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(Ultimativna) vrednost ljudskog života - moralni aspekti pandemije


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1 hour ago, urosg3 said:

I kad će penzosi u samišku?


Među nama, a na užas formuskih paničara i onih što doživljavaju orgazam na izvesnog uvaljivača vakcina uglednog doktora, znam više penzionera koji su išli u osnovne nabavke i pre ukidanja policijskog časa. Jedan od takvih izgrednika mi je čak i rekao da su i nemački konclogori imali predviđeno vreme za štenju.

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Evo vezano za deo teksta gore navedenog:



Obama care ne moze da odbije ljude koji imaju "prethodno stanje" ali njegov argument je upravo to, zasto unistava tu vrstu osiguranja.


Elem, mnogi koji ostanu bez ikakvog osiguranja ce cekati na neki Trampov plan, koji verovatno nece docekati, ali ce mu dati glas... 

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14 hours ago, uini said:

određeni, "opšti" segmenti teksta koji se ne tiču ekskluzivno pojave definisane kao "američki idiot", su, smatram, primereni za diskusiju ovde






Izvini iako se slazem da generalno postoji americki idiot, kao i svuda, ovaj text je postavljen na potpuno pogresnim premisama.

Zato sto je osnova americkog poimanja slobode: Life, liberty and pursue of happiness - sto je ocigledno "freedom to" a ne "freedom from"

Isto kao sto je sloboda govora, drugi amandman, sloboda religije... i sl.

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2 hours ago, Angelia said:

Izvini iako se slazem da generalno postoji americki idiot, kao i svuda, ovaj text je postavljen na potpuno pogresnim premisama.

Zato sto je osnova americkog poimanja slobode: Life, liberty and pursue of happiness - sto je ocigledno "freedom to" a ne "freedom from"

Isto kao sto je sloboda govora, drugi amandman, sloboda religije... i sl.


Pa i nije bas.


Freedom of religion ne znaci da moze da se skupi hriscanska vecina i proglasi USA hriscanskom drzavom.


To znaci da nema proganjanja bilo koga zbog njegovih ili njenih verskih ubedjenja - ne mozes da zabranjujes Kuran ili da nameces rezim koji bi proganjao sve religije kao u SSSR.


I sloboda govora se moze shvatiti kao "freedom from" - niko ne moze da ti zabrani da javno iznosis svoje stavove, ma kakvi oni bili.



Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy describes negative liberty:

"The negative concept of freedom ... is most commonly assumed in liberal defences of the constitutional liberties typical of liberal-democratic societies, such as freedom of movement, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech, and in arguments against paternalist or moralist state intervention. It is also often invoked in defences of the right to private property, although some have contested the claim that private property necessarily enhances negative liberty."


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4 minutes ago, goldberg said:


Pa i nije bas.


Freedom of religion ne znaci da moze da se skupi hriscanska vecina i proglasi USA hriscanskom drzavom.


To znaci da nema proganjanja bilo koga zbog njegovih ili njenih verskih ubedjenja - ne mozes da zabranjujes Kuran ili da nameces rezim koji bi proganjao sve religije kao u SSSR.


I sloboda govora se moze shvatiti kao "freedom from" - niko ne moze da ti zabrani da javno iznosis svoje stavove, ma kakvi oni bili.



U pravu si da moze da se tumaci i kao jedno i drugo, ali to je bukvalno primenjivo na svako pravo.



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7 hours ago, uini said:


meni lično je manje zanimljiv taj aspekt a više onaj deo gde se pojašnjava "istorijski" razumevanje slobode. 


Evo tekst koji je pisao profesor istorije:




Often heard this past Fourth of July was country singer Lee Greenwood’s patriotic song “God Bless the USA,” with its iconic line, “I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free.” For many, the song elicits an emotive pride.

But what we mean by freedom is often a generalized notion: being able to go where we like, say what we think. It’s worth examining more deeply what it means to be a free American.

Franklin Roosevelt laid out one meaning in his “four freedoms” speech of Jan. 6, 1941. Everyone, he said, has a right to freedom of speech and expression, freedom to worship God in their own way, freedom from want, and freedom from fear, by which he meant living without the threat of war or terrorism.

