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[USA] SJEDINJENE AMERIČKE DRŽAVE - unutrašnja politika i uticaj na svetska kretanja

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18 hours ago, A sad said:


Zasto je Pejlin izgubila u Aljasci? Malo to ima veze sa demokratama... 

Nema jer su se glasovi republikanaca "pocepali" na dva kandidata, a Begichevim glasacima je bilo mrsko da glasaju za nju. Nije ona  tamo narocito popularna, ljudi se jos uvek secaju skandala zbog kojih je podnela ostavku. Medjutim, taj porac je bio i jedan od razloga zasto je McConnell dao onu izjavu o kvalitetu kandidata.

Ako na izbore izadjes sa gomilom pajsera kao Palin, onda rizikujes da dobar deo republikanaca ne glasa ili glasa za kandidata demokrata. Kod neopredeljenih sa takvim kandidatima nemaju nikakve sanse.

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4 hours ago, DJORDJE said:

Kod neopredeljenih sa takvim kandidatima nemaju nikakve sanse.


Ja ne znam uopste sta da mislim o ovom coveku. Ne mozes da se ne smejes glupostima koje izgovori, a na drugu stranu mi je zao sto ga forsiraju i pustaju da pravi ovakvu budalu od sebe i svi se smeju da je mentalno zaostao. Ali pobogu za senat... 😞 





Posle ce da kukaju da su im ukradeni glasovi. 


33 minutes ago, Klotzen said:

Pa moraju nešto iz korena da menjaju u Džordžiji ili ode ona trajno u plavo. Predsednički izbori su im bili ozbiljna opomena tamo.


Pa jadna Dzordzija sa ovim nesretnikom i MTG. 


Elem, trenutna politicka scena... 



Many Republicans, and even some Democrats, have been befuddled by how Biden keeps notching political wins, despite his evident flaws, from his age to his gaffes. The answer? As long as Trump is the face of the Republican party, he neutralizes those flaws.



Hriscani su objavili krstaske ratove svima onima koji to nisu koristeci sudove po americi. 



Religious employers need not cover PrEP in their health plans, federal judge rules

U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor’s ruling could threaten access to sexual and reproductive health care for more than 150 million working Americans on employer-sponsored health care plans. The ruling will likely be appealed.


A federal judge in Fort Worth agreed Wednesday with a group of Christian conservatives that Affordable Care Act requirements to cover HIV prevention drugs violate their religious freedom.

U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor also agreed that aspects of the federal government’s system for deciding what preventive care is covered by the ACA violates the Constitution.

O’Connor’s ruling could threaten access to sexual and reproductive health care for more than 150 million working Americans who are on employer-sponsored health care plans. It is likely to be appealed by the federal government.



Ako moze neko da mi objasni kako ovo KRSI bilo koju njihovu slobodu?! Kako abortus krsi njihovu slobodu? Kako transgenderi ruse njihovu slobodu? Kako gej populacija krsi njiovu slobodu?


Niko im nije rekao da ne praktikuju veru i ne zive po pravilima koje su sami ili koje im je vera nametnula. Apsolutno niko. Mogu da zive kako hoce, rade sta hoce i praktikuju sta hoce. Cemu potreba da se drugi uskladjuju sa njima? Pa nece ih voleti vise, niti im se pokoreti, nego ce ih mrzeti vise zato sto ih ugrozavaju. 


Koju Bibliju oni citaju? 

Posted (edited)

Tviter tred koji sam sastavio u jedan tekst (i dao mu naslov), dosta lucidan uvid u dvorsku tehnologiju (straho)vladanja:



Government censorship disguised as corporate autonomy


The regime of censorship being imposed on the internet – by a consortium of DC Dems, billionaire-funded "disinformation experts," the US Security State, and liberal employees of media corporations – is dangerously intensifying in ways I believe are not adequately understood. 


A series of "crises" have been cynically and aggressively exploited to inexorably restrict the range of permitted views, and expand pretexts for online silencing and deplatforming. Trump's election, Russiagate, 1/6, COVID and war in Ukraine all fostered new methods of repression.


During the failed attempt in January to force Spotify to remove Joe Rogan, the country's most popular podcaster – remember that? – I wrote that the current religion of Western liberals in politics and media is censorship: their prime weapon of activism.


