. But there’s a good chance of a decent rating if things run on June 6 at Texas because IndyCar can have a captive audience – just not a live one – at one of its more exciting tracks.




I dok se u virtuelnom svetu spremamo za Indi 175, u stvarnom svetu dogodile su se i neke novosti:


- Dejl Kojn je nasao dodatne sponzore za njegov bolid #18 a uz Salija Salivena i Dzimija Vasera partnerstvu sa Kojnom pridruzuje ze i Vil Maroti.

- Najavljen je i novi tim kada (ako) sampionat bude poceo, Top Gan Rejsing sa bolidom #99 za cijim volanom bi trebao biti ArSi Enerson koji je imao zapazenu Indi Lajt karijeru ali je do sada nije uspeo pretociti u nista konkretnije (testiranje za Ganasija u Indikaru i ukupno 4 starta u dve sezone Indikar sampionata za Kojna i Karlina). Spozor je Hagerti osiguranje.


- Indikar je uveo ogranicenje broja ljudstva timovima od 20 osoba po bolidu. Ova mera bi trebala da pomogne prevenciju sirenja CoVid-a i ostace na snazi dok opasnost ne bude prosla. Ovo za slucaj da se otvori trkacka sezona bez prisustva publike.


Mekloklin uz'o Indi 175 u farsicnom naskarovskom finisu. Dva kruga pre kraja Meklaren 1-2-3 sa Landom, Eskjuom i O'Vordom koji su se smenjivali na celu a iza njih Erikson, Mekloklin i Feruci. Onda prvo Pazeno zakoci na pravcu ispred Landa dok su ga prestizali za krug, Erikson izbija na celo. U poslednjoj krivini Eriksona okrece O'Vord a pred samom linijom cilja se u Eskjua zakucava Feruci. Mekloklin nekako prezivljava haos i prvi prolazi kroz cilj, za njim Dejli pa Feruci.


I to bi bilo to sto se tice virtuelnog Indikar sampionata za ovu godinu...


Indikar potvrdio da sezona pocinje 6. juna na Teksasu bez prisustva publike. Sve ce se odigrati u jednom danu, i slobodni trening i kvalifikacije i trka, duzina trke je skracena sa 248 na 200 krugova.



The NTT IndyCar Series officially announced Thursday that its 2020 season will open without fans Saturday, June 6 at Texas Motor Speedway, releasing a schedule and safety protocols.


The Genesys 300 has been adjusted to 200 laps on the 1.5-mile oval from the previously announced 248 to accommodate the one-day event. Because of restrictions for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the grandstands will be closed, and access to the facility will be strictly limited.


The series will practice from 1:30-3:30 p.m. ET and qualify at 5 p.m. ET. The green flag will take place at 8:45 p.m. ET.




To zbrzavanje takmicenja u jedan dan mi se ni malo ne svidja. Sport je opasan i moze rezultirati teskim udesima. Ne znam da li je bilo preseason testinga, verovatno to jesu odradili, ali svaka staza je specificna i zavisi i od vremenskih uslova. 


Ne svidja mi se to.

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