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Plavi Golub

Član foruma
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  1. https://www.danas.rs/drustvo/nezapamcen-slucaj-trovanja-ptica/
  2. Iz sveta. Svaka slicnost sa dogadjajima tu nije namerna 😉 ”In unprecedented move, Treasury orders Trump’s name printed on stimulus checks President Trump during a ceremony to sign the coronavirus stimulus relief package. In an unprecedented move, his name will printed on stimulus checks the Internal Revenue Service is rushing to send to tens of millions of Americans. (Evan Vucci/AP) By Lisa Rein April 15 at 2:46 AM CET The Treasury Department has ordered President Trump’s name be printed on stimulus checks the Internal Revenue Service is rushing to send to tens of millions of Americans, a process that could slow their delivery by a few days, senior IRS officials said. The unprecedented decision, finalized late Monday, means that when recipients open the $1,200 paper checks the IRS is scheduled to begin sending to 70 million Americans in coming days, “President Donald J. Trump” will appear on the left side of the payment. It will be the first time a president’s name appears on an IRS disbursement, whether a routine refund or one of the handful of checks the government has issued to taxpayers in recent decades either to stimulate a down economy or share the dividends of a strong one. Treasury officials disputed that the checks would be delayed. While some people receiving the checks — the centerpiece of the U.S. government’s economic relief package to stave of the effects of the coronavirus pandemic — may not care, or observe, whose name appears on them, the decision is another sign of Trump’s effort to cast his response to the pandemic in political terms. Trump had privately suggested to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who oversees the IRS, to allow the president to formally sign the checks, according to three administration officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly. During an April 3 coronavirus news conference, President Trump denied reports that he wanted to sign the stimulus checks being sent to millions of Americans. (The Washington Post) [[Sign up for our Coronavirus Updates newsletter to track the outbreak. All stories linked in the newsletter are free to access.]] But the president is not an authorized signer for legal disbursements by the U.S. Treasury. It is standard practice for a civil servant to sign checks issued by the Treasury Department to ensure that government payments are nonpartisan. The checks will instead bear Trump’s name in the memo line, below a line that reads, “Economic Impact Payment,” the administration officials said. [[IRS to begin issuing $1,200 coronavirus payments but some Americans won’t receive check until September]] The IRS will mail the checks to people for whom it does not have banking information. Many of them have low incomes. President Trump claimed on April 13 that he has the final say in reopening states amid the coronavirus pandemic. Some states’ governors disagree. (Blair Guild/The Washington Post) The checks will carry the signature of an official with the Bureau of the Fiscal Service, the Treasury Department division that prints the checks. The checks will follow direct deposits issued in recent days to the bank accounts of about 80 million people. Those payments do not include Trump’s name. The decision to have the paper checks bear Trump’s name, in the works for weeks, according to a Treasury official, was announced early Tuesday to the IRS’s information technology team. The team, working from home, is now racing to implement a programming change that two senior IRS officials said will probably lead to a delay in issuing the first batch of paper checks. They are scheduled to be sent Thursday to the Bureau of the Fiscal Service for printing and issuing. Computer code must be changed to include the president’s name, and the system must be tested, these officials said. “Any last minute request like this will create a downstream snarl that will result in a delay,” said Chad Hooper, a quality-control manager who serves as national president of the IRS’s Professional Managers Association. A Treasury Department representative, however, denied any delay and said the plan all along was to issue the checks next week. “Economic Impact Payment checks are scheduled to go out on time and exactly as planned—there is absolutely no delay whatsoever,” the representative said in a written statement. She said this was a faster process than the stimulus checks the George W. Bush administration issued in 2008 to head off a looming recession. “In fact, we expect the first checks to be in the mail early next week which is well in advance of when the first checks went out in 2008 and well in advance of initial estimates,” the statement said. An IRS representative referred questions to the Treasury Department. The paper checks are scheduled to be issued at a rate of 5 million each week until September, starting with the lowest-income taxpayers. The $2 trillion stimulus, the government’s largest and most recent coronavirus rescue package, was passed by a bipartisan Congress and signed by the president. The checks to individual taxpayers were not originally Trump’s idea, but he embraced them after Sens. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and Mitt Romney (R-Utah) proposed them. [[The stimulus checks are arriving. People are mostly spending them on food.]] The White House had initially floated a payroll tax cut as a centerpiece of its stimulus effort but backed off that plan amid concerns it would not reach American households quickly enough. Trump has repeatedly called the legislation “a Trump administration initiative” and placed himself singularly at the center of what the government is doing to help Americans during the coronavirus response — taking full credit. About six months before he faces reelection, with his campaign on pause because the virus has prevented him from holding the rallies that are popular with his base, the checks provide Trump with a new form of retail politics. A check provides a touchable, bread-and-butter symbol to taxpayers right in their mailboxes. But to critics and some IRS employees, many of whom started to learn of the decision on Tuesday, the presence of Trump’s name on the checks reeks of partisanship in a corner of the government that touches all Americans and has, since the Nixon era, steadfastly steered clear of politics. After President Richard Nixon targeted a wide range of “enemy” groups for tax audits, including civil rights groups, reporters and prominent Democrats, Congress enacted laws to ensure that the agency conducts itself apolitically. “Taxes are supposed to be nonpolitical, and it’s that simple,” said Nina Olson, who stepped down last fall after an 18-year tenure as the National Taxpayer Advocate, leading an arm of the IRS that helps individual taxpayers resolve tax problems, manages clinics for low-income taxpayers and advises the agency on service issues. “It’s absolutely unprecedented,” Olson said. She recalled that when the Bush administration delivered economic rebate checks of $300 to $600 to taxpayers in 2001 to share the benefits of a strong economy, the White House asked the IRS to include in a letter to taxpayers a sentence that took credit for “giving you your money back.” The IRS commissioner at the time refused, Olson recalled, because the move was perceived as too political. When the Bush administration launched its $168 billion economic stimulus package in 2008, the checks were signed by a treasury official. Only the IRS commissioner and general counsel are politically appointed. The current, Trump-appointed commissioner, Charles Rettig, a tax attorney confirmed by the Senate in 2018, was appointed to a five-year term designed to carry over into a possible new administration. Hooper, the president of the Professional Managers Association, said he was appalled by what he called “an abuse of government resources.” “In this time of need for additional resources,” Hooper said, “anything that takes our focus from getting those checks out the door and hampers the equitable, fair administration of the tax code is not something we can support.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has dismissed suggestions about Trump signing checks or having his name attached. Last week she said the payments should go out as quickly as possible without “waiting for a fancy-Dan letter from the president.” About 150 million Americans and others are expected to receive the one-time payment. The first wave of recipients includes mainly people who filed a 2018 or 2019 tax return and gave the IRS their direct deposit information. Under the stimulus plan, single filers earning up to $75,000 a year receive a payment of $1,200. Married couples earning up to $150,000 a year receive a payment of $2,400. Parents receive an additional $500 for each child under 17. Erica Werner contributed to this report.” Izvor: Washington Post
  3. 1. Tacno jer nece da im dziberi kroje kapu. A dziberluk je opste mesto u srpskoj politici, javnom i korporativnom zivotu, inace si *eder. 2. Kon da je mogao da prespoji do penzije verivatno ne bi ni sedeo tu, pukovnik ili pokojnik. Darja ako je iole pamtna ima da se pravi mrtva posle ovoga. Nema polozaja koji vredi ovoga. 3. Puka svetina je inace poznata sto izuzetno pridaje znacaja misljenju struke, al kad bi se zezali 4. A mozda predju i u protivnicke redove. Znas kako je nekad bilo neko u "cetnike", neko u "partizane", pa ko god "pobedi" spasavamo nase. I ajde da ne trolujemo ovo vise. Svakom svoja dioptrija i ugao posmatranja.
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Fauci Dodeljena mu je specijalna zastita jer se suprotstavio sefu, pa se to hard core pristalicama nije svidelo. A za ovo u drugom pasusu imaju priliku da se isele, sto ce i dogoditi i da ne botuju ni za koga.
  5. Pa strucnjak i ne treba da se menja kad se menja vlast. Eno i onaj Fauci pet predsednickih mandata, sigurno vise pandemija, pa gle problemi samo sa jednim. A ono prvo vratio je vrhovnog anitvirusa u politicki zivot na velika vrata, pa se sad strucnjacima meri svaka rec.
  6. Za ovo zahvali pokojnom Rakicu sto ih je rebrendirao. Nisu oni tu niodkuda se tek tako vratili. I nije ih struka vratila, da se samo struka "*uzi", pardon my French.
  7. Dakle to sto se hoce je da oni (krizni stab) uz posao resavanja pandemije u datim uslovima vode politicki rat sa Vucicem i predizbornu kampanju opozicije i to real time? Jbt da li ste realni? A to kakve su nam bolnice zna svako od nas ko je imao priliku da se tamo nadje, pa se iz izbornog ciklusa u ciklus nista nije promenilo. I za to je kriv krizni stab?