But that Rogan failure only strengthened their repressive campaigns. Dems routinely abuse their majoritarian power in DC to explicitly coerce Big Tech silencing of their opponents and dissent. This is *Govt censorship* disguised as corporate autonomy.


There's now an entire new industry, aligned with Dems, to pressure Big Tech to censor. Think tanks and self-proclaimed "disinformation experts" funded by Omidyar, Soros and the US/UK Security State use benign-sounding names to glorify ideological censorship as neutral expertise.


The worst, most vile arm of this regime are the censorship-mad liberal employees of big media corporations. Masquerading as "journalists," they align with the scummiest Dem groups to silence and deplatform.


It is astonishing to watch Dems and their allies in media corporations posture as opponents of "fascism" - while their main goal is to *unite state and corporate power* to censor their critics and degrade the internet into an increasingly repressive weapon of information control. 


A major myth that must be quickly dismantled: political censorship is not the byproduct of autonomous choices of Big Tech companies.

This is happening because DC Dems and the US Security State are threatening reprisals if they refuse. They're explicit.


But the worst is watching people whose job title in corporate HR Departments is "journalist" take the lead in agitating for censorship. They exploit the platforms of corporate giants to pioneer increasingly dangerous means of banning dissenters. *These* are the authoritarians.


This is the frog-in-boiling-water problem: the increase in censorship is gradual but continuous, preventing recognition of how severe it's become. The EU now legally mandates censorship of Russian news. They've made it *illegal* for companies to air it.


So many new tactics of censorship repression have emerged in the West: Trudeau freezing bank accounts of tucker-protesters; PayPal partnering with ADL to ban dissidents from the financial system; Big Tech platforms openly colluding in unison to de-person people from the internet.


All of this stems from the classic mentality of all would-be tyrants: our enemies are so dangerous, their views so threatening, that everything we do – lying, repression, censorship – is noble. That's what made the Sam Harris confession so vital: that's how liberal elites think.


This is why I regard the Hunter Biden scandal as uniquely alarming. The media didn't just "bury" the archive. CIA concocted a lie about it (it's "Russian disinformation"); media outlets spread that lie; Big Tech [censored] it -- because lying and repression to them is justified!


The authoritarian mentality that led CIA, corporate media and Big Tech to lie about the Biden archive before the election is the same driving this new censorship craze. It's the hallmark of all tyranny: "our enemies are so evil and dangerous, anything is justified to stop them." 


How come **not one media outlet** that spread this CIA lie – the Hunter Biden archive was "Russian disinformation" – retracted or apologized? This is why: they believe they are so benevolent, their cause so just, that lying and censorship are benevolent.


The one encouraging aspect: as so often happens with despotic factions, they are triggering and fueling the backlash to their excesses. Sites devoted to free speech – led by Rumble, along with Substack, Callin, and others – are exploding in growth.


But as these free speech platforms grow and become a threat, the efforts to crush them also grow – exactly as AOC, other Dems and their corporate media allies successfully demanded Google, Apple and Amazon destroy Parler when it became the single most-popular app in the country.


It is hard to overstate how much pressure is now brought to bear by liberal censors on these free speech platforms, especially Rumble. Their vendors are threatened. Their hosting companies targeted. They have accounts cancelled and firms refusing to deal with them. It's a regime.


It's not melodrama or hyperbole to say: what we have is a war in the West, a war over whether the internet will be free, over whether dissent will be allowed, over whether we will live in the closed propaganda system our elites claim The Bad Countries™ impose. It's no different.


In even the most despotic nations, the banal, conformist citizen thinks they're free. As Rosa Luxemburg said: "he who does not move, does not feel his chains."


Of course the Chris Hayes's and Don Lemon's think this is all absurd: Good Liberals threaten nobody and thus flourish.


The measure of societal freedom is not how servants of power are treated: they're always left alone or rewarded. The key metric is how dissidents are treated. Now, they are imprisoned (Assange), exiled (Snowden) and, above all, silenced by corporate/state power (dissidents)....


As I've often said, the media outlets screaming most loudly about "disinformation" are the ones that spread it most frequently, casually and destructively (NBC/CNN/WPost, etc.).


