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Brian Setzer

Član foruma
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Posts posted by Brian Setzer

  1. Ima logike da maksimalno zjbvju nevakcinisane, kao i da vakcinisani mogu da tretiraju virus ko prehladu i da se takvi, nedovoljno... "nezarazni" nakon kraćeg vremena, vraćaju na posao (jer, ako i zaraze nekog, taj je vakcinisan). Imaju Oziji dobru priliku da sa 93% vakcinisanih (od svih koji su na rapolaganju za vakcine) sa omikron cunamijem sasvim dobro prođu (u odnosu na ostale).


    Samo je nepopularno, izgleda, da im se to kaže, jer su im mnogo dugo pričali drugačiju priču.

  2. 6 minutes ago, implant said:


    Tako je bilo na početku, sada su stvari otišle predaleko. Bilo bi baš neobično da ga puste da igra a još luđe da on stvarno i zaigra, posle svega. Doduše, kako se čitav slučaj odvija i kako sve više upoznajemo prirodu zaraćenih strana, verovatno će se to i desiti :ajme:.


    Noksa, koliko to mogu da projektujem, i dalje hoće da igra tenis i spreman je na all in (sponzori, gdesibioštasiradio od 16. do 18. decembra, publika X puta gora nego na finau USO 2015, mediji preko ivice histerije itd).

  3. U sukobu Ozija i Nokse, početne pozicije suprotstavljenih strana su takve da Noksa (hoće da igra tenis, neće da se vakciniše, za sve ostalo je spreman na all in) ima nenadoknadivu prednost i u stalnoj je ofanzivi (jer Oziji u startu ne znaju tačno što 'oće, tj oće da se pip ali da im ne pip (hoće i Noksu na turniru ali da im ne padne predizborni rejting)).

  4. Znači, morao je da bude bolestan (simptomi, temperatura i to), a pošto nije (izgleda da je "preležao" na nogama), onda se ne priznaje pozitivan PCR test.

    • Ha-ha 1
  5. 28 minutes ago, alcesta said:

    Adrija tur je bio pre više od godinu i po dana pa sve otada nije prošao nijedan mesec, možda čak ni nedelja da ga neko ne izvuče iz naftalina i pre svega ovoga, a to je još bilo potpuno bezazleno u poređenju s ovim sad.


    A to za pandemiju, iz tvoje tastature u Božje uši.


    Od Adrija tura Noksica (velika) budalica je osvojio 3 slema, igrao dva finala i imao jednu diskvalifikaciju.


    Aj mi da čujemo njega u vezi ovih slika što je širio kovid19 pozitivan, a za tenis ćemo lako.

  6. 3 minutes ago, gggggggg said:


    jel ovo tacno? ovi su ludji nego u nba ligi


    Ozijima je jedino bitna vakcinacija kao takva, ništa drugo.


    Već sam otkucao ali da ponovim: to što oni rade i kako rade je najgora moguća antipropaganda vakcina.


    Indirektna posledica je katastrofa za tenis.

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  7. Off topica i nije baš toliko: za sve mlađe (drage forumašice i forumaše), 'teo bi da otkucam da nije tačno da:

    - nema na internetu = nije se desilo,

    a isto važi i za sve negacije i negacije negacija i konformacije i zamene mesta leve i desne strane jednačine, recimo:

    - desilo se = objavljeno na internetu,

    - objavljeno na internetu = tačno je.





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  8. Od kad je operisao lakat (subjektivan sam kao fan, naravno), Noksa na slemovima nikad nije propuštao priliku da ga izdrami (dešavanjima, tvistivima, (anti)klimaksima) ili da pobedi. Jedino USO 2019 bio "dosadan", uspeo da se povredi (na vreme). Sve ostalo žurka i/ili pobeda.


    AO 2022 je prevazišao (stepenovano na gogl) sve njih (slemove) do sad, a nije ni počeo.

    • Ha-ha 1
  9. Ako će stvarno da bude direktan strim iz suda u ponedeljak, bolje da oni to prebace na TV, raspašće se sigurno (osim ako im drugi strim servisi ne "pozajme" svoje kapacitete.