  8. Da li ti shvatas da se nekim poslom iliti elementima struke ne moze baviti u privatnoj ordinaciji, a da tu privatne bolnice ili instituti tog tipa ne postoje?
  9. Realno nista, ali sve ima svoje vreme i okolnosti. Ako je plaza i sve 5. Ali nisi ti glup da nisi ukacio sta je poenta napisanog.
  10. Pa vidi za ministra odbrane imate coveka koji ne bi prosao kod psihologa i psihijatra na sistematskom ni za jedan obican posao. Koliko se vojnika zarazilo? Sa kim ovaj covek treba da saradjuje. Kon je uz to sto je lekar rezervni oficir i u trenutnom stanju the best you have. Zalim slucaj. Onoj zeni se gleadalo u (.)(.), pita se odakle joj frizura, onaj sa infektivne se verovatno pita sta mu je sve to trebalo. Ko od lekara po vama treba da preuzme da radi Konov posao i pre svega ko je voljan da komunicira sa onakvim okruzenjem i jos da ga gledaju pod lupom da li dovoljno "nas", a nije "njihov"?
  11. Pa mozda je time hteo da postigne nesto. Takticki potez. Neces mi valjda reci da tu gde je dzibersko ponasanje normalizovano i nije pocelo 2012 cilj moze da se ostvari dostojanstveno. Verovatno su ga i onda molili da se vrati. Sta on treba da radi, da busi Vucica iznutra zato sto je ovaj bezobrazan pa vodi predizbornu kampanju usred zdravstvene katastrofe inace je karakterno govno. I da je dao ostavku pa se nije vratio udruzio bi sve protiv sebe da je izdajnik i nikakav covek i lekar, a Vucic bi ostao tu gde jeste.
  12. Pa ako se najveca svetska sila vodi sa tvitera, sto da ne. Trebalo je i Kon tamo da predje. Ja ne znam koji je uzrast ljudi ovde i koliko unazad pamte, ali cu jos jednom da ponovim. U drzavi u kojoj je Vulin (!!!!!) ministar odbrane sa zemljom u vanrednom stanju usred sveta u vanrednom stanju podsmeva se coveku da nije dovoljno sta. Mislim on ima poor choice, ili da otera sve u mp3 pa kako prodje, ili da pokusa nesto da uradi sa onim koga je narod izabrao. Ako se nekim cudom vlast promeni saradjivace sa nekim ko je sad dete i nece pamtiti i beleziti reakcije na sve strane. Ja imam trenutno poduzi fault record i ne mogu da se oslobodim osecanja opsteg gadjenja, svestranog. Pre dvadeste i vise godina jedna druga struka cak i iznutra nije uspela da spreci drugog ludaka u pokazivanju srednjeg prsta. Zavrsili smo sa polupanim EES i stetama koje su se merile milijardama evra za unistenje objekata koji su kapitalne investicije.
  13. Sve cu da se slozim ali da koristis isti blesimetar za Boska i onu Rakicku. Vlasti u SPC necu ni da pominjem. Sram ih bilo sve od reda. Koja je svrha njihovog “zahteva” od pre dva dana? Jok, nisu znali da ce da isprovociraju zivcanka da pravi performans. Naravno da jesu, ali da se ustrpka malo poena s desna. Posto je to alternativa. Sta to govori nekom malo pametnijem i prosvecenijem? To make it simple, ako se Kon stvarno povuce (sumnjam, ali ajde) tek ste onda najebali. Mislim na obican svet ako je ikome bitan. Nije u pitanju samo znanje, u pitanju je i psihicka sposobost da se izvuce optimum (u ovom slucaju spreci totalna katastrofa) okruzen takvim ljudima koji odlucuju. To ne moze svako kakav god medicinski CV da ima. Ko od ovih doktora ostane tu posle svega je lud. Koja god mu vlast dodje. Sta treba on da radi? Dozvolili ste da neman ponovo ozivi, ubacivali bele listice 2012, dodje na vlast, bili su sa njim u politickoj koorelaciji, neki cak i ministri, da ne kazem ko ga je rebrendirao i vratio da bude relevantan. Ko veli gradjanski koncept ne ide, pa ajde malo “popeglanog” chobanluka. I sad hocete da mu Kon pokaze srednjaka usred pandemije inace je ckapi izdajnicka. Nije vam ga Kon dekretom postavio tu gde jeste.