It's equally true of those now claiming to fight "fascism": real repression comes *from them.*



Tvir po tvit, odave:


Edited by bohumilo

Jedan novinar koji je mozda vidovnjak, napisao je apokaliptican tekst za buducnost amerike koja sledi ako pobede trumpovci...pa da prepricam


 Buducnost gde mega/maga milijarderi unistavaju kulturu korupcijom i pohlepom, zatim ide unistenje infrastrukture,  voda, struja nece postojati...ulicno osvetljenje takodje, ljudi ce prestravljeno hodati po mraku bez mogucnosti da nadju svoju ulicu, kucu...javni prevoz, taxi i slicno nikada ne stizu...mozda jednom mesecno, ako docekate to svejedno je jer puteva i tako nema,


Ako se razbolite, sigurno umirete jer necete moci da priustite odlazak kod lekara, koji i tako vise nece postojati. Unisteni mostovi, bolnice, poslova nece biti. Nastupa opsta glad.

USA postaje gori od Libana.  Jedini ko ce profitirati u ovome je naravno narandjasti.


(novinar je inace libanskog porekla)




Pelosi i Biden imaju pogranicnu situaciju pod kontrolom...


Gov. Greg Abbott sent two more buses of migrants to the nation’s capital on Thursday that were dropped off near the residence of Vice President Kamala Harris in a move that appears to be a response to her statements earlier this week that the border is “secure.”

“We did [send them],” Abbott said to Lubbock radio station KFYO. “She’s the border czar, and we felt that if she won’t come down to see the border, if President [Joe] Biden will not come down and see the border, we will make sure they see it firsthand. … And listen, there’s more where that came from.”

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Eh, sad nam fali jos neki tweet o prljavoj vodi, ili nesto sto nece izaci na dobro. Napadi na onu uj kako se zvase "Pelosi" .

Ajde sto su granice sigurne, ali sto se ovima koji protivzakonito prebacuju preko granice, niko ne da socijalno i zdravstveno osiguranje. 

6 hours ago, mrd said:

Eh, sad nam fali jos neki tweet o prljavoj vodi, ili nesto sto nece izaci na dobro. Napadi na onu uj kako se zvase "Pelosi" .

Ajde sto su granice sigurne, ali sto se ovima koji protivzakonito prebacuju preko granice, niko ne da socijalno i zdravstveno osiguranje. 


Boli tebe uvo, sedis kod demokrata i navijas za republikance... i slusas fox udavljen ilegalcima koji ti ugrozavaju zivot i posao i udaraju po dzepu. Kakav fijasko od propagande, nekako uvek pred izbore. 

38 minutes ago, Baby said:


Boli tebe uvo, sedis kod demokrata i navijas za republikance... i slusas fox udavljen ilegalcima koji ti ugrozavaju zivot i posao i udaraju po dzepu. Kakav fijasko od propagande, nekako uvek pred izbore. 

Šta ti znaš o tome što mene boli uvo. Ti ne bi ni nos mogla da pogodiš da te neko pita gde ti je.

Začepi ti tvoje uši ubiće te promaja.

: 😂

1 hour ago, mrd said:

Šta ti znaš o tome što mene boli uvo. Ti ne bi ni nos mogla da pogodiš da te neko pita gde ti je.

Začepi ti tvoje uši ubiće te promaja.

: 😂




Jbt na kojoj si ti planeti. Mnogo jako to sto koristis... smanji doze. 

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22 minutes ago, Baby said:




Jbt na kojoj si ti planeti. Mnogo jako to sto koristis... smanji doze. 

Jbtebe nema tebi pomoći, možeš šta hoćeš da koristiš. Duva tamo gde nosiš šešir.

Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, Mama_mia said:

Pelosi i Biden imaju pogranicnu situaciju pod kontrolom...


Gov. Greg Abbott sent two more buses of migrants to the nation’s capital on Thursday that were dropped off near the residence of Vice President Kamala Harris in a move that appears to be a response to her statements earlier this week that the border is “secure.”

“We did [send them],” Abbott said to Lubbock radio station KFYO. “She’s the border czar, and we felt that if she won’t come down to see the border, if President [Joe] Biden will not come down and see the border, we will make sure they see it firsthand. … And listen, there’s more where that came from.”


