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  1. Nije palo u vodu, skoro sam radio jedan intervju sa USA zubarom, ne moze da se nacudi lupetanjima i kvazinaucnim pricama oko floura u vodi.
  2. @Kooineeperk eto sta ti je suha statistika i brojke i kako te navede na pogresan zakljucak. Odlicno se secam tog perioda kad je Petrusev 'otkljucao' potencijal, i vecinu vremena igrao na poziciji centra. U trenucima kad je na parketu bio sa Lukom, a to nije bilo tako retko, njih dvojica su se rotirali na pozicijama 4-5 u zavisnosti od mecapa. Jedna od boljih odluka Ivanovica, jer su protivnici cesto ili ostavljali prostor Luki da ide jako i do samog kraja protiv protivnicke cetvorke, a Petrusevu dovoljno prostora za sut protiv sporije petice.
  3. Ali se dese i Jokic, Petrusev, Jovic. Tako da malo ozbiljniji pristup u skautingu i analizi moze mnogo toga dobrog da nam donese. (a iskreno mislim da od Simonovica jos uvek moze biti ozbiljan igrac, a kog je upropastila alavost agenta I NBA po svaki cenu. Da je poradio u Evropi na kosarkaskim fundamentima umesto sto je jurio slavu i novac, sad bi bio duplo bolji kosarkas).
  4. Retko kad stavljam linkove, prvo sto mi to izgleda kao propaganda, a drugo, jer volim da se ljudi sami potrude, pronadju jos neki izvor da bi mogli da ukrstimo informacije. Ali razumem sugestiju, ostavicu i link po nekad narocito kad su u pitanju istrazivanja i dugi tekstovi.
  5. Obrusio se plafon na niskoj klinicki za kardiologiju, srecom nema povredjenih. Klinika se inace renovira, a taj deo je vec bio 'zavrsen'.
  6. Zapravo svega toga ima u clanku, vrlo je ozbiljno istrazivanje u pitanju i cnn je miljama daleko kad su takve stvari u pitanju. Ja sam preneo samo key points (po mom misljenju) da zainteresujem onog kome je to interesantno, a da se oko ostalog pomuci i u par klikova nadje relevantne podatke na netu. Kog mrzi da trazi, evo linka do istrazivanja, inace je na naslovnoj stranici cnn world danas. Cetiri novinara su radila istrazivanje, tekst se cita za 5 minuta. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/11/23/europe/ukraine-north-korean-missile-attacks-western-components-intl/index.html
  7. cnn Ukraine has been hit by a surge in Russian ballistic missile attacks, about a third of which used North Korean weapons that can only fly because they run on Western circuitry, obtained despite sanctions, according to Ukrainian military officials. Russia has fired about 60 North Korean KN-23 missiles at Ukraine this year, according to a Ukrainian defense official. That accounts for nearly one in three of the 194 ballistic missiles fired so far in 2024, a CNN tally of attacks publicly acknowledged by Ukraine’s air force shows. Crucial components used in the North Korean missiles are produced by nine Western manufacturers, including companies based in the United States, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, according to a recent report by Ukraine’s Independent Anti-Corruption Commission (NAKO), a civil society organization. Some parts of the KN-23/24 missiles they analyzed were produced as recently as 2023, suggesting a swift delivery pipeline to North Korea. “Everything that works to guide the missile, to make it fly, is all foreign components. All the electronics are foreign. There is nothing Korean in it,” said Andriy Kulchytskyi, head of the Military Research Laboratory of Kyiv’s Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise.
  8. Iako nije lockdown defanzivac, enegija koju donosi Dobric u odbrani je zlata vredna (u kombinaciji sa atletikom i fizickim predispozicijana), ali nije u stanju da cuva te vrhunske ballhandlere. Odluka da on cuva Pantera je greska, tu Dobric nije nista kriv. Inace, da su Dobric i Davidovac igrali derbi, mi bismo tu utakmicu dobili. Inace, Teo, Mitrovic i Lazic treba da se povuku na sedista pored Ilica i da uskacu samo kod povreda ili kad nosioce treba odmoriti. Teodosic bi mogao i da bude pomicnik Sferopulosu. U trenutnoj formi bi tu bio daleko korisniji.
  9. bbc Russia is estimated to have supplied North Korea with more than a million barrels of oil since March this year, according to satellite imagery analysis from the Open Source Centre, a non-profit research group based in the UK. The oil is payment for the weapons and troops Pyongyang has sent Moscow to fuel its war in Ukraine, leading experts and UK Foreign Secretary, David Lammy, have told the BBC. These transfers violate UN sanctions, which ban countries from selling oil to North Korea, except in small quantities, in an attempt to stifle its economy to prevent it from further developing nuclear weapons.
  10. Parafrazirao sam po secanju, uglavnom se secam utiska, pa sam to i napisao. Hvala, svakako, za precizniju informaciju.
  11. Citao sam o ovom. Skoro isti takav prirucnik su dobili i Finci. Norvezani su, ipak, odlucili da svoj primerak salju online umesto printanog izdanja. Generalno, nema mnogo novog u odnosu na slicne pamflete iz hladnoratovskog perioda. Jedna recinica je dodata u svedskom izdanju, ako se dobro secam, u vreme napada strane sile, da parafraziram - boricemo se do kraja, ako cujete da pregovaramo sa napadacem - to je laz i propaganda.
  12. bbc The Hungarian defence minister has announced the country will install an air defence system near its border with Ukraine, citing a "greater than ever" threat of an escalation in the Ukraine-Russia war.
  13. cnn Interest in so-called “golden visas” has skyrocketed among US citizens since the election, according to consultants that help the wealthy migrate. Golden visas allow people to effectively buy foreign citizenship or residence through sizable investments, including in real estate, government bonds or startups. Henley & Partners, which claims to have invented the concept of citizenship-by-investment in the 1990s, said inquiries by US nationals via its website spiked almost 400% the week of the election compared with the prior week.
  14. bbc Following initial reports, the BBC now understands Ukraine has fired UK-supplied long-range Storm Shadow missiles at targets within Russia for the first time. However, the use of Storm Shadow missiles could be "too little too late", the BBC's security correspondent Frank Gardner says. Earlier, Ukraine said Russia is staging a "psychological attack" in spreading messages of a large attack - this came after the US and other countries temporary closed their embassies over an air strike threat. Meanwhile, Biden has agreed to give Ukraine anti-personnel landmines, a defence official tells the BBC, as the US steps up aid to slow Russia’s advances.
  15. Za sada ne moze da se stavljaju postovi sa BlueSkya na Vox, pa moram ovako da prenesem: Visa stopped posting on X. Etsy stopped posting on X. Adobe stopped posting on X. Android stopped posting on X. Mastercard stopped posting on X. McDonald's stopped posting on X. CVS Pharmacy stopped posting on X. Walmart stopped posting on X. Did You?
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