Radoye Posted June 11, 2019 Posted June 11, 2019 Ako budu sabirali po 5 sekundi za svaki prelazak preko ivice staze bojim se da cemo cekati po mesec dana na rezultate trke. Ja sam mislio da si ti za to da priroda resava stvari, evo sad je bas priroda u pitanju bila, ako pogledas vremena sektora Fetel je tu izgubio vreme, zar to nije dovoljna kazna? Da je bila betonirana zona za izletanje verovatno bi dobio presecanjem staze i jos ne bi izgubio kontrolu prilikom povratka. Ne znam sta drugo bi mogli da postave tamo da bi vise kaznjavali vozace, sljunak ne bi nista promenio (preklizao bi preko njega kao preko trave) samo bi se jos razvlacio i po stazi pa bi morali zvati SC da pometu. Jedino da iskopaju sanac s vodom i krokodilima kao oko srednjevekovnih zamkova. 1 1
Romantik Posted June 12, 2019 Posted June 12, 2019 Naravno da sam za prirodu kad god je to moguce, ali u ovoj situaciji je Hamilton morao da koci na izlasku iz krivine zbog Vettelove greske, za tako nesto mora da se gubi poziicija. Da je ostala sirina bolida sa desne strane staze na izlasku iz te krivine Hamilton bi prosao, ovako ga je Vettel izblokirao fakticki na sred pravca. Ako je dozvoljeno da se na taj nacin sacuva pozicija zasto onda ne dozvoliti i cik-cak voznju na pravcu? Koja je razlika? Znam, reci ces ali ovo nije namreno, nije mogao da kontrilise bolid, ali poenta trkanja i jeste da stavis ljude i masine pod ekstremni pritisak, pa onaj ko ne pogresi u takvim okolnostima je bolji. Da je Hamilton bio iza njega 2 sekunde, kao sto se desavalo u pojedinim delovima ove trke, i Vettel napravio ovo sto je napravio, nikakve kazne ne bi ni bilo, niti bi ista bila potrebna, jer bi kao poseldica greske Hamilton se priblizio (Vettel napravio gresku i kao posledicu za istu izgubio vreme, sto jeste prirodno i ne zahteva nikkavu dodatnu intervenciju) ali ovde je Vettel sacuvao poziciju samo zato sto je naterao Hamiltona da koci na pravcu, tj na izlasku iz krivine kad se dodaje gas, i to mora biti sankcionisano ako zaista zelimo trkanje i da bolji pobedi. 2
fancy Posted June 12, 2019 Posted June 12, 2019 Naravno.... to mora biti sankcionisano ako zaista zelimo trkanje i da Hamilton pobedi. Sent from my SM-N950F using...
Romantik Posted June 12, 2019 Posted June 12, 2019 Ja bas ne volim Hamiltona, ali ovde je pitanje sta je fer i posteno a ne sta bih zelo, jer da je ovo drugo Hamilton, Botas, Kubica, Vettel i Magnusen i ne bi bili u F1, a Grozan bi bio osmostruki prvak sveta, a glavni izazivaci bi mu bili mladjani Sarl Leklerk i Max, koji bi i dalje imao najspektakularnije pobeda i nekako se dokopao dve titule.
Jurgen Posted June 12, 2019 Posted June 12, 2019 Svi znamo koliko su minimalne razlike bitne u automoto sportovima i da čim neki tim nešto radi na autu imaju poprilično veliki razlog. Poenta trkanja je da se ljudi i mašine dovedu pod najveći mogući pritisak i da se svaka greška plati, osim ako pogreše Hamilton i Mercedes, onda je ok.
Radoye Posted June 13, 2019 Posted June 13, 2019 Quote Ferrari will not appeal against the penalty that cost Sebastian Vettel victory in the Canadian Grand Prix. The German won on track but was penalised five seconds for dangerous driving, which handed victory to Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton. Ferrari said they would appeal against the decision but BBC Sport has learned that on Thursday they told governing body the FIA they would withdraw it. Ferrari say they are "still working on collecting evidence" on the incident. But they declined to confirm that their appeal had been formally withdrawn. Ferrari is believed to be considering challenging the penalty via a different approach - a right to review the incident. Vettel left the track at the Turn Three/Four chicane when under pressure from Hamilton on lap 48 of the race on Sunday. He rejoined the track on the exit of the corner and swept across to the wall on the outside. Hamilton, who had half his car alongside the Ferrari, hit the brakes to avoid crashing into Vettel. Race stewards decided the four-time world champion had "rejoined the track in an unsafe manner and forced (Hamilton) to take evasive action to avoid a collision". A number of sections of the FIA's international sporting code potentially govern the incident between Hamilton and Vettel. One says: "Manoeuvres liable to hinder other drivers, such as deliberate crowding of a car beyond the edge of the track or any other abnormal change of direction, are strictly prohibited." Another says that any driver rejoining the track can only do so "when it is safe to do so and without gaining any advantage". Another adds: "It is not permitted to drive any car unnecessarily slowly, erratically or in a manner deemed potentially dangerous to other drivers at any time." But the rules also dictate that certain penalties - of which this is one - are not subject to appeal. So seeking a right to review could circumnavigate the technical restrictions on their ability to appeal. Ferrari has until about 22:00 BST on Thursday to formally give notice that they are withdrawing the appeal. Any public announcement of their decision and route forward is likely to come after that. Ferrari has 14 days after the incident to decide whether to launch a challenge to the decision under this different route. That takes them up to the day of the French Grand Prix on 23 June.
Radoye Posted June 18, 2019 Posted June 18, 2019 Quote Having spent the last few days evaluating their options, Ferrari have chosen to push ahead and exercise their right to ask the FIA to review the decision to hand Sebastian Vettel a penalty that cost him victory in Canada... Vettel was first to see the chequered flag in Montreal, but the five-second time penalty given to him by the stewards for rejoining the track in unsafe fashion and forcing Lewis Hamilton off track demoted him to second behind the Mercedes driver in the final classification. Ferrari informed the FIA of their intention to appeal, but decided against pursing it. However, via the FIA’s International Sporting Code, a 76-page document that relates to all FIA-sanctioned championships, the Prancing Horse still had another avenue open to them. Competitors can trigger Article 14, titled Right of Review, if “a significant and relevant new element is discovered which was unavailable to the parties seeking the review at the time”. Then the stewards “must meet (in person or by other means) on a date agreed amongst themselves, summoning the party or parties concerned to hear any relevant explanations and to judge in the light of the facts and elements brought before them”. It remains unclear what new elements Ferrari are going to present, with a team spokesperson saying: “Due to the sensitivity of the matter we are not giving any further details.” The FIA must now agree a date and time to assess the new material and explanations.
Radoye Posted June 21, 2019 Posted June 21, 2019 FIA odbacila zahtev Ferarija za razmatranje novih dokaza u vezi incidenta Fetela u Kanadi, odluka o kazni ostaje na snazi.
Cooper Posted June 21, 2019 Posted June 21, 2019 Od novih dokaza priložena je samo analiza Karuna Čandhoka za Sky ?! i video sa Fetelove "face" kamere.Dokument...
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