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Jos se ovogodisnja sezona nije cestito ni zavrsila, vec su krenule pripreme za 2021. Juce je na Indijanapolisu vozen grupni test novih aero-dodataka na patosu bolida koji bi trebali da rese problem podupravljanja na superovalima nastalog nakon instalacije vetrobrana za zastitu kokpita. Najjednostavnije resenje bi bilo da se poveca prednje krilo ali to bi stvorilo problem kad se bolidi prate na maloj udaljenosti, i zbog toga se problemu prilazi sa strane efekta tla, da se na taj nacin poveca prianjanje i neutralise efekat nastao instalacijom vetrobrana.

Ima vec i dosta novosti na trzistu vozaca, potvrdjene su odredjene promene - Penski ce u sezonu 2021. uci sa 4 bolida, pored dosadasnje trojke Njugarden - Pauer - Pazeno bice tu i Novozelandjanin Skot Mekloklin, trostruki sampion australijskog V8 SuperCar sampionata koji je vec debitovao na finalnoj trci sezone 2020 u St. Pitu a odradio je i ruki orjentaciju za Indi 500 tokom jucerasnjeg testa. Pored ovoga, potvrdjen je i sedmostruki NASCAR sampion Dzimi Dzonson u Ganasijevom bolidu #48 za sada samo na neovalnim stazama (na ovalima ce ga najverovatnije menjati Toni Kanan), dok na mesto Feliksa Rozenkvista u Ganasi #10 dolazi dosadasnji vozac u DCR Aleks Palu. Rozenkvist ce karijeru da nastavi u AMSP umesto Olivera Askjua. Potvrdjeno je i da Rinus ViKej ostaje kod Karpentera u bolidu #21 a novost je da gazda Ed planira (ako bude dovoljno novca) da i u bolid #20 ubaci vozaca za komplet sezonu (verovatno Konora Dejlija) dok bi on sam onda vozio samo ovale u trecem bolidu (ove godine Karpenter je imao tri bolida samo na Indi 500). Kod Andretija, Zak Vic je dobio otkaz u bolidu #26 za koga se trazi zamena (neko sa sponzorstvom) dok je nesiguran cak i Rajan Hanter-Rej u #28 (DHL koji sponzorise ovaj bolid zeli da prebaci sponzorstvo na Koltona Hertu). Veruje se da bi na jedno od ova dva mesta mogao doci Hincklif. Tim DragonSpid, koji je vozio delimicnu sezonu 2020 sa Benom Henlijem za volanom se povlaci iz takmicenja i prodaje bolid i opremu MSR timu za koje je ove godine vozio Dzek Harvi, veruje se da ce MSR da prosiri program na dva bolida a takodje se pominje i mogucnost da Fojt doda treci bolid (u jednom je vec potvrdjen Sebastijan Borde za kompletnu sezonu). Sa druge strane, dalje ucesce Karlina u IndyCar sampionatu je neizvesno...

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Koja je fora sa Johnsonom i ovalima? Pa zar on nije maher za ovale buduci da je 7 puta sampion NASCAR-a. Kad je davao intervju tokom indijanapolis grand prija, delovalo je da se plasi ovala. Bukvalno je rekao "ne bih da rizikujem u ovim godinama", tako nesto.


2021 IndyCar calendar


7 March - St. Petersburg streets
11 April - Barber Motorsports Park
18 April - Long Beach streets
1 May - Texas Motor Speedway
2 May - Texas Motor Speedway
15 May - Indianapolis Motor Speedway road course
30 May - 105th running of the Indianapolis 500
12 June - Belle Isle streets, Detroit
13 June - Belle Isle streets, Detroit
20 June - Road America
4 July - Mid-Ohio SportsCar Course
11 July - Toronto streets
8 August - Nashville streets
14 August - Indianapolis Motor Speedway road course
21 August - World Wide Technology Raceway
12 September - Portland International Raceway
19 September - Laguna Seca

On 11/1/2020 at 11:04 AM, Radoye said:

Pocev od ove godine 81-godisnji Mario Andreti nece vise voziti Hondin dvosed pred pocetak trke.


