Radoye Posted February 12, 2020 Posted February 12, 2020 Opa novi momenti na nosu, sta li je sad Njui smislio?
Radoye Posted March 30, 2020 Posted March 30, 2020 Koji jbni psihopata! 😮 Quote Red Bull advisor Dr Helmut Marko proposed having his drivers deliberately infected with coronavirus in the hope that they’d be immune by the time the Formula 1 season starts. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to all international racing being put on hold while a number of countries around the world have entered into some form of lockdown. During the hiatus, Marko said he had an idea to organize a training camp where the likes of Max Verstappen, Alex Albon, Pierre Gasly and Daniil Kvyat, along with other junior drivers, could have become infected and then overcome the virus. “We have four F1 drivers, eight or 10 juniors, and the idea was that we organize a camp where we mentally and physically bridge this somewhat dead time,” Marko told Austrian broadcaster ORF. “And of course it would be ideal – these are all young, strong, really good men in good health – that the infection then comes, so that you would be all geared up whenever you start and you can be prepared for a probably very hard championship. However, the idea was rejected by Red Bull, with Marko adding: “Well, I only discussed it in small groups, but it was not received positively!” Scientists are still yet to definitively establish that those who recover from COVID-19 develop immunity. It is still unclear when racing might be able to resume. The Canadian Grand Prix on June 14 is currently the first race on F1’s calendar that has not been postponed or cancelled, and Marko has doubts over how early in the summer races will be able to take place, specifically Red Bull’s home event in Austria on July 5. “At the current time one would have to look in a crystal ball to make the correct forecast,” he said. “I can’t judge whether 50,000 spectators or 100,000 spectators would make a difference. “What I think is the critical thing is that all European borders have to be opened, because at such an international event spectators come from all over Europe and overseas. How far the virus has become infected in individual countries or under control is really difficult to predict.”
Alen13ASC Posted March 30, 2020 Posted March 30, 2020 Isuse, ali sad pošto je izjava totalno luda ne znam jesu li novinari ovo prenaduvali. Tipa, udri po sarkazmu i crnom humoru a novinari od toga naprave ko da je on to za ozbiljno rekao. Ne mogu nekako verovati da je on to ozbiljno mislio, iako ima istoriju punu prezačinjenih izjava. Ali opet, Isuse i Sveta Majko Hebanja.
Alen13ASC Posted March 31, 2020 Posted March 31, 2020 Glede Markove izjave, Horner lično: Quote "As Helmut pointed out, when he raised it, it wasn't received with support from within Red Bull. It was in many ways a throwaway comment before understanding the seriousness of the pandemic. "Red Bull, yes, they have many athletes but the focus regarding all the actions that are going on at the moment is that this can affect young people, old people, vulnerable people. It is not a limited sector this applies to. So things like the ventilator project we are working on demonstrate how seriously we are taking this and how much effort's going behind it. "Helmut's comments were made before understanding the severity. It has never been discussed or tabled as a serious suggestion." Novinari su opet briljirali, bravo.
Radoye Posted March 31, 2020 Posted March 31, 2020 Novinari su direktno preveli Markovu izjavu ORF-u. Eve ga i video: https://sport.orf.at/stories/3061331/ (Moracete da se igrate sa VPNom da maskirate svoj IP u austrijski da ga pogledate.)
Radoye Posted April 2, 2020 Posted April 2, 2020 Quote Marko denies the team considered arranging a 'camp' specifically to expose its drivers to Coronavirus, saying instead they had considered going ahead with a training camp which had already been planned. Aha, dakle izmislili novinari, nije Marko planirao trening kamp nego je kamp vec odranije planiran a on "samo" predlozio da se vozaci tamo zaraze koronom. Samo cudoviste bi planiralo trening kamp. Ovako je sve u redu.
Alen13ASC Posted April 4, 2020 Posted April 4, 2020 Ovo je samo prebacivanje lopte, mi smo sada gledaoci teniskog meča. Malo levo okrenemo glavu, pa desno... Iskreno nije me briga, od toliko "patki" gadno se krivi realna slika.
