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A zasto bi uvodili? Ako su bili u stanju da igrace koji su tek prelezali covid teraju da se vakcinisu da bi igrali na AO zasto bi se onda brinuli za ove koji su sami pristali  neoporavljeni da igraju. 

Na AO se nije moglo doci bez vakcine (da zanemarimo tih nekoliko izuzetaka) i negativnog PCR testa da igraci slucajno ne bi svojim dolaskom ugrozili zdravlje napacenog Australijskog naroda, a isti taj narod zarazen omikronom dolazi u kontakt sa teniserima i niko ih ne kontrolise dal su pozitivni ili ne jer jelte nemaju dovoljno testova :classic_rolleyes:


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Two tennis players allowed into Australia under medical exemptions have now departed the country. 

Sources close to the players have confirmed to The Ticket they left Australia following the detention of Novak Djokovic on his arrival, and the expulsion of Czech player Renata Voracova and one official.

Before Djokovic arrived in Melbourne last week, the group were allowed to enter the country and were moving freely around Melbourne.



The emergence of two more players on exemptions in Australia heightens the confusion over the processing of tennis players by border officials on arrival.

The Health Department issued advice to Australian Open officials on November 18, which in part said:

"ATAGI is not responsible for border control issues, however, the Australian Border Force has advised that people must meet the fully vaccinated definition set by ATAGI to gain quarantine-free entry into Australia."

On seeking further clarification, a letter from Health Minister Greg Hunt to Tennis Australia on November 29 stated: "… the Australian Border Force has advised that people must be fully vaccinated, as defined by the ATAGI, to gain quarantine-free entry into Australia."



It notes that natural immunity from past infection is "recognised as fully vaccinated in several European countries", however, it concludes a double dose of the vaccine is required to be considered fully vaccinated.

"While evidence suggests that past infection reduces the risk of re-infection for at least six months (and therefore may be regarded as a temporary exemption for vaccination for a maximum of six months), ATAGI recommends that two doses of a TGA-approved or TGA-recognised COVID-19 vaccine according to the recommended schedule is still required in order to be considered fully vaccinated.

"Past infection with SARS-CoV-2 is not a contraindication to vaccination."



However, in a separate section, the advice notes past infection may give rise to an exemption.

"COVID-19 vaccination in people who have had PCR-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection can be deferred for a maximum of six months after the acute illness, as a temporary exemption due to acute major medical illness."



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Ne znam gde da stavim vest, evo ovde za sada : odobrena je od strane WHO a i u Francuskoj nova vakcina Novavax (amercika) to je ona proteinska vakcina koju je Dominik Tim pominjao da ceka da bi se vakcinisao po preporuci svog lekara. Znaci nije RNA vakcina kao Moderna i Pfizer ali je jos efikasnija, sem toga jeftinija je za pravljenje i lakse se cuva.

evo link koji sam stavila i na temi korona, tekst je opisni da kazem, nije naucni rad citiran, jakse je za citanje


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3 hours ago, wrach said:

kakav jadnik ... bukvalno vidi se da je tupav lik, 35 godina i nikad nije iskazao svoje misljenje

Ovo uopšte nije tupavo. Novak ima svoje mišljenje i eto gde je sad, Rafa je lepo shvatio koliko je bitno složiti odgovarajuću priču i uspeva da ne kaže ništa u odgovoru od nekoliko minuta. 

Koliko je to baš za divljenje, to je sasvim druga stvar. 


2 hours ago, ciao said:

Znaci nije RNA vakcina kao Moderna i Pfizer ali je jos efikasnija, sem toga jeftinija je za pravljenje i lakse se cuva.

To ćemo tek da vidimo :smiley50:

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16 minutes ago, alcesta said:

Ovo uopšte nije tupavo. Novak ima svoje mišljenje i eto gde je sad, Rafa je lepo shvatio koliko je bitno složiti odgovarajuću priču i uspeva da ne kaže ništa u odgovoru od nekoliko minuta. 

Koliko je to baš za divljenje, to je sasvim druga stvar. 

Kako kome, ja cu pre da se divim coveku koji ima svoje misljenje i stoji iza njega nego ovog drugog sto prica sta mu kazu.

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19 minutes ago, alcesta said:


Slazem se da cemo tek da vidimo za efikasnost nove vakcine pogotovo sto to sve postaje relativno u smislu efikasnost protiv virusa sada, koliko traje ta efikasnost, sta za naredne mutacije itd itd.

procitala sam vise tekstova na temu te nove vakcine, jedan od njih pise 



 "L’injection de deux doses à trois semaines d’intervalle offre une efficacité de 90 % contre l’ensemble des symptômes et de 100 % contre les formes graves. Quant aux effets indésirables, ils apparaissent proches de ceux déjà enregistrés avec les précédentes formules : sensibilité (69 %) et douleur (58 %) à l’endroit de l’injection, fatigue (47 %), maux de tête (43 %) et malaises (37 %), avec une sensibilité accrue chez les sujets les plus jeunes."


Mislim da nijedna dosadasnja vakcina nije davala cifru 100% cak ni za "ozbiljne " slucajeve

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