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Član foruma
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  1. Meni se činilo i tokom trke da je mehaničar sa dizalicom pozadi dodirnuo bolid. Kako ne mogu da objasne ljudima da to ne rade nije mi jasno (na prošloj trci Okonu).
  2. Navodno potvrđena kazna za Leklera na DRUGOJ trci sezone zbog promene delova:
  3. Šta li ti ljudi rade u Ferariju…
  4. Odličan ovaj Sargent do sad. Alonso competitive animal 🙂
  5. Ajmo deda!😁
  6. [@Gianludale27] They asked Leclerc to test starting from the right side (when he has to start from the left side), Sainz on the left side (when he has to start from the right side). Sainz had to remind him that it made more sense to go right. Sometimes god. 😂
  7. Botas pokidao kvale.
  8. Zauber od 2026. godine postaje Audijev tim https://sportklub.rs/automoto/formula-1/zauber-od-2026-godine-postaje-audijev-tim/
  9. Italijani bogovi organizacije 😀
  10. Deluje da nije do taktike ovog puta, mnogo je brz Max/Red Bull
  11. Pa stvarno su neverovatni, Ferrari i Lecler… Max i RB - brutalno.
  12. Ocekivano: Ricciardo and McLaren to part ways at end of 2022 F1 season Daniel Ricciardo and McLaren have agreed to part ways at the end of the current Formula 1 season, bringing a premature end to his tenure at the Woking-based squad. https://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/ricciardo-mclaren-part-ways-2023/10357165/
  13. https://ianleckey.github.io/ferrari-strategy-generator/ Ovako bi možda i pogodili nešto 🙂
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