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Teksas je mesto na kome timovi prilicno redovno testiraju tako da nije nepoznanica. Tu Fajerston radi testiranje svojih guma, tu rukije pustaju po prvi put na oval kada iz drugih serija preskacu u Indikar. Od svih staza na kalendaru ovo je verovatno najidealnija za otvaranje sampionata pod ovim uslovima. Sto ipak ne znaci da situacija nije i dalje daleko od idealnog.


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@Laki John Terry - jos malo na temu, evo odlomak iz danasnje rubrike na racer.com gde Robin Miler odgovara na pitanja citalaca:



Q: With the first race scheduled for an Indy day event, on June 6, I can’t believe IndyCar will do a one-day event without a test day. So I will ask once again: why not do a test day at IMS? Are there any plans to do this? I still think Memorial Day weekend would be a good time: a week before the first race. Is the series planning a test day?

Bill Cantwell


RM: No test planned, and here’s a response from Jay Frye: “As we have the past few years, IndyCar has conducted numerous tests in late summer/fall for the upcoming season. Chevy/Honda/ Firestone [were] included/involved and they distribute the data to all their teams. IMS, Texas, Richmond and Sebring were all part of mix toward the end of last year. We also did the COTA Open Test in February. The main issue with testing going forward and prior to Texas event is there are different restrictions and regulations in each state we race in, and all are very fluid/changing.”



Q: Really excited to see IndyCar confirmed for a return for Texas, and I believe no fans was the correct and only call to make. While still concerned about COVID-19 for the teams, my biggest worry is the plan to do everything in one day. Being a high-speed oval, first oval and race with new drivers, the cockpit, practice in the day versus racing at night, etc., I fear dangerous accidents are a bigger threat than the pandemic. I have complete faith in Roger Penske and the series, but do you have similar concerns, or any insights on why they think one day isn’t a safety issue? Thanks, and I appreciate all you do.

Eric Schmoll, San Francisco transplant from Indy


RM: Texas is always edgy for everyone and the rookies got to test there earlier this year, so I don’t think it’s going to be any more challenging than usual. That’s part of stepping into the big leagues – learning your craft and the tracks – and back in the ’60s every oval was a one-day show. Texas usually features close racing and big crashes, so let’s just hope there is more of the former.



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- Sva je prilika da ce se umesto otkazanog Toronta voziti jos jedna trka na Elkart Lejku. Ono, jes' da necu moci uzivo da prisustvujem ali barem je atraktivna staza, mogli smo i mnogo gore od ovoga da prodjemo. 😐

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Amerika otvara granice, ali one i dalje ostaju zatvorene za trkacke timove i njihovo osobolje:




The Department of Homeland Security has announced a new set of travel permissions for foreign athletes wishing to enter the United States to participate in professional sporting events. Although the travel exception lists a wide array of stick-and-ball sports, it does not currently include motor racing, or series like the NTT IndyCar Series, IMSA’s WeatherTech SportsCar Championship, or the SRO Motorsports America series, which rely on numerous international drivers and team members to conduct their events in full.


Of the sporting leagues to gain permission for its players and other associated members to enter the U.S, the DHS specified “Major League Baseball, the National Basketball Association, the Women’s National Basketball Association, the Professional Golfers’ Association Tour, the Ladies Professional Golf Association Tour, the National Hockey League, the Association of Tennis Professionals, and the Women’s Tennis Association.”


At present, IMSA would be unable to resume its coronavirus-delayed season while 40 percent of its participants are barred from entering the U.S. Although their percentages are far lower, IndyCar and the SRO face similar obstacles as some of their drivers and important sporting figures remain barred from traveling into the country for upcoming motor races.


IndyCar is the first of the three series in question to return to racing, with a single-day event scheduled for June 6 at Texas Motor Speedway. At least two European drivers, rookies Alex Palou of Dale Coyne Racing, and Rinus VeeKay of Ed Carpenter Racing, could be forced to miss the season opener under the existing travel ban.



IMSA’s next race is set for July 4 at Daytona International Speedway, and the SRO group return the following weekend at Virginia International Raceway.




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Jos jedno novo pravilo za Teksas - obavezna zamena guma nakon maksimum 35 izvezenih krugova:




NTT IndyCar Series season teams will need to adjust their routines when the action gets under way next week at Texas, as drivers are being asked to limit tire use to 35 laps with each set of Firestones during the Genesys 300.


The mandate comes as IndyCar makes its 2020 debut on the fast Texas oval, where unused alternate tires from last year’s race will be utilized at the June 6 event. With work stoppages throughout the country in recent months due to the coronavirus, Firestone’s plans to produce new tires for the Texas race were derailed, which led to the workaround that has been implemented.


According to a number of race engineers, the right-hand tires are expected to deliver grip and wear characteristics that are nearly identical to what was found last June; the left-hand tires, built for the Indy 500, could be consumed at a higher rate than the rights. Along with the race debut for IndyCar’s new, 60-pound aeroscreen, changes in each Dallara DW12’s center of gravity have also been factored into the tire variables that resulted in the conservative approach taken with the 35-lap limit per set.



