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Epidemija koronavirusa (Covid-19 / SARS-Cov2) - dnevne aktuelnosti iz zemlje i sveta

Message added by Eddard

Dragi forumaši, molimo vas da u vreme ove krize ostanemo prisebni i racionalni i da pisanjem na ovoj temi ne dođemo u situaciju da naudimo nekome. Stoga:


- nemojte davati savete za uzimanje lekova i bilo kakvu terapiju, čak i ako ste zdravstveni radnik - jedini ispravni put za sve one koji eventualno osećaju simptome je da se jave svom lekaru ili na neki od telefonskih brojeva koji su za to predviđeni.

- takođe - ne uzimajte lekove napamet! Ni one proverene, ni one potencijalne - obratite se svom lekaru!

- nemojte prenositi neproverene informacije koje bi mogle nekoga da dovedu u zabludu i eventualno mu načine štetu. Znamo da je u moru informacija po pitanju ove situacije jako teško isfiltrirati one koje su lažne, pogrešne ili zlonamerne, ali potrudite se - radi se o zdravlju svih nas. Pokušajte da informacije sa kojekakvih obskurnih sajtova i sumnjivih izvora ne prenosite. Ili ih prvo proverite pre nego što ih prenesete.

- potrudite se da ne dižete paniku svojim postovima - ostanimo mirni i racionalni.

- aktivno propagiranje naučno neutemeljenih (između ostalih i antivaxxerskih) stavova i pozivanje na nevakcinisanje bazirano na njima nećemo tolerisati.


Budimo dostojanstveni u ovoj krizi, ovakve situacije su ogledalo svih nas. 

Hvala na razumevanju.


Vaš tim Vox92


193 members have voted

  1. 1. Da li ste vakcinisani protiv Coronavirus-a i kojom vakcinom?

    • Pfizer/Biontech
    • Sinopharm
    • Sputnik V
    • Moderna
    • AstraZeneca/Oxford
    • Johnson & Johnson
    • Nisam i ne želim da se vakcinišem
    • Nisam još sigurna/an da li ću se vakcinisati
    • Preležao/la sam Covid-19, pa čekam da vidim da li i kada ću da se vakcinišem

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17 minutes ago, Akiro said:


Hvala , što si navijao, Vjeko. Nemaju Grci vremena da se bave švercom cigareta i drugih stvari, pune su im ruke posla oko Corone na granici. Dok pregledaju PLF-formular, PCR-test, izmaltretiraju nesrećnike čiji PLF-kod počinje sa 9 sa random PCR testom, naprave toliku gužvu i sa malo vozila da ničim drugim ne mogu da se bave.


BTW, kad smo već kod "random" testa na granici, ko u septembru eventualno ide u Grčku (ako se otvore) i hoće da izbegne da mu kompjuterska lutrija odredi test u krajnje nehigijenskim uslovima (medicinska sestra uopšte ne menja rukavice,a tek na svakog četvrtog ili petog, koga testira, štrcne malo dezinficijensa na dlan rukavica i protrlja kratko samo dlan ali ne i cele ruke sa sve prstima) bolje da pogleda broj QR-koda, koji dobije, kada im pošalje PLF-formular. Svi, koji počinju na devet, idu na random test. Ovi više ne šalju QR-kod ranije već tek u 00h noću na dan ulaska, tako da nema šanse za ponovno slanje PLF-a, ali pošto broj dobije "vođa" puta a ne članovi porodice koji se kao prateći navode, ima logike da se za svakog punoletng člana pošalje PLF a svi ostali navode samo kao članovi i da se na granici pokaže samo QR-kod onoga, koji nije izvukao devetku. Mada eksplicitno piše da se šalje samo jedan formular za celu porodicu, ovi na granici nemaju vremena da sve detaljno proveravaju. Carinik pogleda samo broj QR-koda i ime nosioca (vođe puta da to tako nazovemo) a i kod PCR-testova je pogledao samo prvi po redu, onaj drugi nije ni gledao. Elem, nemaju oni vremena ni volje da sve članove u kolima proveravaju, pa se isplati da se pošalje PLF za sve punoletne i prikaže samo onaj sa poželjnim brojem. Peh naravno, ako svi punoletni članovi izvuku devetku kao početni broj.

