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Član foruma
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Posts posted by difusion

  1. 15 hours ago, Klotzen said:

    Mobici kod Avdivke kukaju na gubitke od 70% :



    Traže lično od Putina da pomogne. Što reče jedan u komentarima još jedna od verzija "Da Drug Staljin zna šta se stvarno događa ...." 🙂




    Ja sam mislio da su sankcije dobre za rusku ekonomiju i da je potpuno nebitno šta tamo neki ICC radi 🙂





    Ovakvih klipova imas i kod ukrajinaca koji kukaju i placu kako imaju velike gubitke i nedostatak oruzja

  2. 20 minutes ago, K.Dot said:

    Izgleda je Rusima nestalo goriva.

    Jos od Marta meseca su ostali bez goriva, bilo je na Sky News i The Sun. Polako im nestaje i hrana , a neki kazu da su ostali jos samo penzioneri da se bore nemaju vise omladinu. Jednostavno gotovo su, uskoro ukrajinci krecu u veliku kontraofanzivu, bice ovo gotovo do kraja avgusta kao sto je i gospodin Zelenski najavio.

  3. Lepe su ove vesti, nadam se da ce ova kontraofanziva kod Hersona i Severodonetska, kao i ubistvo ovih generala opet zainteresovati narod na zapadu za rat u Ukraini, ocigledno da je interest tamo pao za desavanja u Ukraini, plus sada kada se zavrsilo i sudjenje Dzoniju Depu koje je bilo jako praceno, ocekujem da se ljudi opet posvete Ukraini.

  4. Pobedice Ukraina u ovom ratu, previse su jaki, dobili su moderno zapadno oruzje, i tek ce dobiti jos , nemaju sanse rusi da pobede , tako da mozda za par nedelja se ovo zavrsi kao sto je rekao gospodin Zelensky, i posle toga ocekujem nemire u Rusiji i pad Putlera sa vlasti. Realno posle korone slede nam lepe vesti konecno u svetu, i kada padne putler ,mozemo kasnije lagano da se fokusiramo na Kinu.

    • Like 3
  5. China — The current situation around the crisis in Ukraine has demonstrated the "bankruptcy of sanctions" and other restrictive measures, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin told a news briefing on Thursday.
    "On the one hand, the United States is expanding sanctions against Russia. Alongside this it concludes deals with other countries on which it had imposed sanctions earlier. In fact, this indicates the bankruptcy of sanctions," he said.
    "Also, the United States pompously urges Europe to introduce an embargo on Russian oil and gas, but at the same time keeps purchasing Russian energy resources without any restrictions. US financial institutions take advantage of an opportunity to grab the devalued bonds of Russian companies, while Europe has to pay the price for instability in the region and more costly energy resources," Wang said.

  6. A bill has been submitted to the Rada, according to which men who left the territory of Ukraine after the outbreak of hostilities (February 24) face up to 10 years in prison.




  7.  Main tasks of first stage of special operation in Ukraine has been completed, now the focus is on the main goal, the liberation of Donbass - Defence minister Shoigu


    For those who are worried that the operation will be stopped when the Ukrainian occupiers in Donbas are cleared.

    The special military operation in Ukraine will continue until the set goals are achieved: Russian Defense Minister Shoigu

  8. Ministry of Defense: Near Mariupol, a Mi-8 helicopter was shot down, flying for emergency evacuation of the commanders of the Azov national battalion who abandoned their subordinates ‎‎(5 km from the coast over the Sea of Azov).‎

    💥‎On March 28, Russian aviation and air defense systems ‎‎shot down 3 more Aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force in the air‎‎: two Su-24 - west of the village of Korosten in the Zhytomyr region and one Su-25 - over the village of Druzhkivka in the Donetsk region‎
    💥‎A Ukrainian drone was shot down near Chernobaivka.‎

  9. Central Bank of Ukraine: 99.2% of funds spent from a bank account created on February 24 for the needs of Ukrainian troops.

    There is no money, fuel, equipment, ammunition are running out.


    EU will remain dependent on Russian energy resources until at least 2027 - European Commission


    Russia will not supply gas for free if Europeans refuse to pay for fuel in rubles, Peskov said.



  10. 57 minutes ago, K.Dot said:

    Imam par drugara Čečena i ne mogu da smisle Ruse, zato mi je čudno da se nalaze u ruskoj vojsci. 

    Ratuju i u Siriju i u Ukrajinu sada u prvim borbenim redovima, Putin ima tamo  na izborima preko 95% glasova.


    During the capture of the Gostomel airfield in the suburbs of Kiev, more than 200 nationalists from the special units of Ukraine were killed, the Russian Defense Ministry said.


    Russian military occupied the Gostomel airfield in the suburbs of Kiev — Russian Defense Ministry

    Intel Slava Z – Telegram

  11. A bilo bi jos bolje kada bi Tijana Boskovic, odmorila malo na klupu za dalji tok turnira, pogotovo protiv ekipe koja je najslabija u grupi. Imamo jako kvalitetne igracice na klupi i mogli bi one ovo odraditi bez problema.

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