Radoye Posted August 10, 2020 Posted August 10, 2020 Quote Red Bull will continue to give Alex Albon "time" to get up to speed alongside Max Verstappen. As a rookie, Albon was promoted to the energy drink company's senior team mid-last year to replace the struggling Pierre Gasly. But now the British-born Thai is having the same confidence problem in the same seat, prompting calls for Verstappen to get yet another new teammate. But Marko, the architect of Red Bull's driver program, says 24-year-old Albon will be given more time. "As long as we see that he is progressing and his results are getting better, we will give him time," said the Austrian. "Alex has had a lot of difficulties this season, including the engine problem and the Hamilton incident. As a result, he still lacks self-confidence. "But he has speed. In the third segment of the race at Silverstone, Alex had good times. But I think it is obvious that he is young and he still lacks experience. "He needs time to achieve greater stability," Marko added. Uh, gotov je Albon. Isto ovo su lane pricali za Gaslija samo par dana pre nego sto je zamenjen. 😮
Jurgen Posted August 10, 2020 Posted August 10, 2020 Ne bih rekao. Iz 2 razloga: Prvi razlog je taj što Albon u svakoj trci gubi 15 - 20 sekundi u odnosu na Maxa zbog toga što Red Bulov bolid ove sezone jednostavno ne funkcioniše dobro u kvalifikacijskom krugu. Razlika od 0.3 ili 0.4s po krugu u tako gustom midfield-u ove godine znači i gubitak od 4, 5 pa ponekad i više pozicija, pa on ostaje zaglavljen, više troši gume i mora na neke alternativne strategije, ostalih 15 - 20 sekundi su neki realni odnos snaga. Probali su sa Gaslijem, rokadom, ali jednostavno trenutno nema vozača koji bi mogao da priđe bliže Maxu u tom Red Bulu. Drugi razlog je taj što je Red Bul na kraju krajeva tajlandska kompanija i ne mislim da mogu tek tako da šutnu jedinog Tajlanđanina u F1.
Duh sa sekirom Posted August 10, 2020 Posted August 10, 2020 Uz to, s kim bi ga zamenili? Kvjat i Gasli su već bili šutnuti barem jednom, teško da će ih vratiti nazad, a teško da će direkt u vatru baciti nekog iz podmlatka, ako ga i imaju spremnog, a nisu imali nikog pre 6 meseci, zato su u TR-u zadržali „odbačene“.
Radoye Posted September 24, 2020 Posted September 24, 2020 Quote Honda will make no further performance upgrades to its 2020 engine this season. The Japanese marque's F1 boss Masashi Yamamoto said the decision is due to "regulation changes" in the wake of the corona crisis. "We cannot introduce the updated specifications as easily as we did last year," he told as-web.jp. "We have been on top of it from the beginning of the year, but have had to conclude that we will continue to use this specification until the end." However, he claims Honda currently has the second most powerful engine on the grid. "If we talk about pure power, I think Mercedes is in the lead, then Honda, with Renault having the third strongest and Ferrari at the bottom," said Yamamoto. "Unfortunately, I cannot give exact details of the difference between Honda and Mercedes, but it makes little difference - they are still ahead of us. "But we can see from the data that we are close." Honda, currently powering the two Red Bull teams, is yet to decide whether to stay in Formula 1 beyond 2021. Dutch commentator Olav Mol is tipping the Honda-backed F2 driver Yuki Tsunoda to replace Daniil Kvyat at Alpha Tauri in 2021. "Honda has a contract only until 2021, and their departure would spell the end of Tsunoda's career," he told Ziggo Sport. "He would be the first Japanese in Formula 1 for many years, so I could well imagine what they want from Red Bull."
L0shMi Posted October 2, 2020 Posted October 2, 2020 Honda izlazi iz f1 na kraju sledeće sezone. Sent from my MHA-L29 using Tapatalk
Radoye Posted October 2, 2020 Posted October 2, 2020 U Hondi najavljuju juris na titulu sledece godine, da se oproste dok su na vrhu: Quote Honda will produce a new engine for the 2021 Formula 1 season in a bid to win the championship in its final year before leaving the sport. The Japanese manufacturer announced today it will leave F1 at the end of next year. But CEO Takahiro Hachigo vowed they will not abandon their pursuit of victory in the meantime. “We still have seven races to go this season and next year we have another season,” said Hachigo in a Honda press conference today. “And then we’ll do our very best to try to win. “For next [year] we will launch our new power unit so that together with the Red Bull we are going to aim for the season champion[ship].” Honda returned to Formula 1 in 2015 after a seven-year absence. They initially supplied power units to McLaren, but the pair split at the end of 2017 after enjoying little success. “The initial three years we have struggled very much,” said Hachigo, “but we overcame that and so far we have been able to claim five victories. So to some extent, I think we left a good track record with our wins. “Next year, we will continue to do our best. So we hope that the fans will continue to stay by us and support us.” Red Bull were first notified in August that Honda were considering not extending their contract beyond the end of next year. “We have been thinking a lot of things over in our minds,” said Hachigo. “In August we communicated our thoughts to Red Bull Racing and we determined to conclude participation at the end of September.” Ne znam zasto, da li zbog dosadasnjeg iskustva s Hondinim prognozama i planovima, ali nekako sam skeptican... 😉