Ima li ikakvog vidljivog i merljivog efekta tih mera, ili služe kao puko opravdanje vlade prema javnosti da se "nešto preduzima"?

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13 minutes ago, urosg3 said:

Ima li ikakvog vidljivog i merljivog efekta tih mera, ili služe kao puko opravdanje vlade prema javnosti da se "nešto preduzima"?


Za nas itekako ima efekta da se već 7 dana tresemo i da ćemo se još 7 dana tresti dok ne budemo sigurni da kretenuša nije zarazila suprugu. Dođeš na granicu zdrav, a idioti te zaraze. Kad se već radi, neka se bar radi kako valja a ne da se štedi na rukavicama. Mada verujem da ovde pre lenjost medicinske sestre u pitanju.


Viđu, Grci na granici dnevno hvataju prosečno oko 20 zaraženih iako svi imaju PCR-testove, tako da se nešto ipak postiže. Svi uhvaćeni moraju u karantin u smeštaju (ne znam da li možda i u neke predestinirane lokacije) i ovi proveravaju na mobilni a moguće su i posete na licu mesta. Problem je što, dok stigne rezultat za jedan dan, neko je možda već otišao u prvu kupovinu ili na plažu i imao dalje kontakte.


Dok je do pre 10 dana, dve nedelje uvozna Corona činila polovinu ili više novih slučajeva, sada se situacija promenila i imaju peak lokalnog karaktera koji dostiže naše stanje, oko 260 mislim da beše, tako da sad imaju problem sa društvenim životom svoje mlađarije u velikim centrima. Ovi im skrate radno vreme kafića, a majmuni se okupljaju u parkovima i na trgovima. Prosek starosti novozaraženih 36 godina, od 20-40 čini većinu. Potpuno jasna stvar. Iako su se najduže u Evropi dobro držali, relaksiranje mera je povuklo za sobom i novi talas.


Po meni, mere na granici ne bi trebalo da određuje kompjuterska lutrija, već dobri stari odokativni fašizam. Pusti stare, oni umeju da se čuvaju a i lakše se uoči ukoliko ih je nešto zakačilo, maltretiraj mlađe sa random testovima, oni su opasnost, pogotovo zbog visokog procenta asimptomatičnih.


U principu sve mere služe poboljšanju statistike, jednostavno ne možeš sve da pohvataš pa onda makar malo smanjiš ugođaj da ne bude gore. Grci imaju svega 15 medicinskih centara za lečenje Covida, a na 14 miliona stanovnika. Tu su valjda gori od nas. Zato su i imali strože mere i bolji efekat od nas. Ako im sada ovo krene dalje na gore, a ima tendenciju, čas posla će se Atina i Solun naći opet u ozbiljnom karantinu. Grci sebi neki ozbiljniji outbreak ne mogu da dozvole. Nisu mere opravdanje već nužnost ako imaš samo 15 centara za lečenje Covida.



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1 minute ago, djura.net said:


Otkud ovo za slanu vodu, to eliminise coronavirus?

To nam je rekla drugarica lekarka kada smo je u panici nazvali. Kad smo to sve prošli, nismo dalje ni razmišljali o tome niti se dalje raspitivali. Pretpostavljam da ga rastvara još dok je taze tek stigao na sluzokožu. Ono što znam je da mu lipidni omot razara alkohol i, verovao ili ne, sredstvo za sudove, recimo Fairy. Pitaću drugaricu nekom prilikom za tu caku sa slanom vodom.

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google prevod:


Europe mastered the first wave so differently
Six months ago the coronavirus spread rapidly in Europe. The countries reacted very differently to this - with corresponding consequences. A summary of the first wave of pandemics in numbers.


When the novel coronavirus came to Europe, it happened largely undetected. People hardly knew anything about the pathogen and the symptoms of the disease. There were no precautions whatsoever. The result was an exponential growth in the number of cases.

The further course is known: overcrowded emergency rooms in Italy, exit restrictions, school closings, home office. More than 200,000 people have died of Covid-19 in Europe so far.