15 hours ago, Mama_mia said:

...saga se nastavlja



Abot i Desantis su ih stvarno dobro podmazali sa ovim. Desantis je juče poslao 2 aviona puna ilegalnih imigranata na Martin vinograd, ostrvo u Masačusetsu gde letnje vile imaju obame, opre, bijonsi i slična plastikarija...koja podržava ilegalne imigrante ali ne u svom komšiluku; koja ima naoružano obezbeđenje a bori se protiv toga da ljudi budu naoružani; koja se bori protiv fosilnih goriva a pali privatni avion kad krene u šoping i prlja koliko čitav grad običnih ljudi; koja traži veće poreze a milione plaća advokatima i računovođama da im smanje oporezivi deo njhove imovine, itd....Vidim da je Ilinois proglasio vanredno stanje: stiglo 500 ilegalaca iz Teksasa! A sve "sanctuary city" do "sanctuary city"-ja...


Piter Til je jedan od najvažnijih ljudi na svetu, čovek koji je otkrio Ilona Maska i Marka Zakerberga (kao prvi spoljni investitor u Fejsbuk), pa u izvesnom smislu i političkog Donalda Trampa. Osnovao je PayPal i Palantir i venture kapital firmu Founders Fund preko koje je bio jedan od ranih ulagača u firme kao što su Lyft, Yelp, Airbnb, Spotify, Stripe i gomilu drugih firmi, projekata, istraživačkih instituta u oblasti veštačke inteligencije, biotehnologije, produženja života i slično, ali i političko-futurističke projekte poput stvaranja novih plutajućih gradova u morima koji bi bili van pravne jurisdikcije postojećih država. Plaća ljude koji imaju dobre ideje da napuste fakultet. Njegova legendarna investicija u Fejsbuk (gde je i dalje član borda direktora) je došla direktno pod uticajem studija sa franacuskim filozofom Reneom Žirarom na Stenfordu, tj. Žirarove "mimetičke teorije", zato se može reći i da je Til najznačajniji filozof današnjice. Lucidan, kontraški mislilac širokog zamaha, sa posebnim talentom da trendove na kompleksnim i velikim skalama reprezentuje u jednoj ili dve ključne dimenzije (na duži ili u kvadratu) u kojima se o njima može dobro razmišljati (mnogo primera ovoga se može naći i u njegovoj sjajnoj knjizi o preduzetništvu). U svakom slučaju, kada Piter Til misli da ima nešto da kaže, to vredi i čuti:



Edited by bohumilo
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Sada vec postaje smesno (kada se oglasi hilari i inace je smesno)


Hillary Clinton:

Sending Immigrants To Martha's Vineyard Is Literally Human Trafficking,

uhapsite DeSantisa i ne samo njega -  zna se koga najvise da uhapsite :lol_2:



  • Ha-ha 1


Desantis nema nikavo pravo da koristi pare poreskih obveznika iz Floride i raseljava migrante iz Teksasa. Da ih je raselio iz Floride, onda je to vec druga prica. To je cist populisticki potez za njegove glasace, koje je imao i bez ovog. 


Migranti iz Venecuele imaju vremenski zasticen rok da imaju pravo da traze azil. https://www.uscis.gov/humanitarian/temporary-protected-status/temporary-protected-status-designated-country-venezuela


Najveci problem je sto otezu proces za odobrenje ili odbijanje azila. To traje izmedju 7-9 godina, pa im se ljudi gomilaju i sto je rok za trazenje azila godinu dana od dana ulaska. Dok ne rese administrativne stvari, sve ostalo je bezveze pricati, a ni jedna administracija do sada to nije resila, cak je Trampova zakucala 3 od 4 godine njegove vlasti da produzi boravak onima koji nece biti odobreni jer nista nisu radili. 


Poprilicno je Tramp zabrljao. Neki dokumenti mogu biti deklasifikovani tek nakon 25 godina a neki nikada. Cak i da je deklasifikovao neke od dokumenata oni ne bi mogli da budu na njegovoj adresi, nego na odredjenom mestu gde on moze da ima pristup tim dokumentima. 

Sudije, njih 11 od cega je on njih 6 postavio su odlucili da DOJ i ostali koji imaju po zakonu pristup strogo poverljivim dokumentima mogu da nastave sa pregledom. On cak uz pomoc sudije okruznog suda nije ni trazio povracaj strogo poverljivih dokumenata, nego samo njegovih licnih, pa je sud odlucio da nema prepreke da se istraga zadrzava, jer njegovi licni i nisu predmet istrage. 



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