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IndyCar 2024


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Will IndyCar’s race control team, led by race director Kyle Novak, let the 12 drivers who transfer into Sunday’s $1 Million Challenge smash their way towards The Thermal Club’s victory lane, or will Novak and his stewards Max Papis and Arie Luyendyk be ready to enforce strict guidelines to prevent the cash-grab from getting out of hand?


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Grupe za dve kvalifikacione trke. Kvalifikacije da se odredi redosled na startu bice sutra, posle dodatnih slobodnih treninga:



Trke ce da se voze u nedelju, prvo ove dve kvalifikacione na po 10 krugova iz kojih ce se top 6 kvalifikovati za glavnu trku na 20 krugova.


(na svu srecu ovaj cirkus se ne boduje za sampionat...)

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Da, preliminarno su se sporazumeli, dobili su rok da urade testiranje na buku na osnovu cega ce se primeniti mere. A te mere izmedju ostalog ukljucivace i smanjenje broja dana kad staza moze biti aktivna tokom godine...


Ajd' bar je nisu skroz likvidirali, ali doselis se tamo gde znas da vec duze od pola veka postoji trkacka staza pa se zalis na buku... Kao kad bih ja sazidao kucu tamo pored muzeja avijacije na Surcinu pa poceo da se zalim na aerodrom.

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Ups nisam postovao rezultate za test: https://www.indycar.com/-/media/Files/2024/NICS/02-THRM/indycar-results-OT-pcomb-p4.pdf


U kvalifikacijama, za jednu grupo na polu Rozenkvist a za drugu Palu:


Prva grupa: https://racer.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/85/2024/03/Heat-1.pdf

(GRO sedmi, treba mu sesto mesto ili bolje u trci za prolazak u finale)

Druga grupa: https://racer.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/85/2024/03/Heat-2.pdf

(O'Vord deveti)

Cirkus pocinje za nekih sat ipo vremena.

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Prezivesmo i ovaj cirkus, Palu odneo pola meleona, Mekloklin 350 hiljada a Rozenkvist 250.

Prva kvalifikaciona trka - Dikson na statu cuknuo Grozana i okrenuo ga pa je ovaj kao kugla za kuglanje pokupio Vikeja i ostetio Lundgarda, plus je u celoj guzvi Pauer zavrsio na zacelju. Dikson kaznjen, ali ako izuzmemo prvi red ostatak poretka prakticno lutrija, dok su ocistili stazu efektivno su vozili 4-5 krugova pre nego sto je isteklo predvidjenih 20 minuta.

Druga kvalifikaciona trka zanimljiva borba izmedju Meklarenovaca tik ispod crte za transfer, na kraju Rosi uspeo da uhvati sesto mesto i provuce se u finale.

Prvo poluvreme finala bizar, pola poretka cinculiralo 10-tak sekundi po krugu sporije od lidera da cuvaju gume (zabranjena promena guma). Rehol i Fitipaldi ispali zbog kvarova. Drugo poluvreme ovi sto su cinculirali krenuli da gaze, pa Herta sa poslednjeg mesta stigao na peto. Prva cetiri odrzali poredak od starta do cilja jedino se na startu rotirali Rozenkvist i Mekloklin.

Sve vreme neverovatna kolicina reklama, pakao sodoma i gomora zapakovani za poneti. Bogu hvala pa je gotovo, nadam se da nece vise eksperimentisati s ovim.

Staza k'o staza dosta interesantna, samo sto je neuslovna za odrzavanje pravih trka - nema infrastrukturu za boksove. Ovako za testiranje je OK.





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Bile su glasine da bi VN Long Bica mogao da otkupi Liberti za F1 ili Naskar koji je prosle godine u Cikagu imao prvi svoj uspesni eksperiment sa trkanjem na ulicnim stazama ali situacija je sada resena - trka ostaje sa Indikarom:




Any efforts by NASCAR, IndyCar, or Formula 1 to gain control of the 50-percent share of the Long Beach Grand Prix made available by the estate of the late Kevin Kalkhoven will not meet their desired outcome.


Gerald Forsythe, who purchased the country’s biggest street race with Kalkhoven in the 2000s, says the event’s fate will be settled in a different way.


“The estate has agreed to sell its 50% to me,” the industrialist and former owner of the Champ Car series told RACER. “If [any series] has its sights on Long Beach please tell them to look elsewhere. This [is] an IndyCar event, and it will be into the future.