The first big wave of the pandemic varied from country to country. The analysis of the data brings some surprising insights - for example about obvious gaps in the official statistics and the specifics of Sweden in dealing with the pandemic.

The focus of the evaluation is on the death statistics of the countries. Because these usually reflect the course of the pandemic more precisely than infection numbers, the level of which depends primarily on the current test strategy in the countries.

1) Where most people died




If you look at the deaths according to the official corona statistics of the countries, Belgium was hit the hardest - based on the number of inhabitants. The country has 87 Covid-19 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. Germany has 11 deaths per 100,000, Greece two.


(dijagram u originalnom clanku)


But the official Corona numbers are obviously incomplete, at least in some countries. Because not all coronavirus deaths were registered as such and shown in the statistics.


2) Covid-19 deaths not recorded




When the death toll rose rapidly in March and April, doubts quickly arose about the official statistics. There were reports from Italian villages where suddenly many more people were buried than usual - but at the same time hardly any Covid 19 deaths were reported.

Finally, the comparison of the weekly deaths usually recorded in registry offices with the mean value of the deaths from previous years - i.e. the expected deaths - brought clarity. A noticeable excess mortality was found in some countries - see the red lines in the following country diagrams:


(dijagram u originalnom clanku - to je onaj iz Ekonomista)


If you add the Covid-19 deaths officially recorded in the respective week to the diagram with the weekly deaths, it shows how reliable the corona statistics are in the individual countries - see gray areas in the diagrams above.

In France, Germany, Belgium and Sweden, excess mortality and the official number of Covid-19 deaths go well together.

Spain, Italy, Great Britain and the Netherlands, on the other hand, may not have recorded all corona deaths as such. These countries are in the official death statistics, which the Johns Hopkins University compiles daily, so better off than they are likely to be. If one were to calculate the excess mortality cases, the following death rates per 100,000 inhabitants would result for these countries:


(dijagram u originalnom clanku) pokazuje sledece:

prva cifra oficijelna statistika, druga - excess mortality - na 100000 stanovnika

UK: 70 -> 96

Spanija: 61 -> 92

Italija: 58 -> 73

Holandija: 36 -> 54


3) Where the wave first arrived




In Italy, the virus probably spread first, followed by Germany and Great Britain, among others - and with a little delay Scandinavia and finally Eastern Europe and the Balkans. From the day with the first corona deaths to the apex of the first wave, i.e. the time when most people died per day, it was usually around 50 days.

The following heat map shows the course of the daily death toll for selected European countries. The dark red color shows the time of the highest daily death rate per country.


(dijagram u originalnom clanku)


4) Where the number of cases fell again quickly




A look at the further course of the wave after reaching the apex is particularly informative. Many countries have adopted drastic protective measures to ensure that infections will recede quickly - and with them the number of daily deaths.

Most countries, including Italy, which was particularly hard hit, were able to halve the number of daily Covid-19 deaths within 20 days after reaching the maximum.

With just under 30 days, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Denmark took significantly longer. Sweden even took 50 days to permanently halve the numbers - see the following diagram:

(dijagram u originalnom clanku)


It is noticeable that the curves of Sweden and Great Britain are the slowest to move downwards. That could be due to the corona policy of these countries. Both initially took rather weak protective measures, Sweden still holds on to them today. A slow decline may also have something to do with the fact that the infections were not concentrated in a few hotspots, but gradually spread to several regions of the country. As a result, several time-shifted curves overlap to form a wider curve.


5) The countermeasures



There has been much debate as to whether the many measures taken to contain the pandemic were appropriate or excessive. Researchers at the University of Oxford have developed a measure that is intended to make the corona policies of the countries comparable: the so-called Government Response Stringency Index. This includes 17 different indicators, such as the type and extent of school closings, exit restrictions, financial aid for companies and investments in vaccine development.

The following diagram shows the development of the Government Response Stringency Index for European countries. Values, date and country are displayed when you click or touch the lines. The value 0 stands for no reaction at all, the value 100 for the strictest possible reaction to the corona crisis.

