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Everything posted by Boxy

  1. Boxy

    Drustvene igre

    Hvala @McLeod, sad moram ona 2 posta da proucim, jer u subotu je dogovren game day @uvrnuto Mek te vec ispravio, dakle uzela Ne samo po tezini, nego i po zanimljivosti, jer sam odgledala how to play, pa i za neke celu partiju, ali bolje je ako neko iz prve ruke kaze utiske
  2. Boxy

    Roger Federer

    Simon Graf, svajcarski novinar, ovo je sa njegovog tvitera There has been wild speculation about @rogerfederer recently. To put these to rest, he called my dear colleague @maeschmann and spoke openly for the first time about his recovery after his third knee operation and his goals. Some quotes by Roger follow (a thread) (1/12): About his return: «I would be incredibly surprised if I were to play again already at Wimbledon (2022). Australia is not an option at all. But that's no surprise for me. Even before the operation, we knew that a break of many months would be necessary afterwards.» «I wanted to wait for the first major check-up before making a public statement, and the check-up was very encouraging. I have started a long rehabilitation process in which I put all my heart and soul. But the situation is not the same as in 2016. I have to be patient.» About his injury: «The examinations after the grass season revealed that my right inner meniscus was injured again. It had to be stitched, which required a certain period of immobilisation. And the doctors took the opportunity to treat my cartilage as well.» His timetable: «The doctors say that I will be able to jog lightly in January and gradually return to the court. Gently. They don't know, but I've already been playing a bit of tennis with the kids. Then in March or April, I can start training again in a tennis-like way.» «I had this operation done so that I could ski with my children or play football or tennis in the future. My primary motivation was to get back in shape for my normal life. But I wanted to approach this rehabilitation with the mentality and body of a top athlete.» «As far as my sporting ambitions are concerned: I want to see once again what I can achieve as a tennis pro. I'm fighting for it and I'm very motivated. I feel the support of my team and my family. We all wish that I can say goodbye on my own terms and on a court.» «I have experienced similar challenges many times in my career. Sometimes without the public being aware of it. And even though I know that the end is near, I want to try to play some big matches again. It won't be easy, but I will try.» About retirement: «I think that every athlete should decide for himself. There is no right time to retire. There is only the time that suits each individual athlete. It is a very personal decision.» «What kind of image will people remember of me? My last set at Wimbledon last July? Or my Grand Slam titles and what it triggered in them when they watched me play? My money is on the latter. For a few years now, I've been pretty relaxed about that.» «But I understand the fans' feelings. It would be easy for me to say, "I've given a lot and received a lot. Let's stop here." But me investing everything to come back is also my way of saying thank you. My fans deserve better than the image of my last grass season.» My world will not collapse if I never play in another Grand Slam final. But it is my ultimate dream to return once again. And in fact, I still believe in it. I believe in these kinds of miracles. I have already experienced them.
  3. Siner ovom pobedom zavrsava godinu kao top 10, prestigao Feliksa.
  4. Mislim da nije, onda ce odlucivati mec Zverev-Hurkac, ako se nisam nesto zabrojala. Doduse, ako sad Siner pobedi, pa pobedi i Medvedeva, onda bi on imao 2:0. Ako Hurkac dobije Zvereva, onda bi Zverev i Hurkac imali 1:2 i dalje bi isao Siner
  5. Zverev je oduvek imao tu tendenciju da se povuce i da samo vraca kad su bitni poeni, iako ima oruzje da napadne i ide po poen.
  6. Boxy

    Drustvene igre

    A njih skupljam isto kao sto skupljam i sve ostale resurse(pare, titanijum, celik itd)? Doba je prevedeno kao generacija
  7. Vecina sudija ne bi, posebno sto je bio 2.servis i to u TBu.
  8. Ovo je na kraju Lajani presudio, on je mogao da ponisti odluku, nije linijski za sve kriv.
  9. Beretini se ipak povukao na kraju.
  10. Boxy

    Drustvene igre

    Imam 2 pitanja, prvo je da li neko moze ukratko da mi objasni kako se igraju one karte u Teraformiranju Marsa koje u sebi sadrze mikrobe i zivotinje. Kupili smo igru u subotu, odigrali nekako jednu partiju (usput shvatili da smo malo i omasili pravila ), ali definitivno smo svi izbegavali te karte sa mikrobima/zivotinjama jer nam nista nije bilo jasno. A drugo je kako bi poredjali ove igre: Wingspan, Splendor, Carcassone i Alhambra. To je poklon sestricini za novu godinu, ona ima 11 godina, vec imaju Catan, Kopenhagen, Ticket to ride: Europe, obozava sve to da igra i skroz ih kapira.
  11. Nego, da li je meni mozda promaklo, je l to svi imaju plave majice? Izgleda bio neki dopis da moraju plavo da nose
  12. Do sad su u svakom gemu su bile brejk lopte, samo sto je svaki taj bitan poen uzeo Medvedev.
  13. Juce sam u prodavnici videla takav duks, izgleda jos smesnije i gluplje Ne znam sta bi to trebalo da predstavlja, mozda neki cvet, ali izgleda kao jaje na oko, mnogo njih
  14. Boxy

    Izvan i iza turnira

    Mora se reci da Kirijos zna da bude u pravu poneki put
  15. Ozbiljno mislis da on recimo moze Krajinovica da natera da trenira? Posto je on najveca, a i jedina lenstina u timu, ostali su svi ok.
  16. Za italijanski vise od ovoga ne treba
  17. Podjednako smesno, sto se mene tice
  18. zauvek ce biti smesno, Troicki selektor
  19. Nije on ispao antivax, nego je rekao da mu je doktor savetovao da ceka tu vakcinu, ali je isto rekao da ako je ne priznaju, da ce se vakcinisati nekom drugom, sto je i uradio.
  20. Kako nema rupa u igri, kad mu je bh samo prosecan, servis nista posebno, u ovom mecu ga siluje jer nema drugu opciju. A i za tako kompletnog igraca, prosto je neverovatno da nikad nije prosao 4.kolo na slemu
  21. Boxy

    Roger Federer

    Ocekivano, bilo bi suludo da ide, zato je ona Kejhelova izjava bila iznenadjujuca
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