    • Ha-ha 2
  10. PrebaciH se konačno na laptop, zato kasnim i skroz je offtopic : @deez nuts., trenutak ukidanja kovertiranja poteza (trenutak kada su računari prevazišli ljude u šahu), deli vreme šahovske istorije na pre i posle toga. Tkd Fišer (jedan od, ako ne i) najveći igrač šaha sa kovertiranjem poteza (rogobatno zvuči). Fišer himself je izmislio (ili recimo bio jedan od prvih) dodavanje vremena za svaki potez, kako se danas igra. Vrlo je moguće da bi bez problema parirao Karlsenu, za koga može da se kaže da je šahovski GOAT.


    Da ne zaboravimo Aljehina, koga je rat sprečio da do kraja ovekoveči šahovsku genijalnost

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  11. Čitam komentare ispod članaka koje objavljujete.


    Ogromna većina je u fazonu: kad smo mi morali, e onda moraju i svi teniseri da se vakcinišu, rules are rules.

  12. 4 minutes ago, ras kass said:


    Odlican novinar, naravno da ce political da brani stav vlasti, jer je sve vise jasno da je ovo politicka odluka. I na cnn je Patrick McEnroe rekao da je Djokovic glupo postao pion politickih igara australijskih politicara. 


    Ponovlja se mantra koju njihova frustrirana javnost voli, ne moze bogatas nas da zezne. Ne moze turnir da se odrzava u zemlji koja lici na nemacku 30ih.


    Džesi Ovens osvojio 4 zlatne medalje na OI u Berlinu.

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  13. 2 minutes ago, urosg3 said:

    Verovatno je Đoković lažno popunio prijavu i ovoj teniserki iz Češke, i nju da stigne kazna pravne države, uređene.


    Dada, a bilo i ono: Noksi potpisao samo jedan doktor, a ostalima više doktora.

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  14. https://www.idnes.cz/sport/tenis/renata-voracova-australie-izolace-viza.A220107_171825_tenis_rou



    "I did everything they asked me to do," she said on the phone at the Park Hotel on Swanston Street. "Apparently the Australian Tennis Association has misled us, which is annoying. I wanted to focus on tennis, not visas, quarantine. It's really weird that I spent a week here, played a match ... And then they came for me. "

    Can you describe how this all happened?
    That would be a really long story. But I can say that for two days I'm doing almost nothing other than sending emails to lawyers, the Australian Tennis Association, and the people who are in charge of visas and help me.

    Is it true that your visa was canceled on Thursday?
    Yes. I'm in quarantine now.

    How do you intend to proceed now? Do you want to appeal?
    No. Thursday's detention was quite enough for me to be honest. I spent several hours with it until nightfall. I wouldn't want to go through anything like that again. And it's not certain at all that the decision would be reversed. I would have to apply for other visas and wait closed at the hotel for a week without training. Even if I would be successful, I would have the first match after two days, which doesn't make much sense to me.

    How was the interrogation going?
    I can't say they were mean to me. But I wasn't prepared for the way it all happened. I felt like I was in an action movie and I wasn't comfortable at all.

    Various escorts, insecurity ... And I had even a coach and support from the Australian Tennis Association with me.

    When story broke out about Djokovic's arrival and detention, did you suspect that your next stay in Australia in the danger?
    No. The commissions that considered the exceptions treated each player separately. I don't know the details of Novak's request, but each case is different.

    Has your exemption been based on running a covid in the last six months?
    Yes. But I had it before Christmas, at the last minute. Plus I had some medical indications. So I met all the criteria set by the Australian Union.

    Did you experience any problems when you went through passport control in Melbourne?
    They looked at my documents carefully everywhere, but they didn't make a fuss about it. The Federal Border Service released me immediately. I only stayed with Victoria officials who sent my papers somewhere else. But then they confirmed my entry into the country without any problems.

    Your case seems to have come down with a closely watched hunt for Djokovic. What do you think?
    I don't know if I can say it openly. But I think so. I don't understand why they would come to me after a week and say, "Look, what was set up is no longer valid."

