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Član foruma
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Everything posted by anfield

  1. Hoyer sutra otkaz
  2. Josh Rosen is in at QB for the Dolphins after Ryan Fitzpatrick has been taken to the medical tent for evaluation.
  3. Sutnu za 3 poena, odu sa 17-10 na HT ... i imaju prvi posed u 3/4
  4. cemu ovaj pokusaj trcanja????
  5. Mislim pre na navijace koji su u fazonu 'Tank for Tua'
  6. ako nije kompenzacija za onaj smesni OPI ...ali ovo videlo nije RTP
  7. gora odbrana - KC - TB - GB?
  8. Tampa na 1 jard
  9. Dobra statistika trcanja NYG ...posebno Barkley-ja
  10. With Jeff Driskell, Brian Hoyer and Ryan Finley starting today, exactly half of the NFL will have turned to multiple starting QBs this season.
  11. Lions’ QB Matthew Stafford has fractured bones in his back and doctors will not let him play today vs. Bears, per source. Jeff Driskell starts for Detroit.
  12. Kakav je ove sezone, Chicago da plati nekom da uzme Trubiskog
  13. mozda u Chicago?
  14. Mislim da je to kraj Cama u Pantersima
  15. Ja ocekujem da ne prodjem u PO, ali sam vise nego zadovoljan prvom istorijskom fantasy sezonom sa 5 pobeda Sent from my STF-L09 using Tapatalk
  16. Raspada se najstrasnije
  17. Brissett injured
  18. To moze biti dobro po moj fantasy tim i Wilsona... Sent from my STF-L09 using Tapatalk
  19. navodno je neko pokupio Gordona sa waivera, ali se ceka da otpuste nekog ...
  20. Cardinals signed former Eagles LB Zach Brown.
  21. 49ers LB Alexander out for season
  22. Bilo je i vreme
  23. od 1 - 11 mesta su svi u 2 pobede ... Borba za plejof ce biti zestoka
  24. Talib traded to Miami Dalton benched Miami is set to have 14 picks in 2020 draft with 3 1st rounders.
  25. 28 years ago, win No. 1 for Bill Belichick came with the Browns against the Patriots.
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