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Once Upon a Rhyme


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 Biš ga prevarila

Se spametiš na dramskoj sekcije
Kad smo delali predstave od patuljki i Snjeguljice
On je vavek princa igral,a ja san bil drevo ili grm
On je vavek princa igral,a ja sam bil drevo ili grm

Zdola mojga imena na sakoj stranice dnevnika
Bili su sati neopravdani i namešćeni ukori
A njega su se malice volele 
Imel je uzorno vladanje
Bil je prežidente omladine
I danas je na sličnoj funkcije

On je bil voda i led,a ja oganj i dim
On je otel bit direhtor,a ja Morrison Jim
A tebe je bilo važno ča će judi govorit
A ne sken ćeš po noći posteju podelit
I ti si šla š njin,on je siguran va se,
A ja san vetra sin

Al on ti ni nikada pokazal kade grota razbija val
Al on te ni nikada va dolac pun rožic zapejal
I sad kad si ti progledala,si videla
Kraj njega si rano ostarela
I sad kad si ti ostarela
Biš ga z manun prevarila

On se dela po neken programe
Stopet puti na leto dva put va šetimane
I dok san noći nadvijen zgora svoje gitare
Na njegoven vrate se kambjuju kravate
I ne znaš kega volet od nas dva
A život je jedan i brzo pasa
I on je voda i led,a ja oganj i dim
Al on je postal direhtor a ja nisan Morrison Jim

Al on ti ni nikada pokazal kade grota razbija val
Al on te ni nikada va dolac pun rožic zapejal
I sad kad si ti progledala,si videla
Kraj njega si rano ostarela
I sad kad si ti ostarela
Biš ga z manun prevarila


Edited by Asterion
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Kada kosu stavi iza ušiju

pretvori se u djevojčicu

svoje tajne poklanja,


nekako izroni iz očiju

njene ruke grle kao šal,

a tanki prsti bodu me pod rebra

sporo rasti mala vrbo

dug je put,

a ovaj svijet te čeka


treba nam tako malo 

skoro ništa

jedan kremen

i jedna iskra

da tama ode

zauvijek iz sna,

a čudovišta padaju


iskrenost je rizik

na vlastiti račun

ti ćes čitav život plaćati

i nikad nećeš shvatiti

od koga te čuvaju

duge cijevi i žice.

svih devet krugova

putuju sa nama,

nekoga zlo uzbuđuje.

sporo rasti mala vrbo,

ovaj svijet

čeka već dugo

na tebe


treba nam tako malo 

skoro ništa

jedan kremen

i jedna iskra

da tama ode

zauvijek iz sna,

a čudovista padaju


čovjek je velik točno toliko,

koliko je ono što traži veliko...


treba nam tako malo 

skoro ništa

jedan kremen

i jedna iskra

da tama ode

zauvijek iz sna,

a čudovišta padaju


kada stanu mašine,


nestaju zemlje,

nestaju gradovi,

ti otvori svoje oči tad

i čudovišta


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Marinella's Song


This story of Marinella is the true story,

that she slipped into the river one spring.

But the wind that saw her so beautiful

carried her from the river onto a star.


Alone with no memory of sorrow,

you lived without the dream of a love.

But a king, without his crown and without escort,

knocked three times one day on your door.


White as the moon his hat,

and red like the flush of love his cloak.

You followed him without any reason,

like a child chases after a kite.


And it was sunny and your eyes were beautiful,

he kissed your lips and your hair.

Then came the moon and your eyes were tired,

he placed his hands on your hips.


There were kisses and there were smiles,

then there were only fleurs-de-lis

that saw with the eyes of the stars

your skin trembling in the wind and the kisses.


They say then that while you were returning

you slipped into the river, who knows how?

And he, not wanting to believe you dead,

knocked a hundred years more at your door.


This is your song, Marinella,

that you flew to heaven on a star.

And like all of the most beautiful things,

you lived only one day, like the roses.


And like all the most beautiful things,

you lived only one day, like the roses.