(dijagram u originalnom clanku)

The course shows the Swedish way of doing things: While Germany and most other countries initially took many strict measures in quick succession, the Swedish government relied more on recommendations and voluntariness. The easing in almost all countries from May and June can also be clearly seen.


Hrvatska, Slovenija, Austrija, Italija, Irska, Francuska, Spanije imaju najvisi skor u restriktivnim merama. Belorusija i Svedska najmanje. Vidim Kosovo, BiH, ali ne vidim Srbiju.

6) Less traffic




The consequences of the corona pandemic were evident on the streets, among other things: car traffic fell significantly - most of all in Spain and Italy.

There were comparatively minor changes in Northern and Central Europe. The situation was different in urban and rural areas. In large cities with many office workplaces, many people went to the home office and commuter traffic collapsed. In the countryside, the decline was not as great.

(dijagram u originalnom clanku)



7) At home in Europe

How drastic the measures were in Italy and Spain, for example, is also shown by the presence of people in their homes. Google measured this using mobility data. The internet company constantly counts how often certain places are frequented by people, such as train stations, supermarkets or the workplace. To do this, Google uses tracking data from cell phones and compares them to average values from the past.

(dijagram u originalnom clanku)

Because of the strict exit restrictions, people in Madrid, for example, had to stay at home for weeks and were only allowed to go out for shopping. According to the Google data, the smallest changes were in Sweden, Finland and Germany.


8 ) Is the next wave already rolling?

The first corona wave has rolled over Europe. But because the number of infections is slowly rising again in many countries, concerns about the next wave or waves are growing. At least in the death statistics - seen across Europe - no increase in the numbers has yet been discernible.

(dijagram u originalnom clanku)

However, the diagram also shows that around a hundred people are still dying from Covid-19 every day in Europe. Most of them in the UK, Poland, Spain and the Republic of Moldova.


Edited by wwww
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28 minutes ago, Akiro said:




U principu sve mere služe poboljšanju statistike, jednostavno ne možeš sve da pohvataš pa onda makar malo smanjiš ugođaj da ne bude gore. Grci imaju svega 15 medicinskih centara za lečenje Covida, a na 14 miliona stanovnika. Tu su valjda gori od nas. Zato su i imali strože mere i bolji efekat od nas. Ako im sada ovo krene dalje na gore, a ima tendenciju, čas posla će se Atina i Solun naći opet u ozbiljnom karantinu. Grci sebi neki ozbiljniji outbreak ne mogu da dozvole. Nisu mere opravdanje već nužnost ako imaš samo 15 centara za lečenje Covida.



Yep, jasno, mada ne ide na vodu teoriji na kojoj radim.  Potpukovnik reče pre neki dan, citiram po sećanju:

"mladi nalaze, još uvek, način da se druže to moramo da kontrolišemo" a zvučalo je, pažljivom uvu dobronamernog slušaoca razgovora da "moraamo da sprečimo"
Hajde prati situaciju i javljam, bolje da mi neko normalan obori teoriju nego da ispadnem šarlatan. dakle ako bude ozbiljnijeg karantina prati i javljaj, pretpostavljam da je worldometer dobar za Grčku kao i za bilo koju drugu državu.

kad smo kod teorije, može neko iz Švedske da javi kakva je situaciju, brojke vidim, nego me zanima mišljenje, i javno raspoloženje povodom ovako poboljšane situacije. 

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16 minutes ago, wwww said:


google prevod:


Europe mastered the first wave so differently
Six months ago the coronavirus spread rapidly in Europe. The countries reacted very differently to this - with corresponding consequences. A summary of the first wave of pandemics in numbers.


When the novel coronavirus came to Europe, it happened largely undetected. People hardly knew anything about the pathogen and the symptoms of the disease. There were no precautions whatsoever. The result was an exponential growth in the number of cases.

The further course is known: overcrowded emergency rooms in Italy, exit restrictions, school closings, home office. More than 200,000 people have died of Covid-19 in Europe so far.

The first big wave of the pandemic varied from country to country. The analysis of the data brings some surprising insights - for example about obvious gaps in the official statistics and the specifics of Sweden in dealing with the pandemic.