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Meklaren objavio da ove godine nece biti najavljivanog treceg bolida za Indi 500. Navodno nema novaca (kompanija i F1 tim su nedavno otpustili veliki broj radnika, a u ovom bolidu je vec bio vidjen Fernando Alonso.


EDIT - stiglo razjasnjenje, Alonso ce ipak voziti treci Meklaren na Indiju ali ne i na drugim trkama ove sezone, bilo je planirano da se taj treci bolid nudi gostujucim zvezdama, da na par trka vozi Alonso, na par Baton, na par Dzimi Dzonson, od toga se sada odustalo i bice samo Indi 500 sa Alonsom.

Edited by Radoye
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Ovog vikenda treba da se vozi prva trka ovogodisnje virusom osakacene Indikar sezone, bez prisustva publike na Teksas Motor Spidveju. Sve ce se dogadjati u jednom danu u subotu 6. juna, pocece sa polusatnim ruki testom, zatim sat ipo slobodnog treninga za sve vozace, pa kvalifikacije (jedan po jedan na stazi, dva brza kruga) i na kraju trka u vecernjim satima, 8 uvece po lokalnom vremenu / nedelja 2 ujutro po srednjeevropskom. Duzina trke je skracena sa 248 krugova (~600 km) na 200 krugova (300 milja, ~480 km). Ogranicen je i broj clanova timova kojima ce biti dozvoljen pristup a timovi su takodje dobili i direktivu o obaveznoj zameni guma nakon 35 krugova pod zelenom voznjom - naime, Fajerston nije bio u mogucnosti da proizvede gume za trku jer su im fabrike pod karantinom pa se koriste stare zalihe - desne gume su proslogodisnje neiskoriscene sa Teksasa ali leve su mekse, za Indi pa se plase da nece izdrzati ceo stint (oko 60 krugova ograniceno gorivom). Da ne bi doslo do iznenadnih havarija izazvanih pucanjem guma timovi ce morati da voze stintove od 35 krugova (ne racunaju se krugovi pod zutom zastavom).


Jos jedna glavobolja za timove je i zabrana medjunarodnih putovanja sto se tice vozaca baziranih van SAD, ali to izgleda da je manje-vise sve reseno tako da se ocekuje pun sastav.

TMS je oval u obliku slova D, duzine kruga 1,5 milje sa visoko nagnutim krivinama (izmedju 20 i 24 stepena) a vozi se sa aero-konfiguracijom za superspidveje. Rekord kruga postavio je Pol Trejsi sa 22.542 sekunde tokom treninga za nesudjenu CART Indikar trku 2001 (otkazana zbog prevelikih brzina i G-sila koje su vozace dovodili do pomracenja vida). U danasnja vremena krugovi su otptilike sekundu sporiji.


Uz nadu da ce sve proci OK, srecan nam svima bio kraj nikad duze zimske pauze i konacno da vidimo bolide na stazi ove godine! :thumbup:

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Njugarden na polu ispred Diksona, Pazenoa i Hanter-Reja. Udes Satoa, staza je stravicno klizava. Nemam predstave na cega ce liciti trka, deluje da postoji samo jedna putanja a da cim malo izadjes s nje bukvalnoje sve klizavo kao po ledu.

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Dikson izdominirao, Rozenkvist u samom finisu upropastio 1-2 za Ganasi kad se slupao preticuci Hincklifa za citav krug. Kimbal se takodje slupao u zadnjem krugu sa top 5 pozicije, na kraju Pazeno drugi, Njugarden treci, Vic cetvrti, Karpenter peti.


Junak dana Hanter-Rej koji je zbog problema sa elektrikom startovao dva kruga iza ostalih (i on i Rosi i Rehol su imali tehnickih problema na startu) ali je na kraju uspeo da zavrsi trku na osmom mestu u istom krugu sa vodecima. Sato nakon udesa u kvalifikacijama nije ni startovao, a Rinus ViKej je svom udesu iz FP dodao jos jedan u trci usput pokupivsi i Aleksa Palua. Videli smo i nekoliko incidenata u boksu (Pauer, Feruci krenuli na tri tocka) - tako da je bilo dosta uzbudjenja s obzirom na cinjenicu da je preticanje bilo veoma tesko na jezivo klizavoj stazi.


Rezultati: https://racerdigital.files.wordpress.com/2020/06/indycar-officialraceresults.pdf

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Rodzer Penski kaze da ce se Indi 500 ove godine odrzati samo ako bude publika mogla da prisustvuje. Datum odrzavanja je vec pomeren sa tradicionalne zadnje nedelje u maju na 23. avgust, uz jos jednu mogucnost da se pomeri na 3. oktobar / rotacija sa drugom zakazanom trkom na granpri konfiguraciji staze u Indijanapolisu.


Naredna trka Indikar sampionata na programu je 4. jula, takodje na granpri konfiguraciji Indijanapolisa a vozice se bez publike. Iza nje ide dabl-heder vikend na Elkart Lejku, za sada jos nije odluceno hoce li biti otvoren za publiku ili ne.

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