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VN Saudijske Arabije 2024, 9. mart


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Sad sam odgledao snimak, utisak dana je Bearman, dečko je impresionirao. Stewardi na ovoj trci dno, jump start je jump start a 2*10s za MAG je smejurija. Ne bih se složio sa štovanim kolegom Radojem da je iza RBR izjednačeno, jasno smo dvojka iza RBR a za treće mesto će da se kolju MGP i McL, AM ima pola tima. Best of the rest Haas.

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Kao nagradu za uspesan debi Oli Berman ce dobiti FP1 nastupe za Ferari, pored vec planiranih za Has:




Ollie Bearman is scheduled to make FP1 appearances for Ferrari as well as Haas later this season, following his impressive debut at the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix.


Timovi se zale na Hasovu taktiku sa Magnusenom, RB2 ulozio zalbu:




RB accused Kevin Magnussen of “unsportsmanlike” tactics in today’s race and intend to take the matter up with the FIA.


The team believe Magnussen deliberately went off the track to maintain his position ahead of Yuki Tsunoda and others, then held up a train of cars to help his team mate.





"Kev, to repeat, you need to go more slowly, keeping the cars behind you, behind."


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Modern headrest padding was introduced in F1 in 1996 and help to take the huge strain that drivers' heads and necks are under when inflicted to so much g-force.


F1 drivers can experience lateral g-force of up to 6G when cornering, meaning that even with headrests they need to develop massive neck muscles to cope with the strain.


The headrests are made out of a material designed to help with impact absorption during a crash and to prevent whiplash, and the late Professor Sid Watkins felt that it probably saved Jos Verstappen's life during an accident in the first year that F1 cars ran with the device.




The teams will be instructed on which type of headrest foam material they must use by the FIA, depending on the ambient temperatures at the race track.


If it is above 30°C teams will use Confor foam CF45M that will be blue, below 30°C it will be pink Confor foam CF42M, and for less than 15°C they will use Sunmate foam which is white/light blue.

This is because the dynamic properties of each foam change at different temperatures. For example, below 30°C the blue foam will be too firm which would not help in a high-speed impact.



Malom je ocigledno vrisnuo vrat tokom trke pa nije mogao da drzi glavu pa je uguzvao naslon. Tim je njegov ucinak u bolidu spektakularniji jer se u finisu trke borio da zadrzi Hamiltona i Norisa iza sebe.

I Pato O'Vord iz IndyCar je imao slicnih problema kad je prvi put testirao F1 u Abudabiju pre dve godine, pricao je da je posle pola testa jedva mogao da drzi glavu uspravno.

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