The focus of the evaluation is on the death statistics of the countries. Because these usually reflect the course of the pandemic more precisely than infection numbers, the level of which depends primarily on the current test strategy in the countries.

1) Where most people died


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If you look at the deaths according to the official corona statistics of the countries, Belgium was hit the hardest - based on the number of inhabitants. The country has 87 Covid-19 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. Germany has 11 deaths per 100,000, Greece two.


(dijagram u originalnom clanku)


But the official Corona numbers are obviously incomplete, at least in some countries. Because not all coronavirus deaths were registered as such and shown in the statistics.


2) Covid-19 deaths not recorded


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When the death toll rose rapidly in March and April, doubts quickly arose about the official statistics. There were reports from Italian villages where suddenly many more people were buried than usual - but at the same time hardly any Covid 19 deaths were reported.

Finally, the comparison of the weekly deaths usually recorded in registry offices with the mean value of the deaths from previous years - i.e. the expected deaths - brought clarity. A noticeable excess mortality was found in some countries - see the red lines in the following country diagrams:


(dijagram u originalnom clanku - to je onaj iz Ekonomista)


If you add the Covid-19 deaths officially recorded in the respective week to the diagram with the weekly deaths, it shows how reliable the corona statistics are in the individual countries - see gray areas in the diagrams above.

In France, Germany, Belgium and Sweden, excess mortality and the official number of Covid-19 deaths go well together.

Spain, Italy, Great Britain and the Netherlands, on the other hand, may not have recorded all corona deaths as such. These countries are in the official death statistics, which the Johns Hopkins University compiles daily, so better off than they are likely to be. If one were to calculate the excess mortality cases, the following death rates per 100,000 inhabitants would result for these countries:


(dijagram u originalnom clanku) pokazuje sledece:

prva cifra oficijelna statistika, druga - excess mortality - na 100000 stanovnika

UK: 70 -> 96

Spanija: 61 -> 92

Italija: 58 -> 73

Holandija: 36 -> 54


3) Where the wave first arrived


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In Italy, the virus probably spread first, followed by Germany and Great Britain, among others - and with a little delay Scandinavia and finally Eastern Europe and the Balkans. From the day with the first corona deaths to the apex of the first wave, i.e. the time when most people died per day, it was usually around 50 days.

The following heat map shows the course of the daily death toll for selected European countries. The dark red color shows the time of the highest daily death rate per country.


(dijagram u originalnom clanku)


4) Where the number of cases fell again quickly


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A look at the further course of the wave after reaching the apex is particularly informative. Many countries have adopted drastic protective measures to ensure that infections will recede quickly - and with them the number of daily deaths.

Most countries, including Italy, which was particularly hard hit, were able to halve the number of daily Covid-19 deaths within 20 days after reaching the maximum.

With just under 30 days, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Denmark took significantly longer. Sweden even took 50 days to permanently halve the numbers - see the following diagram:

(dijagram u originalnom clanku)


It is noticeable that the curves of Sweden and Great Britain are the slowest to move downwards. That could be due to the corona policy of these countries. Both initially took rather weak protective measures, Sweden still holds on to them today. A slow decline may also have something to do with the fact that the infections were not concentrated in a few hotspots, but gradually spread to several regions of the country. As a result, several time-shifted curves overlap to form a wider curve.


5) The countermeasures


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There has been much debate as to whether the many measures taken to contain the pandemic were appropriate or excessive. Researchers at the University of Oxford have developed a measure that is intended to make the corona policies of the countries comparable: the so-called Government Response Stringency Index. This includes 17 different indicators, such as the type and extent of school closings, exit restrictions, financial aid for companies and investments in vaccine development.

The following diagram shows the development of the Government Response Stringency Index for European countries. Values, date and country are displayed when you click or touch the lines. The value 0 stands for no reaction at all, the value 100 for the strictest possible reaction to the corona crisis.

(dijagram u originalnom clanku)

The course shows the Swedish way of doing things: While Germany and most other countries initially took many strict measures in quick succession, the Swedish government relied more on recommendations and voluntariness. The easing in almost all countries from May and June can also be clearly seen.