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Slatke muke:




Credit Roger Penske and the Penske Entertainment organization for the size and stability that underpins the vast IndyCar grid. After weathering the financial ravages of COVID, the series owned by Penske emerged from the pandemic with 25 full-time entries in 2022, saw the number increase to 27 in 2023 and it’s held firm at 27 this year — a modern record for consecutive seasons.


On its current trajectory, the number could hit 29 or more in 2025, which is both a blessing and a headache to manage for a series that’s searching for ways to handle the expansion.


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  • 2 weeks later...




PREMA Racing has confirmed its intent to join the NTT IndyCar Series in 2025 with a pair of Chevrolet-powered cars.


The powerhouse European junior open-wheel team, which also runs Lamborghini’s IMSA GTP program from the brand’s base in Michigan, will establish a dedicated IndyCar facility in Indiana to field the full-time effort.


Nadam se da ce biti uspesniji od Karlina koji su cini mi se potcenili nivo izazova takmicenja u IndyCar...

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Katherine Legge will attempt to qualify for the 108th Indianapolis 500 presented by Gainbridge in a Honda-powered entry fielded by Dale Coyne Racing with RWR, with primary sponsorship from beauty brand e.l.f.


e.l.f. is believed to be the first beauty brand to serve as a primary sponsor for an entry in “The Greatest Spectacle in Racing,” as Legge will drive the No. 51 e.l.f. Honda on Sunday, May 26 at Indianapolis Motor Speedway. She will attempt to make her fourth Indy 500 start.



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35. bolid za ovogodisnji Indi:




Abel Motorsports has taken receipt of its brand-new Dallara DW12 chassis and is working overtime to assemble the car and prepare itself for making another run at the Indianapolis 500.
With 34 teams and drivers locked in to try and qualify for the 33 available spots for the May 26 Indy 500, Abel’s squad, which bumped Graham Rahal from the field in 2023 with a car owned, supplied, and driven by RC Enerson, is also working to finalize the driver of its No. 50 Chevy when official practice for the 500 starts on May 14.

Enerson is in the frame again and is searching for sponsorship to clinch a deal with Abel, and other funded Indy 500 veterans including Charlie Kimball, Stefan Wilson, and Devlin DeFrancesco have been searching for opportunities to take part in the event.


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Danas i sutra vozi se otvoreni test na Indijanapolisu u svrhu priprema za ovogodisnji Indi 500. Prisutno je 34 bolida (svi osim Ejblovog koji je tek pre neki dan dobio isporuku sasije po novoj olaksanoj specifikaciji). U toku prepodneva 28 bolida je izlazilo na stazu, najbrzi do sada je Njugarden ispred rukija Naskar zvezde Kajla Larsona. Dobar miks Hondi i Sevroleta u prvih 10, izgleda da su oba proizvodjaca uradila dobar posao tokom zimske pauze i da nijedan nema neku specijalnu prednost - za sada...

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Kisa je prekinula popodnevno testiranje, no u medjuvremenu su i rukiji i povratnici odradili svoju obaveznu orijentaciju i dobili zeleno svetlo za dalje ucesce na ovogodisnjem programu za Indi 500. Svih 34 bolida je postavilo vreme.


Rezultati: https://digbza2f4g9qo.cloudfront.net/-/media/Files/2024/NICS/00-TEST/500-OT/indycar-results-pcomb-p2.pdf

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U medjuvremenu Kajl Larson sredjuje utiske od juce:





Kyle Larson’s head was swimming with all of the new things he learned while running in the draft and running through a variety of chassis setup changes at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway on Wednesday.


Necu preterati ako kazem da Larson spada medju 10-tak najtalentovanijih vozaca danasnjice, uprkos predrasudama koje se gaje prema Naskarovcima - koliko god Naskar bio cirkus (a jeste) on je tamo samo zbog novca, koji nije mnogo manji od onog u F1 a manje se putuje i cima - brz je bio u svemu u sta je seo u zivotu i to iz prve bez potrebe za previse prilagodjavanja (ima i pobedu na 24h Dejtone u sportskim prototipovima) sto dokazuje i ovde.


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On 3/23/2024 at 11:31 AM, Romantik said:

Procitah na autosportu da je Laguna resila problem sa komsijama i da ce nastaviti da organizuje trke uz neka dodatna ulaganja u umanjenje buke.


OT, ali Laguna Seka je kao rođena za recimo FE GEN4 ili onaj eNASCKAR. Čak šta više mogu i kolab trku da odrade pošto će to planiraju zapravo...


On Topik, hehe onaj Larson postao internet senzacija.

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