If that’s what freedom means, it’s not anything that distinguishes America. People in the western European social democracies enjoy all of these freedoms; so do people in many other nations: Canada, Israel, Australia and New Zealand, for example. It can be argued that people in these countries actually enjoy more freedom than Americans. In these countries, high taxes provide government subsidized child care, health insurance, education and retirement benefits, as well as unemployment insurance and aid for dependent children and mothers. This takes away a great deal of fear about the future that Americans must live with daily, freeing people in those countries to think about community. Most have longer life expectancies and lower infant mortality rates than the United States.

Another meaning links freedom to property. John Locke argued that all people are entitled to property ownership; it reduces one’s vulnerability to manipulation by others. Jefferson took this up, urging that American democracy should rest on independent small land-owners who would be the best guardians of their and their country’s best interests.

Something quite interesting happened to this argument in the modern era. First, it was converted into a defense against taxation, the notion arising that taxes are an immoral seizing of an individual’s freedom. This claim is often made against the income tax, generating challenges to the constitutionality of the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution; those challenges have failed.


But that argument took a pernicious turn in the hands of a 1986 Nobel laureate economist not widely known, James Buchanan. He reasoned that the dominant motivation for people’s economic actions is self-interest. This was not new, but Buchanan adapted it to the modern age, arguing that those who seek free government services, and those who advocate for such services, are pursuing their own self-interest at the cost of those whose wealth and taxes make those services possible. In his view, the government functions as an instrument to take money from those who have earned it and give it to those who have not, and who therefore do not deserve it. Buchanan regarded this as immoral.

He proposed a remedy for this situation: Cripple or destroy such programs. It would not be enough, he reasoned, to vote into office those who oppose government largesse. A better strategy, he urged, is to block the programs from functioning in the first place. This could be done by legislation starving or eliminating the programs, by judicial action declaring the programs constitutionally flawed, or by executive action blocking their operation.

A number of wealthy individuals who agreed with Buchanan (who died in 2013) established several organizations designed to persuade politicians to adopt his ideas and strategy. These include the State Policy Network, the American Legislative Exchange Council and Americans for Prosperity.

Buchanan was wrong. Economic self-interest is not the only motivator of human action. People frequently, sometimes routinely, display altruistic behavior, helping others with no expectation of reward. In fact, there is a veritable cottage industry of researchers studying altruistic behavior in human beings.

It seems there are those in America’s wealthy class who do not care about this, or find it mysterious. They should recognize that they depend on those they disparage and denigrate. And there are politicians, some in Alaska, who join them in seeking freedom from participating in the larger society of which they’re all a part.

It’s not a freedom any American should be proud of.



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7 hours ago, Angelia said:

Izvini iako se slazem da generalno postoji americki idiot, kao i svuda, ovaj text je postavljen na potpuno pogresnim premisama.

Zato sto je osnova americkog poimanja slobode: Life, liberty and pursue of happiness - sto je ocigledno "freedom to" a ne "freedom from"

Isto kao sto je sloboda govora, drugi amandman, sloboda religije... i sl.


kao što rekoh, sam pojam "amer-idiot" me ne zanima, pre svega zato što ovaj topic nije kritika američkog načina razmišljanja, ponašanja, kao celine ili pojedinačno, već diskusija o pojmu slobode, percepciji slobode i manifestacijama slobode.


moguće je da postoje neke logičke ili čak materijalne greške u tekstu, nisam definitivno merodavan da to procenim.


međutim, sama poenta teksta (u kojem lik btw nekoliko puta i naglašava da ovakvu podelu sloboda ne doživljava validnom u savremenom svetu) je da individualno i kolektivno moraju koegzistirati relativno ravnopravno, jer ce fokus na jedno ili drugo, pre ili kasnije stici da te ujede za individualnu guzu.


pojam prava na individualnu slobodu je u neku ruku sustinska tema ovog topica.

parce teksta koje pledira za vaznost kolektivnog u odredjenim aspektima zivota i drustva, jer, iako na prvu loptu izgleda kao da limitira ili cak ugrozava individualne slobode, zapravo omogucava da se te, naizgled ugrozene individualne slobode, odrze dugorocno.


tako nekako.