alpiner Posted October 2, 2020 Posted October 2, 2020 Onim govnima iz RB se lepo obija o glavu svo pišanje po Rendži. Pogrešnim ljudima su solili ranu. De Meo(novi CEO) je pre nedelju dana izjavio da neće biti bilo kakve dalje saradnje sa RB-om 1
Radoye Posted October 2, 2020 Posted October 2, 2020 1 hour ago, alpiner said: Onim govnima iz RB se lepo obija o glavu svo pišanje po Rendži. Pogrešnim ljudima su solili ranu. De Meo(novi CEO) je pre nedelju dana izjavio da neće biti bilo kakve dalje saradnje sa RB-om Sta, jel' to znaci da se i Reno povlaci? Posto je to jedini nacin da izbegnu saradnju sa RBR-om... 😐
Hertzog Posted October 2, 2020 Posted October 2, 2020 Mozda naprave 4-5 satelitskih timova samo da ne moraju dati motore red bullu 😆
alpiner Posted October 2, 2020 Posted October 2, 2020 3 hours ago, Radoye said: Sta, jel' to znaci da se i Reno povlaci? Posto je to jedini nacin da izbegnu saradnju sa RBR-om... 😐 ha ha Mogu da im prodaju stari rebrandirani customer motor sa ? konja manje.. Nikakva "saradnja".. Izvoli to košta toliko i jebi se ako ti se ne sviđa. Ne treba na ta govna trošti pare opet ćemo biti popišani. Viry svakako ne zarađuje od tih motora tako da nema ekonomske logike.
Borko Posted October 4, 2020 Posted October 4, 2020 Abitebol je rekao da ce se povinovati pravilima u slucaju da niko nece da ih snabdeva motorima. Jbg. Realno, Reno ima vrhunske sanse da od 2022. lagano bude barem drugi najjaci tim. Znamo kako Mercedes tretira svoje musterije, Ferari se raspada, a RB vise nema motor.
lemiwilli Posted October 4, 2020 Posted October 4, 2020 Honda je totalno nepouzdan partner. Dolazis odlazis svako malo, cirkus. Neozbiljno za kompaniju a neozbiljno i za F1. p.s.nebi me cudilo da RB napravi svoj motor 🙂
Alen13ASC Posted October 4, 2020 Posted October 4, 2020 Ne sumljam ja u RBR 2022 godine, ako zaista Alpina uspe napraviti drugi najjači paket onda ćemo gledati ljute borbe između Alonsa i Ferštapena. U ala će biti ljuto, i onda na nekim trkama Mečka ne pogodi setap. Mmmmm.
Radoye Posted October 6, 2020 Posted October 6, 2020 Red Bull - Red Bull 2022? Quote Honda could transfer the development of its F1 engine to Red Bull from 2022 and therefore establish a continuation program between the latter's teams and the Japanese manufacturer. Honda announced last week its exit from F1 at the end of the 2021 season, a decision that leaves Red Bull Racing and Scuderia AlphaTauri in need of new engine supply deals. But Honda F1 boss Masashi Yamamoto has suggested that an alternative form of collaboration between Red Bull and the engine supplier could replace the pair's current partnership. "Honda is happy to talk to them if they need us in any way, not only about the power unit but about other things as well," Yamamoto told website The Race. "To support AlphaTauri and Red Bull for their programme after 2021 in any way, we’re happy to cooperate. "As Honda we had so many things from the teams, so we want to give it back somehow in a nice way for the future." Bringing an engine development program in-house at Red Bull would require significant financial and human resources investment, and perhaps add a lot of weight to the energy drink company's F1 program, not to mention concerns on the part of Honda about safeguarding the manufacturer's intellectual property. But Yamamoto said that any inquiries by Red Bull about a potential continuation program managed directly by the latter will be conveyed to Honda's top brass. "If that kind of request is made from the team, I am ready to speak to Japan," he said. "I personally want to support [what Red Bull and AlphaTauri do] as much as possible." Honda's immediate focus is on the remainder of the 2020 season and on 2021, when a new power unit will be introduced with the aim of helping Red Bull fight for the championship. "We still have seven more races to go this year first and we have various things we like to try for next year as well," ensured Yamamoto. "Next year we will try to fight for the championship and have a good ending to our story. "For next year, we will not reduce any people from our project. We are going to develop more. And we will make the biggest effort in order to win as much as possible. "We will just keep pushing till the end."
Alen13ASC Posted October 6, 2020 Posted October 6, 2020 Postoje priče o prebacivanju celog projekta na Mugen.
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