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  • 1 month later...
Ne volim januar
Ne volim januar ni bele zimske vragove
U svakom snegu vidim iste tragove
Tragove malih stopa, broj trideset i ko zna
Kako polako odlaze
Više ne prolazim ulicom Dositejevom
I nemam pojma kad neko pita gde je to
Tih dvesta šest koraka dužinom tog sokaka
Nikad ja nisam brojao
Nisam te nikad čuvao
Nisam te nikada mazio, pazio
Tvoju sam ljubav gazio
Svemu smišljao broj
Nisam te nikad štedeo
I nisam umeo stati ni ostati
Šta će od mene postati
Mali anđele moj?
Ne gledam filmove iz ranih sedamdesetih
Dosta je suza i rastanaka nesretnih
Ko takve stvari snima? Baš čudnog sveta ima
Tako se lako rasplaču
Nisam te nikad čuvao
Nisam te nikada mazio, pazio
Tvoju sam ljubav gazio
Svemu smišljao broj
Nisam te nikad štedeo
I nisam umeo stati ni ostati
Šta će od mene postati
Mali anđele moj?
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Ravnodušan prema plaču


Ravnodušan prema plaču,
obožavam ilovaču.
Gotova je moja muka,
pa se smejem iz sanduka.
Oko mene su, u stvari,
licemeri i govnari,
svako mi za dušu pije,
a znam, lažu drkadžije,
svako ko je tu plakao,
poslo bi me u pakao.

Ravnodušan prema plaču,
i konačno sasvim sam,
obožavam ilovaču,
ne može mi ništa šljam.

A gore mi pevaju popovi,
i nasleđuju me lopovi.
Šapuću samozvani proroci:
Upropastiše ga poroci,
dok izjavljuju saučešće,
pljuju po meni sve češće i žešće,
na glavu mi stavljaju lovore,
drže mi posmrtne govore,
stoka što laže kako zine,
preuveličava moje vrline.


Ravnodušan prema plaču,
i konačno sasvim sam,
obožavam ilovaču,
ne može mi ništa šljam.

Možda nema ko da plače,
pa plaćaju narikače,
mnogo sveta, divan sprovod,
za pijanku sjajan povod,
ko u svakom dobrom vicu
sreća je na svakom licu,
grobar čeka napojnicu,
još po jedna za ubicu,
za presrećnu porodicu,
i veselu udovicu!

Ravnodušan prema plaču,
i konačno sasvim sam,
obožavam ilovaču,
ne može mi ništa šljam.

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Kdo je tebe praslovan plavati učil
da si preplaval tisto rusko reko
in se v mojih genih naselil.

Horde slovanske krvi preko reke skozi dni,
spredaj poglavarji in direktorji,
za njimi kurbe, mladci, upokojenci.
Spolno močni, silno zdravi,
zakladi step iz pradavnine so prišli
po stotih generacijah sposobnih gospodinj
in nam po vseh predpisih
zajebali vse, kar se je zajebat dalo.


Kdo je tebe Praslovan plavati učil,
da si preplaval tisto rusko reko
in se v mojih genih naselil.

Usmerjeno izobraženi, zjutraj v službo skozi dni,
spredaj so grobovi in sirote,
za njimi mrtve ribe in crknjeni psi.
Brez pigmenta smo spočeti,
sodobna brozga iz betona
se množimo križani, kastrirani, korakajoči,
da bomo vsi po vseh predpisih
zajebali vse, kar se bo zajebat dalo.

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Dođe mi da te gađam sa kamen,
što me nisi pustio na Vrežinski bazen ..

Što tol’ka pička si, kad znaš da neću kupam se,
što tol’ka pička si, kad znaš da neću kupam se,
što tol’ko pokvaren si, kad znaš da neću kupam se,
pičko, znaš da neću kupam se ..

Pogle’ me kakav sam, pečenka mi se usijala,
stojim na sunce ceo dan,
će me pustiš bar da vidim da l’ mi ga ima drugar ..?!

Što tol’ka pička si, kad znaš da neću kupam se,
što tol’ka pička si, kad znaš da neću kupam se,
što tol’ko pokvaren si, kad znaš da neću kupam se,
pičko, znaš da neću kupam se ..

Vrežinski bazen, bazdi mi bazen,
Vrežinski bazen, bazdi mi bazen …
Vrežinski bazen, bazdi mi bazen,
Vrežinski bazen, bazdi mi bazen …

Što tol’ka pička si, kad znaš da neću kupam se,
što tol’ka pička si, kad znaš da neću kupam se,
što tol’ko pokvaren si, kad znaš da neću kupam se,
pičko, znaš da neću kupam se ..

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  • 1 month later...

The Little Mute Boy

The little boy was looking for his voice.
(The King of the crickets had it.)
In a drop of water
the little boy was looking for his voice.

I do not want it for speaking with;
I will make a ring of it
so that he may wear my silence
on his little finger.

In a drop of water
the little boy was looking for his voice.