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e pa dragi prijatelji Vučić je upravo ispred skupštine okupio obesmišljavajuću masu ljudi svih mogućih mera.
I nisam ja nacista, koji ne misli na naše najstarije, ja se bavim nekim načelima. 
Aleksandar Vučić i SNS se upravao posrao po svime što smo pisali ovde, i svakim mogućim načelom.

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Neke do posledica ultimativne cene zivota:


Organ transplants plummeted to half their pre-pandemic levels in the US as coronavirus swept through communities, a new study from The Lancet says.

Researchers found that deceased donor transplants - the most common kind - dropped by 50 percent in the US and 90 percent in France from late February into early April.

Transplants from living donors had a similarly staggering dive, according to the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), which runs the US transplant system. 

There were 151 living donor transplants in the US in the second week of March when a pandemic was declared, but only 16 such transplants the week of April 5 - an 89 percent drop - according to UNOS. 

It's too soon to know how many of the 114,000 people waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant may die not from COVID-19 infection but because the pandemic blocked their chance at a new organ.  

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Pa cekaj, u cemu je onda problem sto je opao broj transplantacija ako zivot nije ultimativna vrednost? Kog klinca uopste vrsiti transplantaciju i spasavati zivote ljudima koji sa svojim sopstvenim organima ne mogu da prezive?

Ko prezivi - preziveo je!

Verovatno bi trebalo ukinuti i bolnice i lekare, sto sad spasavati zivote, koji nam to djavo treba? Najjaci opstaju!

Edited by wwww
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6 minutes ago, wwww said:

Pa cekaj, u cemu je onda problem sto je opao broj transplantacija ako zivot nije ultimativna vrednost? Kog klinca uopste vrsiti transplantaciju i spasavati zivote ljudima koji sa svojim sopstvenim organima ne mogu da prezive?

Ko prezivi - preziveo je!

Verovatno bi trebalo ukinuti i bolnice i lekare, sto sad spasavati zivote, koji nam to djavo treba? Najjaci opstaju!

U tome sto za spasavanje nekog kome treba transplant ne moras da platis zivotom. Isto kao sto ces transplantom nekima od njih spasiti godine mucenja.

Ja mislim da sam to vec objasnila na primeru lekova i zrtava u ovom slucaju lockdowna koje niko ne racuna, da bi se spasio "jedan zivot".


Po cemu je zivot nekog ko ce oboleti od corone vredniji od zivota ovih ljudi? Znaci, kolateralna steta je ok.

Samim time zivot nije ultimativna vrednost.

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Sto znaci da u jednom slucaju ti postavljas zivot kao ultimativnu vrednost, a u drugom ne.


Trenutni broj umrlih od covid-19 u USA je 83244, trenutna projekcija je da ce ih 4. avgusta biti nekih 147000.

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Researchers found that deceased donor transplants - the most common kind - dropped by 50 percent in the US and 90 percent in France from late February into early April.

Transplants from living donors had a similarly staggering dive, according to the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), which runs the US transplant system. 

There were 151 living donor transplants in the US in the second week of March when a pandemic was declared, but only 16 such transplants the week of April 5 - an 89 percent drop - according to UNOS. 

It's too soon to know how many of the 114,000 people waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant may die not from COVID-19 infection but because the pandemic blocked their chance at a new organ.  

Inace, zanima me kako je to pandemija tacno negativno uticala na to da se organi preminulih (ne)doniraju? Sta tacno je uticalo da tu ima manje donora? Pretpostavljam da je procedura ili da je preminuli ranije izrazio zelju da posthumno donira organe ili je njegova rodbina dala saglasnost kad su je ta osoba  umrla. Kako je to tacno pandemija covid-19 uticala negativno na ovo? I kako bi to tacno izostanak mera protiv covid-19 pandemije od strane vlasti promenio ovu brojku?