    How was the detention?
    They came to the hotel for me.

    And what about you? It has to be a big surprise for you.
    Yeah. But they really didn't act rude or vulgar. But some quarantined practices are not pleasant. You have to report, everything is allotted. I feel a bit like a prison.

    How do you handle unexpected events?
    It was an onslaught on my psyche. I felt the worst when they told me they would cancel my visa. Even the lawyer sitting there with me said that I had all the necessary confirmations correct.

    So why don't you fight for your rights?
    I have some insight. I don't know if my presence would change anything. I hope that Djokovic will succeed in court on Monday. But in my case, everything would take a few more days. I don't want to waste time on the political war that is going on behind the scenes here. I think the federal Government found a loophole in Victoria's protocol because of Djokovic. Now, Djokovic lawyers can find a loophole in federal regulations.

    When are you going home?
    It's not quite easy. I don't know exactly how the travel process works. It will take some time. You can't decide and go to the airport next hour. I'm waiting for permission. Hopefully Saturday.

    Is the Czech Embassy helping you?
    All our officials help me. They also recommended me a Czech lawyer, thanks to whom I realized that even after a week of waiting, I would still not have to win in the case.

    What are the conditions at the Park Hotel? Some witnesses talked about bedbugs and moldy food.
    I don't even know it's the Park Hotel. They brought me here early in the morning. I'm in the room and I'm not allowed to go anywhere. Conditions are common, the category of a better hostel. No tragedy, no hit-parade. They checked my health condition, they brought me food. An escort is guarding me in the hallway.

    Are the guards strict?
    They are fine. Not that they shout at me when I stick my head out the door. they try to be helpful. But for example, the window is hard closed and I can't open it for five centimeters. And the security guards are everywhere - even under the window, which amused me quite a bit. Like if I'm going to jump and run.

    Are you watching Djokovic's fans gather at the hotel?
    I don't have windows on the main street where they have meetings, so I can't see them, I just hear them. It was raining today. But once it stops, they go. They sing, they chant. My name has even been heard also. There is a lot of fans. Perhaps they are working on shifts. (laughs) It's nice anyway that Djokovic has such support from them.

    Do you want him to succeed in court on Monday and be allowed to enter the Australian Open?
    On the one hand, I ended up like this because of Novak. And I don't think I'm alone. More health exemptions have been issued. At the same time, I want them to let him play. We are athletes, we came for tennis and we are not here to resolve local disputes. We read the rules, met the conditions, and received an exception after a lengthy process. So I see no reason why we should after this sit locked in a hostel. That seems pretty sad to me.

    Can you tell me why you didn't get vaccinated?
    I was busy. I planned it already for weeks after the end of the season and but unfortunately ... I actually caught a covid at the time. And due to it, there was a possible time for vaccinations because I was to fly to Australia next week.

    So you are not an opponent of vaccination?
    No no. I'm not. I'm not completely against vaccination like Djokovic. As I say, our cases are very different.


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  15. 19 minutes ago, erwin said:


    “We have all been through lockdowns, restrictions, home schooling and made countless changes to our lives, so don’t tell me that Djokovic is oblivious to what Australians have been through,” former player Sam Groth.


    Zabole ga nevakcinisana patkica za vašu bol. Ovo je stvarno neki novi level samosažaljevanja.


    Pa oni su kompletno otišli u klinac. Alo batice, pa nije vam Nolence nametnuo lokdaune i ostalo nego vaša vlada, al' zato i imate 6 puta manje umrlih od korone od brojčano četiri puta manje Srbije.





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  16. 2 minutes ago, goldberg said:


    Napisao sam vec, to su verovatno teniseri/teniserke koji stvarno zadovoljavaju uslove za medicinsko izuzece (od nekih vise stotina ljudi moguce je da je 5-10 takvih slucajeva).


    Znači oni su stvarno imali koronu u zadnjih 6 meseci, a Nolence nije? + Imaju overene potpise 3 lekara, a Nolence samo jedan?

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