(The captive voice, far away.
Put on a cricket' clothes.)
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Light years


You were waiting outside for me in the sun
Laying down to soak it all in before we had to run
I was always ten feet behind you from the start
Didn't know you were gone 'til we were in the car
Oh, the glory of it all was lost on me
'Til I saw how hard it'd be to reach you
And I would always be light years, light years away from you
Light years, light years away from you
I thought I saw your mother last weekend in the park
It could've been anybody, it was after dark
Everyone was lighting up in the shadows alone
You could've been right there next to me, and I'd have never known
Oh, the glory of it all was lost on me
'Til I saw how hard it'd be to reach you
And I would always be light years, light years away from you
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Njegove oči muti i sputava


rešetki tamnih stalni mimolet.


Hiljadu rešetaka poigrava


i okončava sobom njegov svet.




Povitljiv korak njegov, pun čvrstine,


liči, dok uskog kruga meri luk,


na igru snage okolo sredine


u kojoj vlada silne volje muk.




Tek ponekad se zastor s oka skloni


nečujno - . Tada uđe neki lik,


kroz napregnuti mir udova roni -


i mre u srcu kao dalek krik.


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She leafed through
her memories
her snapshots
her taboos
her Ladies
her rosaries
and thousand seas
and alalà
her linen and silk clothes
fishnet stockings Marlene and Charlot
and after June
the great conflict
and then Egypt
and another age
marches and swastikas
and federals
and under lights
the darkness
and then the return
in a divided country
blacker in face
redder for love

you're so beautiful!

your fights
the poverty
low salaries
hunger knocks
russian terror
Christ and Stalin

the Constituent Assembly
the democracy
and everyone who has it
and then thirty years
on safari
among antelopes and jaguars
jackals and lapin

you're so beautiful!

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  • 2 weeks later...




Kada izgubim te ja,
da li ćeš bez mene moći
da spiš: bez lipe što u noći
šumori vrh tvoga sna?


Bez mojih reči što se roje,
gotovo kao trepavice,
na tvoje grudi, na tvoje lice,
i na celo telo tvoje?


Bez mene, da te najzad tu
ostavim s tobom sasvim samu,
kao vrt kroz čiju struji tamu
miris plodova koji zru?


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Ljubavna pesma


Kako da dušu sputam, da se tvoje ne takne?

Kako, mimo tebe, njom da grlim stvari i daljine?

Ah, rado bih je sklonio na koje

zaboravljeno mjesto u sred tmine,

u neki izgubljeni kut, u kom

neće je tvoje njihati dubine.

Al' ipak, sve što dodirne nas dvoje

k'o gudalo nas neko spaja, koje

iz dviju struna jedan mami glas.

Na kom instrumentu?

Ko nas satka?

I koji ovo svirač drži nas?

O, pjesmo slatka.

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  • 2 months later...


"Life's not a bitch. Life is a beautiful woman/You only call her a bitch because she won't let you get that pussy."




moglo bi ovde da se nastavi igrixa iz kafane cisto zbog preglednosti a topik je svejedno vec otvoren ranije i ima slicnu namenu.

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  • 3 months later...

Jednom je jedan čovek, osećajući glad,
sedeo za stolom i jeo kotlete,

A pored je stajala njegova supruga i neprekidno govorila
o tome da je u kotletima malo svinjetine.

Ali, on je jeo, i jeo, i jeo, i jeo, i jeo, dokle god
nije osetio negde u želucu
smrtonosnu težinu.

Tada, odmahnuvši podmuklu hranu,
zadrhtao je i zaplakao.

U džepu njegov zlatni sat prestao je kucati.

Kosa mu je iznenada posedela, pogled
se smirio.

Uši su mu pale na pod,
kao što u jesen s topola otpadaju žuti

I on je naprasno umro.

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  • 4 weeks later...




[Vocals: Aesop Rock]
Shh... the baby is sleeping
A blind date with CNN
A click
A click of beer man, that's the 10 year old
Motherfucking deep space evil nine milliemeter
White noise television
Fucking 3am
Gotta wonder if the roach was invented in my kitchen
Shut the fuck up
Don't wanna hear that shit
With the volume up to keep it all out
Na na na na
WE Don't ..

