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The next big thing in the silly season is a private Alpine test, using an old car, in Budapest later this month. The team is not saying who is driving but it is being billed as a shootout between Nyck de Vries, Jack Doohan, Colton Herta and Mick Schumacher. Whether they all appear remains to be seen.


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Ferari podiže ulog, pred objavu sutra:




Ferrari: Minor F1 cost cap breach worth 0.5s per lap


Ferrari says the FIA needs to take Formula 1 cost cap breaches seriously because even a minor overspend could be worth as much as 0.5 seconds per lap.


F1 teams are bracing themselves for the FIA’s announcement on Wednesday on which teams were under last year’s cost cap limit and which went over.

There was rampant speculation over the Singapore Grand Prix weekend that one team had had a minor procedural overspend, while another was well over the limits.

Aston Martin and Red Bull faced suggestions that they were the squads that could have broken the rules, but both teams moved to play down such talk – as they insisted the FIA had not informed them of any problems.

Rival teams are hugely interested in the outcome of the FIA’s audits, and especially how seriously the governing body will take any outfit that has gone over the limit.

While a 5% overspend of the circa $145 million limit is officially classified as a ‘minor’ breach, Ferrari is clear that the gains from being able to spend a few million more are huge.

Team principal Mattia Binotto admitted that it was not ideal that the 2021 championship battle was still being debated right now, but he said the significance of overspends should not be brushed under the carpet.

“It’s definitely a shame that we are talking about it in October of the following season, because at this point, apart from implications on last year’s championship, there are also implications for the current one,” he told Sky Italia.

“Let’s wait until Wednesday before making a judgement but, whatever amount we are talking about, it’s important to understand that even if it is four million, which falls into the category of what is considered a minor breach, four million is not minor.

“For us, four million represents the development parts for an entire season. Four million means 70 people in a technical department who can come up with and produce solutions that could be worth up to half a second a lap.

“So even if we are looking at something considered a minor breach it’s not peanuts.”

He added: “We are talking of half a second and that advantage is carried forward into subsequent seasons, because while it began in 2021, it still gives a competitive advantage in 2022 and 2023, so this is clearly an important matter.

“It puts the credibility in general at stake. I hope that everyone has dealt with this exercise correctly, because otherwise it will be a very big problem to manage.”

Mercedes boss Toto Wolff echoed Ferrari’s views on the significance of the upgrades, as he reckoned any extra spending had a direct impact in allowing teams to bring much more performance.

He said detailed analysis his squad had done about the car development programmes of rival teams suggested that one unnamed squad had been bringing much more than their rivals.

“Is it a so-called minor breach, because I think the word is probably not correct?” he said.

“If you're spending five million more, and you're still in the minor breach, it still has a big impact on the championship.

“To give you an idea, we obviously monitor closely which parts are being brought to the track from the top teams every single race – for the 2021 season and the 2022 season.

“We can see that there are two top teams that are just about the same and there is another team that spends more.

“We know exactly that we're spending: three and a half million a year in parts that we bring to the car. So then you can see what difference it makes to spend another $500,000. It would be a difference.

“We haven't produced lightweight parts for the car in order to bring us down from a double digit overweight because we simply haven't got the money. So we need to do it for next year's car.

“We can't homologate a lightweight chassis and bring it in, because it's two million more that we will be over the cap. So you can see every spend more has a performance advantage.”

On Wednesday the FIA will issue teams that were under the 2021 cap with their compliance certificates to confirm that they were in line with the regulations.

Any squad that is deemed to be over will then likely face a separate cost cap hearing to decide what sanctions they should face.


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Nekoliko sati pre ove vesti, insajderi iz RBR su već najavili da nikakve odluke neće biti danas... Heh....



FIA delays release of F1 cost cap certificates until Monday


The FIA will delay the release of the Formula 1 cost cap certificates until Monday, owing to the “long and complex process that is ongoing.”


Elem, da je sve čisto, ne bi odlagali. Verovatno se i dalje pravi neki dil

Edited by Maharaja
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6 hours ago, alberto.ascari said:


Teško da će Rendža da uzme neke titule sa njima. Prilično nesimpatičan par.


1 hour ago, Duh sa sekirom said:

Ako to nisu uspele legende poput Didije i Renea, teško da će uspeti ova dva šalabajzera...


To sve manje-vise, nego njih dvojica se privatno ne podnose jos od karting dana i to uopste ne pokusavaju ni da sakriju. Ne znam kako ce taj tim funkcionisati uz toliku otvorenu netrpeljivost medju vozacima u situaciji kad je medjusobna saradnja i razmena informacija neophodna za sveopsti napredak. 'Ajde to sto su salabajzeri a i tim jos uvek nije na nivou da konkurise za titule ali to je mozda i sreca jer kad bi njih dvojica bili u situacijama kao onomad Pike-Mensl u Vilijamsu, Prost-Sena ili Alonso-Hamilton u Meklarenu mislim da bi pola Francuske implodiralo u crnu rupu. :evil:



Inace, Rikardo potvrdio da nece nigde voziti u 2023, najverovatnije ce biti Mercedesova rezerva...

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To sto se oni ne vole, ne znaci nista. U danasnjoj F1. Vozaci nemaju svoje JA i slusaju sta im se kaze. Tako da ce pred kamerama sve biti kako treba. Van toga, who cares. Razmena informacija je obavezna na brifinzima i te price iz 90-tih kako je ovaj ili onaj krio nesto od klupskog vise ne prolaze prosto.