  14. A cekajte to se za svaku halu donese po posebna odluka i udari pecat? Ekspeditivno nema sta. Je li ovo u Sapcu, ona sportska dvorana Zorka gde je Metaloplastika svojevremeno igrala?
  15. https://www.021.rs/story/Info/Srbija/240240/Hirurg-Miodrag-Lazic-preminuo-od-virusa-korona.html
  16. Dolazi na naplatu voluntarizam i bazicno ljudsko nepostovanje i nevaspitanje i najpre nemogucnost kontrole impulsa cak i kad se o glavi radi. Normalni i savesni ljudi su taoci iz ovakvih iz generacije u generaciju.
  17. On kakav god da je, ako stvarno da ostavku, obicna populacija je nadrljala i vise od ovog koliko je nadrljala do sada. Ova zena taman da je savrsena nikad ne bi imala autoritet kako god da je obucena. Hteo neko da razume ili ne to je, na moju zalost i razocarenje, primitivna sredina cak i medju formalno obrazovanom populacijom. U ovakvim situacijama kad radi tim, cak i kad ne postoji formalna hijerarhija, dele se duznosti i preuzima odgovornost da bi se problem procesno savladao. I ako je oficir u rezervi on sigurno ima osnovna znanja vodjenja ovakve situacije i kvalifikovaniji je od ministra odbrane.
  18. Samo sam ih citirala njihove postove, puno se pise, pa se bas dobri postovi zature. Ne sluzi mi forum za raspravku, niti mi je to bila namera. Taman posla da bih uzela da diskutujem medicinske postupke iz ugla laika.
  19. Pisano je na nauci da se ceka zadnji momenat jer respirator izgleda indukuje mehanicka ostecenja vec virusom nacetih pluca (nemacka iskustva). Mozda su pokupili neke informacije sa strane. Mislim da su @wwww i @Eddardpisali o tome.
  20. Ostavi se ti “mog” Cedice. Komican pokusaj proviokacije. Ja Cedin glasac nisam bila nikada. Niti je on moja zvezda vodilja. Meni je taj koncept vodilje, vodje nepoznat. Imam sopstvenu navigaciju u glavi. Ne treba mi niko od njih ni da me vodi, ni da me hrani. A ekipa oko Boska je srpska verzija americkih evangelista koja u svojoj politici fino iskljucije razlicite segmente drustva u programu i day by day tviter komunikaciji. Pa osoba liberalnih shvatanja treba da ih prihvati easy going. Nova definicija liberalizma?
  21. Moja projekcija? Bogami nije samo moja. Ostaje nada da ce biti puno nepametnih i neobavestenih biraca koji ne razumeju svet u kome zive. Za koje ce misliti Dragan i Vuk kao sto ovaj zivcanko misli za ostale. Liberalna Srbija vise nema kome da se obrati.
  22. Daleko mu lepa kuca pa nek zensko potomstvo lidera SzS zivi Boskolandu. Ah wait, mala Sofija je rodjena u SAD, pa u pelenama drzi americki pasos. Kakva su oni desnica? Daj molim te opisi iz finansijskog ugla. Kakav bre izmisljen pojam ekstremne desnice? Sta sve pokusava uvaliti ljudima kao normalno. Jadni oni, pardon one, koji ne razumeju na vreme. Nije korumpiran? Jok i nije finansira ih ona dzukela sto u dilu sa Rusima finansira sve slicne svinje po Evropi od Atile Hunskog do onog italijanskog smrada Salvinija. Nije moglo da se zivi od prozivanja Sorosa, a ovo moze. Za 50% populacije Sluskinjina prica scenario. Bukvalno jezivo.
  23. Vise ono mozda nece bas mnogo. I oni su se od savezne drzave do savezne drzave razlicito snasli, a i gustina naseljenosti igra ulogu. Veliku autonomiju imaju guverneri u primeni nekih mera. WP pise da su se u drzavi Washington solidno organizovali i bolje spremili od ostalih.
  24. Nije stvar u tome. Obavestajna sluzba te obavesti. Sledece sto radis moras da objavis nekako cime pojedince i pravne subjekte obavestavas o tome kalkulisuci i politicke posledice i berzu i sta vec. Vidis da je uz koronu uletelo i ovo sa KSA i Rusima oko smanjenja proizvodnje nafte. Verovatno postoji propisan niz postupaka po kome se dolazi u situaciju vanrednu i za pojedinca i za biznis. Izbegavanjem iste ili preskakanjem koraka izlazu se mogucnosti da ih tuze i traze obestecenja.
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