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ras kass

Član foruma
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Posts posted by ras kass

  1. 12 hours ago, Sunshine State said:


    Juce je holandska vlada preporucila lokalnim vlastima da, ako zele, mogu da uvedu da su maske obavezne na mestima gde se distanca od 1.5 m ne moze odrzavati, pa su Amsterdam i Roterdam resili da uvedu od srede, i to u delovima grada gde je velika koncentracija ljudi (odredjene ulice, trgovi, pijace)


    Jedan NL profesor prava, tumaceci zakonski osnov obaveze nosenja maski, kaze:


    "Brouwer said he is not opposed to their use. ‘I think everyone should take responsibility and wear one when circumstances demand it… this is the advice the government should be giving. Convince everyone that it would be useful, and you will get social control. And that works better than imposing a requirement from above.’

     Cisto da ti kazem prva si napisala post na 666 stranici... 

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    • Ha-ha 2
  2. 55 minutes ago, Kido from Junkovac said:

    Ista zvaka ko Vucic. Drz neprijatelja.

    Demonstranti pale bla bla, Antifa opasnost, hoce da sruse... ovaj... Srbiu.

    Kao da svi spineri sveta imaju jednu istu publiku.




    To ti je modus operandi desnih populista, Tramp, Vucic, Orban.....ja ja ja ja ja ja ja.......pa onda oce da me ruse zlikovci i placenici, ali ja se ne predajem, teorije zavere....nije bilo zivota, dok ja nisam zajahao na vlast.

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  3. Quote

    The World Health Organization on Tuesday warned against complacency about new coronavirus transmission in the northern hemisphere summer, saying that this virus did not behave like influenza that tended to follow seasonal trends.

    “People are still thinking about seasons. What we all need to get our heads around is this is a new virus and...this one is behaving differently,” Margaret Harris told a virtual briefing in Geneva, urging vigilance in applying measures to slow transmission that is spreading via mass gatherings.

    She also warned against thinking in terms of virus waves, saying: “It’s going to be one big wave. It’s going to go up and down a bit. The best thing is to flatten it and turn it into just something lapping at your feet.


    Nema sta veliki experti. Posle 7 meseci epidemije, ovo citamo, one big wave i da zaravnimo krivu. Imali cak i sastanak da bi ovo utvrdili, virus deluje i leti,


    Moze li neko ovima da zabrani da se javljaju?

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  4. Fabinju obili kucu  dok je slavio titulu. 


    Bilo mi to interesantno, pre par godina neki Ukajinac sto igrao za L'pool, rekao da je jedva cekao da ode, jer su mu kucu obijali vise puta. 

  5. A man goes shopping in a Moscow supermarket, mumbling to himself: -There's no eggs, no milk, no bread. no meat... A policeman hears that, approaches him and says: -Comrade, if you keep talking like this I will hit you in the head with my pistol! The man replies: -Jesus!We ran out of bullets too?!

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