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gggggggg last won the day on May 2 2024

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  1. gggggggg

    NBA 2024-25

    treci uzastopni mec jokica sa td pre cetvrte cetvrtine. ukupno 59. od 148
  2. gggggggg

    NBA 2024-25

    niko nije preneo mozda i najvazniju vest u poslednjih x godina..
  3. gggggggg

    NBA 2024-25

    veceras se igra treci duel ove sezone. kokice spremne
  4. gggggggg

    NBA 2024-25

    kad god cujem many men, setim se ovog tvita za pravog goata
  5. gggggggg

    NBA 2024-25

    nisam primetio da je neko preneo: “Desperate trades or desperate moves that deplete the future, there is a responsibility on keeping the franchise in a good space (long-term) and good spot when it comes (to) where we leave this thing when we’re done,” Curry said. “Doesn’t mean that you’re not trying to get better, doesn’t mean that you’re not active in any type of search … if you have an opportunity where a trade makes sense or in the summer where free agency makes sense. You want to continue to get better. Nobody wants to be stale or be in a situation where you are passing up opportunities. But it doesn’t mean you’re desperate (and) flinging assets all around the place (just because) you want to do something.”
  6. gggggggg

    NBA 2024-25

    bas se malo prica o tome kakvu sezonu ima herro. i kakvu ima adebayo...samo za poredjenje, herro ima 55% za dva a adebayo 49.5%. sto se tice all-stara, neki moji kandidati u ovom trenutku: mitchell mobley garland tatum brunson towns antetokounmpo lillard haliburton herro cunningham young. mislim da ima previse guardova, pa ce neko otpasti i tu uci neko od visokih tipa brown. jalen johnson bio imao dobar case da se nije povredio. mozda cak i allen. sga jackson jokic irving davis james edwards sabonis durant wembanyama curry. i jos jedno mesto. verovatno bi bilo najfer dati to sengunu ali tu je i powell, koji ima bolju sezonu od npr bookera a cenim da treneri nikada nece izabrati powella pre bookera.
  7. gggggggg

    NBA 2024-25

    conley je dobio jednu tehnicku, ali mu je liga izbrisala sledeceg dana.
  8. gggggggg

    NBA 2024-25

    pa nista, izgubili od bolje ekipe.
  9. gggggggg

    NBA 2024-25

    i sledeca utakmica denvera protiv dallasa. jos jedan debilizam novog rasporeda poslednjih par sezona da se igraju ove bejzbolaski raspored. dallas bez dva najbolja igraca protiv istog protivnika.
  10. gggggggg

    NBA 2024-25

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