Izgleda Mario ipak ostaje! :thumbup:


Testiranje na Barberu danas:



Rinus Veekay, 65.615s
Colton Herta, 65.738s
Pato O’Ward, 65.907s
Alexander Rossi, 66.018s
Jack Harvey, 66.099s
Conor Daly, 66.134s
Ryan Hunter-Reay, 66.190s
Marcus Ericsson, 66.257s
Scott Dixon, 66.258s
Sebastien Bourdais, 66.358s
Alex Palou, 66.365s
Antonio Felix da Costa, 66.375s
Josef Newgarden, 66.410s
James Hinchcliffe, 66.441s
Felix Rosenqvist, 66.501s
Will Power, 66.620s
Simon Pagenaud, 66.635s
Dalton Kellett, 66.647s
Scott McLaughlin, 66.941s
Marco Andretti, 67.089
Jimmie Johnson, 68.398s



Kastroneves u MSR:



Three-time Indianapolis 500 winner Helio Castroneves will make a part-time return to the NTT IndyCar Series in 2021 with Meyer Shank Racing. The owner of 30 victories and 50 pole positions will complement and mentor MSR’s promising young driver Jack Harvey using a Honda-powered Dallara DW12 recently purchased from DragonSpeed.



Kraj za jednog od boljih nizeligasa:



Veteran Road to Indy team owner Brian Belardi has announced that he is shutting down his Belardi Auto Racing team. The move ends more than a decade of history for the John Brunner-led squad, which started out with an USF2000 team and then dedicated its focus to Indy Lights.


Belardi Auto Racing secured a team championship, a driver championship, and two Freedom 100 race wins. Drivers to have run with the team and moved on to success in some of the top leagues of the sport include Gabby Chaves, Zach Veach, Felix Rosenqvist, Peter Dempsey, Anders Krohn, Aaron Telitz and Shelby Blackstock.


“I never wanted this day to come, but for several reasons, including my personal health, it is time to close this chapter,” said Belardi. “Open-wheel racing will always be a part of who I am. It isn’t something you can just let go or forget about, so you can bet I will still be watching every race and following all of the young talent that is coming up the ladder.”


  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Kao sto je najavljivano, Kolton Herta avanzov'o iz Andreti-Harding-Stajnbrener bolida #88 u Andretijev #26 ("glavni" tim, bez suvlasnika) kojeg nastavlja da sponzorise Gejnbridz. Ostaje da se vidi ko ce umesto njega u #88, i da li ce taj program dogodine voziti kompletnu sezonu ili samo delimicnu. Jedan od glavnih kandidata za ovo mesto je Dzejms Hincklif.

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Montoja u AMSP za Indi 500! 😮


Arrow McLaren SP have announced that two-time Indy500 champion and former McLaren F1 driver Juan Pablo Montoya, will join the team for the 105th Running of the Indianapolis 500 next year.


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Dolton Kelet potvrdjen za kompletnu sezonu u Fojtovom bolidu #4. On ce se pridruziti vec ranije potvrdjenom Sebastijanu Bordeu koji ce voziti #14.


The 2021 Acura Grand Prix of Long Beach has been rescheduled for Sunday, Sept. 26 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, officials from INDYCAR announced today.



Konor Dejli ostaje u Karpenterovom bolid #20 za sve neovalne staze (gazda Ed vozi ovale), plus dobija start na Indi 500 u trecem Karpenterovom bolidu - isti dil kao prethodne sezone. Ceka se potvrda statusa Karlinovog tima, da li ce i tamo Dejli ponoviti partnerstvo ali vozeci ovale umesto Ciltona.

  • 3 weeks later...

Izmene u najavljenom kalendaru:




With the COVID-19 virus continuing to pose significant challenges throughout the country, the NTT IndyCar Series is looking into shifting its opening races to later dates in the hope that fewer restrictions will be encountered at its events.


RACER understands Round 1, set for March 6-7 on the streets of St. Petersburg, is under evaluation for a move to April 24-25. Barber Motorsports Park, currently in position as Round 2 on April 10-11, is also under consideration for a minor one-week shift to April 17-18.



If St. Petersburg is confirmed for April 24-25, Barber would become the new site of IndyCar’s season-opener.


Provided the St. Petersburg and/or Barber date changes go through, they would make for the second calendar revision ahead of the 2021 season. Last month, IndyCar announced the Long Beach Grand Prix would shift from April 17-18 to September 25-26 as its new final race of the year.




Novi kalendar:


2021 IndyCar calendar


11 April - Barber Motorsports Park

25 April - St. Petersburg streets
1 May - Texas Motor Speedway
2 May - Texas Motor Speedway
15 May - Indianapolis Motor Speedway road course
30 May - 105th running of the Indianapolis 500
12 June - Belle Isle streets, Detroit
13 June - Belle Isle streets, Detroit
20 June - Road America
4 July - Mid-Ohio SportsCar Course
11 July - Toronto streets
8 August - Nashville streets
14 August - Indianapolis Motor Speedway road course
21 August - World Wide Technology Raceway
12 September - Portland International Raceway
19 September - Laguna Seca

26 September - Long Beach streets


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