Hrvatska, Slovenija, Austrija, Italija, Irska, Francuska, Spanije imaju najvisi skor u restriktivnim merama. Belorusija i Svedska najmanje. Vidim Kosovo, BiH, ali ne vidim Srbiju.

6) Less traffic


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The consequences of the corona pandemic were evident on the streets, among other things: car traffic fell significantly - most of all in Spain and Italy.

There were comparatively minor changes in Northern and Central Europe. The situation was different in urban and rural areas. In large cities with many office workplaces, many people went to the home office and commuter traffic collapsed. In the countryside, the decline was not as great.

(dijagram u originalnom clanku)



7) At home in Europe

How drastic the measures were in Italy and Spain, for example, is also shown by the presence of people in their homes. Google measured this using mobility data. The internet company constantly counts how often certain places are frequented by people, such as train stations, supermarkets or the workplace. To do this, Google uses tracking data from cell phones and compares them to average values from the past.

(dijagram u originalnom clanku)

Because of the strict exit restrictions, people in Madrid, for example, had to stay at home for weeks and were only allowed to go out for shopping. According to the Google data, the smallest changes were in Sweden, Finland and Germany.


8 ) Is the next wave already rolling?

The first corona wave has rolled over Europe. But because the number of infections is slowly rising again in many countries, concerns about the next wave or waves are growing. At least in the death statistics - seen across Europe - no increase in the numbers has yet been discernible.

(dijagram u originalnom clanku)

However, the diagram also shows that around a hundred people are still dying from Covid-19 every day in Europe. Most of them in the UK, Poland, Spain and the Republic of Moldova.


Špigl  je ozbiljna kuća, Srbija nije slučajno zaboravljena. 

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Kaze prijateljeva supruga, medecinska sestra u covid zaraznom odeljenju u asubotickoj bolnici. Oni nose dve maske preko lica, rukavice i zastitno odelo.
Onda dodje spremacica koja nosi samo masku. Kad treba zamenuti bocu od kiseonika, ona izgura bocu iz sobe a covek koji je zaduzen da ih zamene, nema ni masku ni rukavice.
Znaci, u direktnom kontaktu je sa bocom koja je bila u sobi zarazenog.

Sent from my IN2013 using Tapatalk

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56 minutes ago, Slavisa iz Tavankuta said:

Kaze prijateljeva supruga, medecinska sestra u covid zaraznom odeljenju u asubotickoj bolnici. Oni nose dve maske preko lica, rukavice i zastitno odelo.
Onda dodje spremacica koja nosi samo masku. Kad treba zamenuti bocu od kiseonika, ona izgura bocu iz sobe a covek koji je zaduzen da ih zamene, nema ni masku ni rukavice.
Znaci, u direktnom kontaktu je sa bocom koja je bila u sobi zarazenog.

Sent from my IN2013 using Tapatalk


spremacica pere podove i ne bi smjela u covid centar bez full opreme, a ovaj tip sto razvozi boce nije problem, on samo treba redovito dezinficirati ruke.

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4 hours ago, Vjekoslav said:


spremacica pere podove i ne bi smjela u covid centar bez full opreme, a ovaj tip sto razvozi boce nije problem, on samo treba redovito dezinficirati ruke.

koliko vidim narativ u HR se okreće protiv mladih, i noćnih klubova. I to baš snažno, medijski orkestrirano. 

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Docepah se Petrovca bez problema. Sto iz posjete rodbini a i malo dupe da se skvasi. Tuzno izgleda kad je prilicno prazno ali da budem i malo sebican, sasvim odgovara sto nema guzve. Dovoljno pet dana bez ikakve guzve i pedala kuci. Jadranskom od Meljina do Petrovca kao da je recimo april. I tad je zivlje. Jaz i Budva plaze nesto punije (unutrasnjost Cg dodje) ali uvece vrlo malo ljudi seta ili sjedi po kaficima. 