We don't like it when the city lights start fading
When the city lights fading then we can't get down (ok)

We don't like it when the city people act crooked
When the city people crooked then we can't get down (ok)
We don't like it when the city pigeons break wings
When the pigeons break wings then we can't get down (ok)

We don't like it when the city fire starts spreading
When the city fire's spreading then we can't get down (YO!)
Zook up in it, crook with a cord
With a cord with a two tonne gimmick
Deep space evil nine millimetre gimme
Damn needle point in this pin cushion family
Hot dam at the N.Y. resin
I soaked the bad air, the smoke we sold
Wild style, child’s smile like a moby cobra
Low key dozer revoked me ultra
Choked out bolts to promote the ulcer
Chug dro, bear hug wrote the folk lore
See the mangy branch off strange when he willow
Weep till the face go paisley
We don't wanna babble on the bad brains dum-dum brainiac bust out, girder, flushed out
Touched with a lush burn curdle in the dirt
Like it's bingo night at the earthworm church

- Bang-
Clash with the ants and termites
Ride ‘til the wheels fall off the dirt bike
Well I still hold dimes by the caseload
Hide the prescription, Miller said I’m stable
A R strike the pause
Put the flaws in a box with a … fuck off
Mallet for the media, mallet for the laws
Dragging a mallet through the city when he walks
Subliminal is so nineties, get wit it
Im more like bird watch then a mobster look

It goes dem’s good deeds
… stomach churning, round 2, quick, south of the sternum
What it is now, verse what it was, beat myself till the pain came up
Dork faced boy got apocalypse charm
With a yellowy grin, metal thin, metal limb
Metal kicks kiss metal bricks, kiss metal
Meddle with this: an anti bliss missile

Close to the fire when I bare skin lie
Leave me the idiot box I’m fine

But if I gotta see another roller skating parrot
On animal planet on a needle point eye
Eye to the needle, clean set of chompers
Made me a demo tape, mingle of the mobsters

Go ahead y'all flap y'all jaws
Aes stick with it 'til their face fall off

And the evilest of nine's guaranteed to shoot crooked
And the evilest of nine's guaranteed to shoot crooked
And the evilest of nine's guaranteed to shoot crooked
And the evilest of nine's guaranteed to shoot crooked

Off your fucking mind
Shoot crooked

We don't like it when the city lights start fading
When the city lights fading then we can't get down (ok)
We don't like it when the city people act crooked
When the city people crooked then we can't get down (ok)
We don't like it when the city pidgeons break wings
When the pidgeons break wings then we can't get down (ok)
We don't like it when the city fire starts spreading
When the fire's spreading then we can't get down
I met a girl with an angel face and two devil horns pokin out maybe with her brains replaced
She said walk to the store with her, ok
Bought a carton of squares, I think I fell in love today
Now whats a pretty little thing like you doing walking with a condor circle when the city lights fade
Dead walk only to redig the graves
And make it big enough to fit tv's and microwaves
Ooooh she didn't say shit (nup)
Smiles that could melt the gloss off your whip
And before I could ask her about her high wire, homegirl walked face first straight through the fire
Kill the pigs and poke the lump with a fork
If it all bleeds y’all need to shut the oven door
Here half worm dirt in the mouth
So its raining mud when the tongue lash out
Cool, beans, perfect, dope
Like Aes with a rafter and 6 feet of rope
Paradox spill out hate in all sections
You can get fucked when you standing at attention

And the evilest of nine's guaranteed to shoot crooked
And the evilest of nine's guaranteed to shoot crooked
And the evilest of nine's guaranteed to shoot crooked
And the evilest of nine's guaranteed to shoot crooked

Fix the fucking antenna

We don't like it when the city lights start fading
When the city lights fading then we can't get down (ok)
We don't like it when the city people act crooked
When the city people crooked then we can't get down (ok)
We don't like it when the city pigeons break wings
When the pigeons break wings then we can't get down (ok)
We don't like it when the city fire starts spreading
When the fire's spreading then we can't get down (ok)

No doubt
He ain’t, he ain’t got a gun in no shoebox
Face to the floor drop it
Still carry the evilest nine weapons
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  • 2 weeks later...



Ja ne znam šta treba da znači

Ta tako tugujem,

O nekoj starinskoj priči

Jednako umujem.


Tu mirno protiče Rajna,

Hladno je, hvata se mrak!

Na vrhu brega igra

Poslednji sunčev zrak.


A na tom bregu se vidi

lepote devojke stas;

Ona sva u zlatu blista,

I zlatnu češlja vlas.


Sa zlatnim češlja je češljem,

I peva još uz to,

A glas od pesme zvuči

Silno i čudesno.


Lađara u malom čunu

Njen divlji zanosni ton;

Na stene ne gleda dole,

Već gore gleda on.


I sad lađaru i čamcu

Ja mislim da je kraj:

A sve to sa svojom pesmom

Učini Lorelaj.

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