Ricardo zasluzeno rezerva.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Kažu samo RB prekoračio, za manje od 5%. Aston martin je napravio proceduralnu grešku. Znači ona prva vest kako je RB debelo prekoračio a AM malo nije skroz tačan ali jesu ta dva tima 😄 Kaže nekoliko novinara da se ovo prekoračenje odnosi na sick leave i catering gde RB kaže da to ne treba da se računa a FIA kaže da treba





The FIA confirms that its Cost Cap Administration has now completed the review of the Reporting Documentation submitted by each Competitor that participated in the 2021 FIA Formula One World Championship in respect of the 2021 Reporting Period ending on 31 December 2021.

The FIA Cost Cap Administration has issued certificates of compliance to seven of the ten Competitors:

Aston Martin Aramco Cognizant Formula One Team is considered to be in Procedural Breach of the Financial Regulations.

Oracle Red Bull Racing is considered to be in Procedural and Minor Overspend Breaches of the Financial Regulations; and

Williams Racing has complied with the Financial Regulations in respect of the 2021 Reporting Period with the exception of a previous Procedural Breach in regard to which the Cost Cap Administration entered into an ABA with Williams in May 2022. This Procedural Breach was then remediated by Williams in a timely, cooperative and transparent manner.

The review of the Reporting Documentation submitted has been an intensive and thorough process, and all Competitors gave their full support in providing the required information to assess their financial situation during this first year of the Financial Regulations. The FIA Cost Cap Administration notes that all Competitors acted at all times in a spirit of good faith and cooperation throughout the process.

The FIA would also note that with respect to this first year of the application of the Financial Regulations the intervention of the FIA Cost Cap Administration has been limited to reviewing the submissions made by the Competitors and that no full formal investigations were launched.

The FIA Cost Cap Administration is currently determining the appropriate course of action to be taken under the Financial Regulations with respect to Aston Martin and Red Bull and further information will be communicated in compliance with the Regulations.


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Mislim da generalno nije uključeno ni to ni sick leave (da ne daju otkaz kad se neko razboli) koliko sam pročitao u regulacijama nego je RB neke stvari tako predstavio da ne bili bile uključene a FIA kaže da mora se uključi

Edited by Nicklord
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1 hour ago, greenenvy said:

Zasto bi se ketering/ugostiteljstvo racunao/lo u budget cap? Kakve to veze ima sa razvojem bolida i motora? Kao ako inzenjeri budu cesce jeli kiflice, bice produktivniji pa ce bolid biti bolji? 😂


Kreativno knjigovodjstvo.

Recimo - ogranicen mi je ukupni budzet za plate inzenjerijskom timu i zbog toga ne mogu da zaposlim onoliko inzenjera vrhunskog kvaliteta koliko bih zeleo. Onda se s njima dogovorim da rade formalno za manju platu a razliku prebijemo preko "toplog obroka" / bonusa za ketering koji se ne broji u budzet. Ili pisem inzenjera da je na bolovanju pa mi se ne broji u budzet a ovamo on radi sve u 16.

Na papiru sam ispostovao pravila a realno sam zaposlio vise inzenjera nego sto bih inace mogao i oni su svojim radom uticali na konacne performanse bolida.

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Pa dobro znam, ali kolika je to razlika koju treba neko da prihvati za smanjenu platu da bi imao kojekakvih benefita na poslu. Mislim da je to jako marginalno na nivou osobe. Ali ok, puta xyz inzenjera, it adds up.


Sad tu svotu novca koju su prebacili svima dodati na budzet za 2023 a Red Bullu oduzeti i svi zadovoljni. Sledeci put ako ponove slicno, brisu se konstruktorski poeni za tekucu sezonu pa da vidimo hoce li ponovo probati. 

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Zato je cela ta prica o ogranicenju budzeta jedna velika nebuloza. Ne postoji sansa da to kontrolisu. Pogotovu kod fabrickih ekipa. FIA moze da kontrolise Mercedes AMG F1 tim, ali ne moze da kontrolise maticnu fabriku. 

A tek spoljni dobavljaci, povezane firme itd, pa to bre ne moze finansijska kriminalistika neki put da dokuci sta se radi. To treba odmah odbaciti da se ne bi zavaravali vise. 

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Za sada ne znamo tacno koliko su prekoracili budzet u Red Bulu ali znamo da je "minor" prekrsaj dakle manje od $5M. No Binoto kaze da je i to znacajno jer po racunici Ferarija $5M je oko pola sekunde po krugu a $3M oko dve desetinke. Sa druge strane Hamilton je izjavio da bi prosle godine titula bila njegova da je Mercedes potrosio samo jos $300k vise mada mi ova njegova izjava deluje prilicno nerealno jer prema Binotovoj racunici to bi bilo otprilike 1,5 do 2 stotinke sto zaista nije nikakva razlika...

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2 minutes ago, Radoye said:

Za sada ne znamo tacno koliko su prekoracili budzet u Red Bulu ali znamo da je "minor" prekrsaj dakle manje od $5M. No Binoto kaze da je i to znacajno jer po racunici Ferarija $5M je oko pola sekunde po krugu a $3M oko dve desetinke. Sa druge strane Hamilton je izjavio da bi prosle godine titula bila njegova da je Mercedes potrosio samo jos $300k vise mada mi ova njegova izjava deluje prilicno nerealno jer prema Binotovoj racunici to bi bilo otprilike 1,5 do 2 stotinke sto zaista nije nikakva razlika...

Hamilton je rekao da nisu doneli novi pod vredan $300k ali to opet nema smisla, svakako je Mercedes bio najbrži poslednjih nekoliko trka. Mislim da je samo malo pritisak da vrši

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Ali najjače su mi Binotove kalkulacije da je 5 miliona = 0.5 sekunde. Znači kada bi povećali budžet za dodatnih npr. 100 miliona bolidi bi bili brži za 10 sekundi po krugu?!


Klasično lupetanje u funkciji povećanja pritiska na FIA da što strože kazne Red Bul.

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