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didžej hel

Član foruma
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Everything posted by didžej hel

  1. nisam otpratio pažljivo komentare: jel ostanak fayea znači da je stratos out? ne bih se obradovao : i
  2. ....lik slikovito objašnjava moju teoriju zašto mislim da durant neće potisati za njetse osim ako je žešći darker The Durant T-Shirt Cannon Analogy (Durant should want us, not necessarily the other way around). A few years ago, someone gave me a couple free, mid upper tier tickets to Barclays for a midseason clash against a middling team I can’t even remember. I was sitting quietly trying to enjoy my food which had clearly declined since their ballyhooed opening years earlier, when the T-Shirt cannon crew launched a black cotton missile into the empty section next to me. I set down my beer, jogged over a few rows, reached under the seat and claimed my prize. This was glorious – I had never caught a T-shirt, or a foul ball. I was pleased as I quietly walked back to my seat and stowed the shirt in my girlfriend’s bag. Fast forward to last season. Monday, December 3rd. Knicks V Wizards at the garden. Certainly this was not the most intriguing matchup in the NBA, but the Garden was crowded, as usual. As I drank beer and debated the merits of a January Porzingis return with the Bronxites in front of me, the cannon crew emerged on the court. Much like in Brooklyn, a taped up tee came flying in my general direction. But this time, it was right at me. My heart raced, the crowd closed in, everyone reaching for sailing souvenir. I jumped, stuck my hand out, and felt a satisfying smack in my palm as my fingers securely closed around my conquest. My immediate vicinity erupted into high fives. Beer was everywhere, no one cared. It was the greatest athletic moment of my life. I immediately donned my blue and orange XXL trophy over my cloths as if I were post stage at the tour de France and had just taken the overall lead. For the rest of the evening, my crew, and even the Bronx guys treated me like a conquering hero. This, Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving, is the difference between winning a Championship on the Nets vs the Knicks.
  3. delgado ti si kriv za ovu penziju Stephen A. Smith, 40 minutes ago on SportsCenter - “Kawhi Leonard has grown up a Lakers fan.” Kawhi a few months ago - “I wasn’t [a Lakers fan]... I liked Allen Iverson. I was an A.I. fan, so I didn’t like the Lakers.
  4. Maybe you’re holding out for someone who plays defense? You are, aren’t you? I know. I get it. We all want that. And you pro’ly noticed that subject hasn’t come up here with regards to Russell. That’s no coincidence. He doesn’t defend well. But here I’m gonna defend him, or at least defend guys who aren’t known for defending. We’re all in love with this notion of the two-way stud who does it all. You watch the best teams and see guys like Kawhi Leonard and Durant and Giannis Antetokounmpo and you say “That’s where it at.” And yeah, it is. But that’s like watching porn and thinking “Oh man. Yeah. That’s where it’s at.” No. That’s not. Go out into the world looking for whatever your “that” may be and you’re gonna mostly be disappointed. Most of us walking around are not in the 99th percentile of porn performers or NBA defenders. Most of the All-NBA First Team (Nikola Jokić; James Harden; Steph Curry) isn’t there for their defense. Ditto Kyrie and Damian Lillard on the Second Team and Kemba and Blake Griffin on the Third.
  5. istovremeno, skoro je sigurno da ide horford. pazariće nekoga ali svakako neće naći igrača koji radi to što radi horford. moraće da menjaju koncept igre
  6. ma da, pričali smo na forumu prošl godine, kada se to desilo. tuga, troje dece, bubrezi nešto otkazali
  7. uff ja sam obožavao henrija vilijamsa, ne sećam se da je neko tako dominirao skilom i inteligencijom u italiji tih godina kao on
  8. osim što je profi u poznavanju igre i ima smisla za humor - super je bilo i upravo to što pominješ, bio je potpuno drugačiji od bezrazložno egzaltiranih komentatora
  9. najviše volim da citiram, zapravo parafraziram bonora kao baštenski patuljak ulazi u reket & poentira + već sam govorio da ovo ljubljenje lopte nije higijenski
  10. jedino gde može zaista da ode je u igračku penziju za 2-3 godine i to direktiva na funkciju. ja se samo nadam da nije u fazonu da je za njegov neverovatan playmaking iq jedini logičan put trenera. pošto ne bi bilo ničeg primamljivijeg za seniora da u kasne sata sede u kuhinji njih dvojica i prave razne strategije, od prelaznog roka do tranzicije iz odbrane u napad i ostalo
  11. slažemo se da nisu čestitali zato što su iskreno srećni zbog zenita. opet, ne vidim zašto bi se sada živcirali oko toga. ja iskreno nisam verovao da imate promil šanse za taj wild card. pre bih očekivao budućnost u situaciji da se zaista razmatrala opcija (a nije, rekao bih) da još jedan tim iz jadranske lige igra el. jasno je da se nisu gledale ni titule niti broj učešća. congrats / see you in bgd je krajnje formalno za tviter
  12. izgledamo kao klub koji već ima takvog igrača, samo 3 godine mlađeg, na rookie ugovoru i da ne grešim dušu, sa daleko lošijim ft% definitivno ne vidim logiku, pogotovo što rozier misli da je top pg
  13. fali i info da knicksi pored boogieja razmatraju i potpis roziera ali praviću se da su to sve obični dimni ekrani : i
  14. denda je majstor. jedino uživam više clyde fraizera da slušam i svojevremeno bojana milovanovića sa bk/italijanska liga neuporedivi su ali je svako bog na svoj način
  15. glavna vest ovog jutra je da je fizdale isao da gleda trening jednog rukometasa
  16. đorđegagic zaslužuje cover california uber alles
  17. kod butlera je jedini ali bitan problem kako će njegova igra da "ostari". ovo ostalo može da bude ali i jok, više je stvar konteksta.
  18. ja više pričam generalno nego za korkmaza. nisam ga ni gledao previše u životu
  19. ne treba prenositi nečije mogućnosti i ulogu iz nba lige u repku. sama činjenica da taj korkmaz cepa cela godine protiv ozbiljnih fizičkih specimena koji imaju vrhunski skil u odbrani i u napadu, makar 1na1 veoma menja mogućnosti tog istog npr korkmaza kada se odjednom susretne sa lesser competition. ne ynači da će obavezno biti opasan ali nisu loše šanse
  20. didžej hel


    e to je išla legenda za neke nyc terene 90ih. mnogo mi se to svidža i dan danas pitam ljude gde je najava
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