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didžej hel

Član foruma
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Everything posted by didžej hel

  1. igraćete pred praznim prazninama k'o bele lale. crnobele lole
  2. ... Props to Vince Dunker. The greatest dunker I’ve ever seen, and a model of re-invention that never lost its flair for flair.
  3. When I first started playing cards with my little sister, we were pro’ly like 10 and 8. We played War, and I would stack the deck before the game so that I won every hand. When she got a little older and too smart to fall for losing 26 straight hands, I updated the fixes, imagining how much luck she could tolerate going my way before suspecting something and then making sure she won some. I tried the same thing in chess, but by then she was old enough to remember all the nonsense rules I made up better than I could, and I had to come clean. It was a glorious time to be a big brother. The Knicks’ 136-131 overtime win over the Hawks last night was how an older brother draws up a win: dominate virtually the entire game, let them tie it up late but never take the lead, then, ultimately, emerge victorious. During the game the NBA announced it’s suspending all games for at least the next two weeks. It could be a lot longer. Notes: Vince Carter may have played his last game last night. After chants calling for him to return, he checked back in for the final moments and hit a three. The way the players on both teams responded, it looked like at some point during the game they knew this would be the last one for a while. Trae Young is a Game Genie; ridicule that defense all you want, but the cheat code on the offensive end poured in 27 in the fourth. That’s more than Cheryl’s little brother. Is it odd that the league is having teams who played the Jazz in the past 10 days self-quarantine — like the Knicks — but not having teams who’ve played one of those teams do the same — like the Hawks? Payton entered the night shooting 44% from the field and 56% from the field, so if you add those numbers with no regard for mathematical reason, he’s shooting 100% as a Knick. Breen said he felt like he should apologize to the fans for the suspended season, and he sounded like he meant it. Imagine Breen in a priest’s robes, then topless in a room with good natural light, bloodied from whipping himself repeatedly. Bet you can’t unsee it.
  4. verovatno zbog toga što je počeo plej of a to znači da postoji 12 ekipa koje su i vanično završile sezonu, pa bi bilo jako teško pratiti u ovoj pauzi ko i zbog čega baca xy igrača. drugim rečima prostor za muljavinu je solidan. mislim, može i tako ali mi onda vratite tijanu ajfon : i mislim da je ovo ipak "za svaki slučaj", ja zaista ne vidim kako bi se nba liga nastavila u formatu koji omogućava i da se fantazi nastavi.
  5. ne znam tebratore, probudi me besika oko 4, vidim jrue ppd (prvo mi se ucini sspd, reko jebote i kod mene drogos), embiid igrao, frankie 1/7, u tri lepe tek posle skapiram sta se desava steta, protutnjao bih preko @nlavrnja posade, mogao sam da zabelezim uspeh semifinala, sto uvek sebi zacrtam pred sezonu
  6. JJST Memorial Fun Fact of the Night Tonight is eerily similar to the NBA cancellation in Space Jam, which of course starred Michael Jordan who wore #23. Space Jam was released on VHS on March 11, 1997…exactly 23 years ago tonight. Home of the Jared Jeffries Shot Tracker and recipient of a P&T PhD
  7. da je moje dete ono uradilo, ja bih se frapirao a ne mator konj
  8. zach collins pocinje da jede pasulj desnom rukom
  9. tjah, moguce. to za fantazi ne pomaze doduse uglavnom, evo mog print-screen tima sa datumom u donjem desnom uglu ako pomaze ..inace da pohvalim caleba martina kojeg je @maXa88 prvi otkrio a kod mene je procvetao kao dujina ruza 23 i 19 pts, 3 i 4 stl, 2 blk, 7 skokova, opasan mladic blizanac
  10. korona - dinasty imam utisak da nema nista od lige, nevezano za fantazi. pauza ispod metaripo dana nema smisla a onda treba da spice sve tekme i plej of. aint gonna happen
  11. “He is, by himself, a one-man team, clearly deserving of the MVP award; but in a league that is evolving toward deeper, more balanced play, he is something of an oddity—almost an albatross,” wrote Ted Cox for the February 1989 issue of Chicago magazine. “How can a player so good treat others as equals? How can a player so accomplished be simply a member of a team?” Jordan never quite got there. The stories of how hard he could be on teammates became the stuff of legend, and even later in his career, as he won championship after championship flanked by one of the 50 greatest players in NBA history, he still famously referred to his teammates as “my supporting cast.” (Jordan’s predilection toward taking over late in games became a long-running gag in Chicago. Bulls assistant coach John Bach called it “the Archangel Offense,” later described by Phil Jackson as, “That’s where we give the ball to Michael Jordan and say, ‘Save us, Michael.’”)
  12. kacam pričo niste mi verovali How the Point-MJ Experiment Foreshadowed the Modern NBA Long before Luka and LeBron were putting up 30-point triple-doubles, there was a big playmaker named Michael Jordan who briefly dabbled with playing point guard, to great effect. The move was short-lived, but the ripple proved long-lasting. https://www.theringer.com/nba/2020/3/11/21174817/michael-jordan-triple-doubles-1989-chicago-bulls
  13. jel znate onaj ringer nba show intro "basketball is very good"? https://art19.com/shows/the-ringer-nba-show/episodes/a80d6b43-8a69-46b8-9c38-c47fa3470805 naebolji intro ikada.
  14. pa to je prvo pravilo fajt klaba podcasta, nikada ne menjati intro osim ako ne zagori iz nekog razloga
  15. https://www.facebook.com/fatboyserbia/posts/2928856787193380
  16. nowitza i ove sezone školuje sve naše igrače na PF poziciji u ono limitirano minuta što igra. faye npr nije mogao ni prošle ni ove sezone da ga odbrani. to u suštini nije sramota, veličković iako fizički oronuo, mnoge protivnike nadigra, ne samo u aba, već i u eurocupu edit: valjda je jasno da logika "a to su mu jedine teške tekme bile" nema naročito smisla ako očekuješ neki učinak od igrača, pogotovo nekoga kome fali kilometraža da je tako, čuvali bi glavne igrače samo za plej of, da odigraju super, pošto su im onda to jedine teške utakmice
  17. Game Preview: Knicks @ Wizards, 3/10/2020 No laughing and giggling. Keys & Predictions Give me $420 on Bobby Portis being overzealous and the Wizards happily exchanging 3’s for 2’s with him. Portis is gonna do everything he can to post up Rui Hachimura and he’ll get just enough done to make it seem like he’s making things happen but mostly his minutes will play even. Then there will be a stretch of two turnovers and missing a bunny while giving up three consecutive triples to Davis Bertans. Knicks by -6.
  18. mislis da je sport sada vazan? ja se malo potresam oko nba zbog fantazija, posto mogu da uzemm titulu ali realno ne treba praviti problem ako vec imamo tri
  19. posle pola litre alkohola, na sred stola igrala si angolaa
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