Edited by wrecktangle
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25 minutes ago, urosg3 said:

koliko vidim narativ u HR se okreće protiv mladih, i noćnih klubova. I to baš snažno, medijski orkestrirano. 


nije Hrvatska Bjelorusija pa da je Vladi moguce voditi takve kampanje, mladi jesu najzasluzniji za drugi val epidemije, i u Slavoniji, i u Srijemu, i u Dalmaciji, i u Zagrebu. to su notorne cinjenice. fuck mlade, em se pale na cajke i Thompsona em sire koronu, postali su, s razlogom, moji neprijatelji.

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4 minutes ago, Vjekoslav said:


nije Hrvatska Bjelorusija pa da je Vladi moguce voditi takve kampanje, mladi jesu najzasluzniji za drugi val epidemije, i u Slavoniji, i u Srijemu, i u Dalmaciji, i u Zagrebu. to su notorne cinjenice. fuck mlade, em se pale na cajke i Thompsona em sire koronu, postali su, s razlogom, moji neprijatelji.

Sta fali cajkama, moliculepo? :capone:

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2 minutes ago, Vjekoslav said:


nije Hrvatska Bjelorusija pa da je Vladi moguce voditi takve kampanje, mladi jesu najzasluzniji za drugi val epidemije, i u Slavoniji, i u Srijemu, i u Dalmaciji, i u Zagrebu. to su notorne cinjenice. fuck mlade, em se pale na cajke i Thompsona em sire koronu, postali su, s razlogom, moji neprijatelji.

eh ne zanemaruj finu ruku kontrole, a mediji su joj podložni svuda, Srbija, Belorusija, Rusija, koje dele verziju hrišćanstva su samo najgori primer, 🙂 Niko nije imun!


2 minutes ago, Kronostime said:

Sta fali cajkama, moliculepo? :capone:

pre svega ukusa i estetike

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14 minutes ago, Kronostime said:

Jbg, ja kad sam stavio ovu maramu - on bacio kasiku u drugom polugodistu.:krstipd4:

eh, sećam se 5. Maj 1980. bio je ponedeljak pa nam saopštilo da ne idemo u školu cele nedelje, a ja se mulac radovao 🙂

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Ja par dana kasnije pravio jednu svojih najboljih rođendanskih žurki, dvostruko slavlje, em rođendan, em Hromi Daba krenuo da miriše ljubičice odozdo. Naravno žurka u Nemačkoj. Izostavio, doduše, određene zemljake, iako su društvo, sa liste gostiju da me ne tuže konzulatu.

Edited by Akiro
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5 minutes ago, Akiro said:

Ja par dana kasnije pravio jednu svojih najboljih rođendanskih žurki, dvostruko slavlje, em rođendan, em Hromi Daba krenuo da miriše ljubičice odozdo. Naravno žurka u Nemačkoj. Izostavio, doduše, određene zemljake, iako su društvo, sa liste gostiju da me ne tuže konzulatu.

brate ja mislio da sam mator 😉 

  • Ha-ha 1
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20 hours ago, Vjekoslav said:


spremacica pere podove i ne bi smjela u covid centar bez full opreme, a ovaj tip sto razvozi boce nije problem, on samo treba redovito dezinficirati ruke.


Nije bitno dal pere podove ili sta rada, bitno je da ima samo masku. Po nekom "pravilu" bi trebala da ima full opremu, kao i taj sto menja boce, ali eto nemaju, sto dovodi do raznih mislnjeja. Mozda "odgovorne" u bolnici za sprovodjenje mera ne interesuje da li ce se spremacice ili ti ljudi sto menjaju boce zaraziti , ili da mozda virus nije toliko opasan vec se samo vrsi medijska propaganda.


Totalna mi je muka vec od svega. Nemci, Austrijanci optuzuju Hrvatsku za sirenje virusa, jer kao gradjani koji su se vratili sa letovanja su doneli virus u te drzeve, bla bla bla. Ne pada im na pamet da su se mozda zarazili u maticnim drzavama pred polazak na letovanje u Hrvatsku? Taman ima dovoljno vremena da se ne pokazu simptomi za vreme letovanja vec kad se vrate u svoje drzave.


eto gore Ciao postavila tabelu , 14 dana inkubacija pre prvih simptoma, dovoljno vremena da se ode zarazen na letovanje i vrati nazad.


Totalno licemerje .

Edited by Slavisa iz Tavankuta
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