Sto se tice zivih donora, kako bi to tacno ukidanje svih mera nateralo zive donore da sad daju svoje organe za transplantaciju? Pretpostavljam da su ti ljudi svesni da postoji nekakva opasnost kojoj ne zele sebe da izloze, pa su odlucili da ipak zadrze svoj jedan bubreg ili koji vec organ. Da li bi ti ljudi u maju 2020 (sa sve covid-19 virusom u nekim ljudima) dali svoj organ ako bi se svi ponasali kao krajem 2019: sve skole bile otvorene, odrzavali se koncerti, sportski dogadjaji, radila pozorista, pravile se zurke, islo se na turisticka putovanja itd.?

Ko je sad za ovo kriv? Vlade drzava/pokrajina koje uvode mere da se suzbije epidemija ili sam covid-19 virus? Koga bi ti tuzila ovde za odstetu? Virus?

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51 minutes ago, wwww said:

Sto znaci da u jednom slucaju ti postavljas zivot kao ultimativnu vrednost, a u drugom ne.



Netacno, ja u nijednom slucaju ne postavljam zivot kao ultimativnu vrednost.

Nemam pojam mozda je to moj srpski da ne razumes, da ako je kolateralna steta prihvatljiva, onda zivot nije ultimativna vrednost, nego ima neku cenu, samo je pitanje kakvu.


33 minutes ago, wwww said:

Inace, zanima me kako je to pandemija tacno negativno uticala na to da se organi preminulih doniraju? Sta tacno je uticalo da tu ima manje donora?

Bolnice nemaju osoblje i nacina, da do tih organa dodju, da ih testiraju i da onda nakon transplantacije brinu o pacijentu (koji ce zauzeti ICU krevet), jer je sve posveceno Covid 19.

Kod zivih i zdravih donora, naravno da postoji neodlucnost ako nisu sigurni da ce biti zasticeni i zdravi nakon donacije.


33 minutes ago, wwww said:

I kako bi to tacno izostanak mera protiv covid-19 pandemije od strane vlasti promenio ovu brojku?



Ko je govorio o izostanku mera? govori se da mere nisu adekvatne i promisljene, tj da su posledice mnogo vece nego sto je spasavanje zivota od covid 19.


33 minutes ago, wwww said:


Ko je sad za ovo kriv? Vlade drzava/pokrajina koje uvod emere da se suzbije epidemija ili sam covid-19 virus? Koga bi ti tuzila ovde za odstetu? Virus?

Zasto bi ja tuzila nekog za odstetu? Pa raspravljamo o filozofskom pitanju, da li je izjava da su sve mere opravdane da bi se spasio makar jedan zivot od corone ("bake i deke") realna, ili samo parola koja nema osnova u praksi ili ljudskom razmisljanju, jer jednostavno ne moze biti opravdana.

Da li ova varijanta stoji da je vredna - spasiti jedan zivot od korone, a platiti to sa jednim samoubistvom, ekonomskom propasti 1000:1, porastom porodicnog nasilja, alkoholizma, droge i urusavanje zdravlja pa i smrti onih koji ne dolaze do adekvatnih zdravstvenih usluga zbog tako zamisljenih mera.

Ako ne, zasto svi placaju ogromnu cenu za spasavanje jednog zivota od korone?


Nesto nije u redu sa merama, logicno, i one treba da se menjaju tako da umanje posledice pandemije, a to znaci da ce verovatno broj umrlih od korone biti veci, i to je kolateralna steta. Primer Svedska, gde ultimativna vrednost nije bila jedan zivot po svaku cenu.




Edit: btw ako je zivot ultimativna vrednost zasto onda ne uvedemo prisilno oduzimanje organa onima kojima ne trebaju da bi se dali ovima sto im treba....to bi onda bilo da je zivot ultimativna vrednost. Spasiti ga po svaku cenu.

A kad smo vec kod toga onda ukinuti i sve lekove koji ne spasavaju zivot (tipa reuma, ibuprufeni itd) jer imaju kontraidikacije koje mogu oduzeti zivot...

Edited by Angelia
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